A fight and A surprise

Akemi Pov

it's been at least 6 and a half months after

sosa picked me and we were doing perfectly,

sosa started learning dark magic while i

learned light,him and his father agreed that

sosa can start to control a small land and

increasing it with every person that told the

king that he was a good king-to-be-soon and

so on and so on






sosa has been going out a lot lately and i'm

scared,why and it scared me even more,

the most annoying thing is that he asked me

to stay and not leave the castle,on top of

that he went out at night when i was asleep.

so tonight i will fined out what.

"sosa where do you think you are going"

i sat up and looked at him who was about to


"angel,you shouldn't be awake"he turned


"sosa,were are you going"i got up

"to a place"

"Sosa,Were Are You Going"

"i can't tell you"


"pleas,ang-"he took my hand in his but i

immediately got it away

"don't touch or call me angel!!"he looked hurt

"pleas akemi i can only tall you tomorrow"

he was on his knees and with his face down,

"okay" even i don't know what to do.

it is the next day and we are at the castle


"okay sosa were have you going?" he had

sadness from our fight

"wear this blindfold"i looked at it then him

and took it, putting it on.

after a while of walking we stopped

"can i take it off"

"no,only when i tall you to"




"okay take it off"

when i took it off sosa was standing on his

knee holding a box that had a ring.

"akemi yami naruhito pleas become my one and only. change your name to akemi yami fujimura"

"you moron,of course i will marry you"as

tackled him i started crying and said sorry over and over