The king and The wedding

Sosa Pov

our wedding was 2 months away and

everything was amazing.

me and akemi were planning everything.

"sosa,my son,i decided that on your marriage

that i will crown you and akemi as kings"

my father told us

"i don't have a problem,how about you


"no,not one bit"akemi answered

"also,if you two don't mind,can i walk the 'bride' down the rad carpet"

"of course it's going to be perfectly fine,after

all i don't have anyone like that"at that i

hugged akemi.

on the wadding night

Akemi pov

as i got ready and took sosas dads arm

and walked out everyone looked at me.

i was in a wadding dress instead of a suit

and when i looked at sosa from my bride

thing he was staring like he had fallen in

love again.

when i got to the preset i took sosas hand

and looked at him.

after the whole thing was said and me and my new husband kissed the old king came

up and announce that we where the new

kings.that was the happiest moment in my


well i think we need to see our old friend