Reward System

When procrastination reaches its limit, You'll be like- "Now I'm so done. I should start completing my assignment"

But the moment you see the HUGE pile of tasks in front of you to do, you back off. It's too much. It will definitely make you think- "How am I supposed to finish all this? Now I'm so demotivated. Let me just watch Youtube make my brain feel better"

And, there we go. It's all going to be the same again until your "panic monster" finally wakes you up as the task is due tomorrow.

To avoid this situation, I suggest you not even let it happen. Do the tiniest bit of homework and keep them complete. This will never let every subject pile up one by one. Just like in order to keep your room neat and tidy, you can maintain that easily if you use the items you want to use and keep them back at their original place.

Now even if you have that huge amount of work to do, make a to-do list. Write everything you need to do. Now, add everything you want to do. Like so, watching Netflix, anime, sleeping, or whatsoever.

For example: "Do maths assignment. Reward: Watching "My Hero Academia" for 15 minutes"

Remember, don't keep the duration of the reward far too long. You're not supposed to do less work and get more reward. It's not about duration, it's about the value that the reward actually carries.

Also, try to keep everything visible. If you want to study, keep your books, pencils, highlighter, etc on your study table beforehand so that when you're studying you don't have to get up.

If your books are far away from you even if your pen is not on the table you might get lazy and procrastinate again.

Still, feeling like procrastinating? Start thinking about the consequences of not doing the task at hand. If your mobile phone or iPad is distracting you, then keep them in a different room or give them to your parents or a friend to keep it away from you for an hour or so.

If you want to exercise, change into workout clothes (If you have any), and if not, at least tie or hair, wear your shoes, maybe just lay the mat on the floor.

With this, even if you don't want to do it, you'll think- "I already wore the clothes so I should just do it, I guess."

We always think the result is important. Nope! The outcome is for others to see but the process is what YOU have to do.

Don't keep thinking about your studies. Perform the task too.

Believe in tricking your brain. Thinking about the reward will release dopamine. This will urge you to complete your tasks faster.

You can try drawing flowcharts or some symbols to be able to memories better. If you only write, it wastes your time, and if you only try to read you're less likely to be able to actually learn something.

Some students (even me) highlight their "colorless" books completely. It feels as if everything is important so we underline everything.

This is actually not a very great idea. You can get rid of this habit by underlining definitions of certain words including their examples.

Don't highlight other stuff unless it looks very important and you are likely to forget it.

Once you are done underlining or highlighting, it doesn't mean you'll only read the part which is underlined and leave everything else.

I advise you to read every chapter three times. (The whole). Basically, we're not taking any chances in case we forget something here.

Once you know the chapter from the book well, you would know the answers to any questions from it but it doesn't mean you'll avoid reading the question/answers totally.

Be prepared. With your question and answers, quizzes, sample papers, and even the last year's question paper. You might not know, but it would be a huge help to you.

So what all I said till now, if I simplify it it means--

First, make your "to-do" tasks attractive. Give yourself a reason to do it. Long-term reasons are not enough for every individual to be working hard. If you are studying because you need to become a scientist or maybe have a government job, it's all not going to happen today itself. It's a short term happiness. You'll think about it, but there are very less people who take their dreams and goals so seriously that they just can't stop thinking about it.

It's a fuel that'll exhaust soon. So, keep rewards which are possible after an hour you study or so. That's also a reason why the reward system works. Though, even if this fuel is exhaustable, you're not supposed to stay completely blank. You don't know what you'll become and you don't have any dreams.

Always keep your vision big when dreaming. Do you know that your parents' dream so much for your success? They even think you can become the President of your country. Oh yes, some parents pretend they don't, but they secretly do. If they have so much confidence in you, why don't you have it in yourself?

Forget what other people think. The question is, what do you think about yourself? Are you a good person or a person who has lost his or her way? Can you get back to it?

The harder you work, more the happiness you'll feel when you achieve your dreams. Also, stop thinking- "What if I could not do this? What if I lose everything? What if I died?"

I mean, here, you're ending things before they even started! How can you do that? The future is a mystery so don't waste your time on that and try to cherish the present.

As for bad times, technically, they do pass. Even good times pass. How to stay positive? Think those good times, even if they pass, even better things are definitely going to happen. Come on, it's too boring to live a life that doesn't have any challenges! Right?