Become Your Own Teacher

Yes, you read that right. You see, when you study yourself instead of taking help from others, you understand better.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't ask doubts from your Professor or Teachers. They are there for guidance. But, You know, Many students are taught by their parents and some of them are taught by a teacher after school who is appointed by their parents.

Now, there are four types of students. Let's name them as "A", "B", "C", and "D" respectively. Student A is someone who asks a lot of doubts in front of their teachers. Now, this student is also divided into two subcategories. The first one is a genuine person. He or she is asking the question because of their genuine curiosity or real confusion on some concepts. The other one is the type who asks them to show their teachers that they are interactive students. This can be because of their own ambitious desires. If you are going down this path, you're bound to get really confused at one point. You'll be like, "What is really going on?!"

If we ask too many doubts or even simply ask something to our teachers, I suggest you write it down on paper. Also, don't someone who makes knots in their minds on purpose. Be as simple-minded as possible. Why? This will not only make you confused it may also confused the one who is explaining it or your other classmates around you.

Let's come to Student B now. This student is someone who is the introverted or shy type. You have doubts. But you're scared to ask. Why? Because of your darn overthinking. You keep thinking: "If I ask this everything would go smoothly, right? I'll not cough or sneeze while doing it, I really hope", "What if I asked a really silly doubt and got scolded for it? I'll get so humiliated in front of my crush and even my classmates."

Alas! this one student is really relatable to me as I personally fall in this criteria.

This is a very bad thing. I'm not saying it's wrong as you're an introvert. No! Do you need to change for someone? No!

Don't change yourself being an introvert. You have to be more interactive because you need your doubts to be resolved ASAP.

You can be someone who makes others laugh, but still, be introverted inside. You don't need to gossip, chat and waste your time. Talk because it's for your own business. Be extrovert only at that time.

Now the type "C" student. This is a person who is a total backbencher. He or she doesn't study at all. In the eyes of other teachers and students, they are a total nuisance.

They seem to be like the ones who don't really care about their life like, AT ALL. But deep inside, they have the inner desire to be a very good student. Some of them go through some personal problems which they can't disclose to anyone and some are those who didn't know when did they fall into this endless pit because of being friends with people carrying a bad influence.

I suggest you not think that you don't care about anything. Stop lying to yourself. If you don't like studies, did you ever got emotionally and mentally involved in it? This means you never actually tried.

Try studying by changing small things. Even if you're suffering inside, The only way you can avoid this suffering in the future is through studying. Remember, you might be bad for the world, but you're a good person inside and I know that too. I'm not going to say make your parents proud or make your nation proud. Make yourself proud and confident about yourself.

Think that this art is made for you. You were born for this.

Now another subcategory in this type is The one who wants to be an athlete in the future that's why he or she avoids all means of studying.

To be able to play games internationally, you need to be good at English. Whether you agree or not it's a universal fact.

Math is in your daily life. It's something which even you need in games. It doesn't mean a complicated one. It can be simple too.

You must know Science. If you don't know about your surroundings or your own body, how are you going to stay healthy?

You can be an athlete. but leaving your studies is not the way to reach the top. Remember, being good at a particular game doesn't make you a world champion.

Now, the last type. Student D is our average student. He or she is trying really hard to study but just can't concentrate because of their bad habits like watching Youtube and your favorite shows on Netflix. They are the "Lost kids" who don't know how to even start.

You guys, first need to learn how to relax. Try to figure out the possible reasons you can't have a good study time. Make a timetable. Pay attention and analyze. What are you actually doing in the day? Whom do you give time the most? Is that person even deserving that precious thing?

Keep a calm mind and move on. Don't look at those who are scoring well. if you keep looking at the sky, you will fall. If you are only looking at the ground, you'll bump into something.

All of these types need a teacher. That is, they, themselves. Teach yourself. Explain each line in your chapter to yourself as if you're a teacher.

Ask yourself. "Do you get it?" your mind itself will tell you the answer.

Create flowcharts, underline those things which you cannot understand so that you can ask them later to your teachers. Make quizzes. Rate yourself on how much you have understood a chapter.

When you complete a reading lesson, write whatever you have understood in your own words. This will make you understand and properly analyze how much have you actually understood. Are you the one who only notes the main point and forgets the details? Pay attention to that.

Do sample problems from the internet. You can also buy some books from bookstores to enhance your knowledge. This will make you get many of your concepts clear.