
Zhan's P.O.V...

I woke up with a headache and a scratch on my head "uaahh!! It's--" I paused when I saw a body lying next to me, he was injured....."Oh my, who is he?!...And why he is I injured?!!" I panicked because his head was bleeding and there were some glass piace that were tugged half in his hands I can feel the pain. I decided to help him.

He was kinda heavy but I still managed to lift him up in my arms and placed him on a flat and huge rock under my shelter.

I carefully removed all those sharp glass piace from his hand, and then I checked his body from outside and inside with the help of my powers "How is this possible?!?!!" I was surprised to see that his body was all right from inside..... I mean.... After seeing the outer situation of his body anyone can easily say that their must be any interior injury also but everything was fine while thinking all these weird things I sat next to him.

Author's P.O.V...

After the accident when yibo fell unconscious his brain remind him about the car accident that he faced years back when he was only 7 years old and lost his parents and all the happiness of his life. He was crying his heart out because he was all alone at that road, not even a single person he can see, no help was there for him to save his parents, the pain of loosing parents is same as dieing for any living being.

But the only thing that made him think now also that the accident he faced in his childhood was really horrible as result his parents died but he was the only one who got very small injury and was alive!!.

Xiao Zhan's P.O.V...

I was sitting next to him thinking how did he get injured? And everything was fine from inside even after loosing lots of blood my powers are showing that he have enough blood inside, now the only question skipped from my mouth was " WHO ARE YOU??!?!" Suddenly I heard him saying something his eyes were still closed, I was unable to understand what he was saying so I moved little closer to him but still my ears didn't catch even a single word so I put my hand over his chest and moved my ears little more closer to his mouth " m--mom, dad wake up please don't make me worry please" he said in very low voice meanwhile a drop of tears rolled down from his eyes.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, I got scared, I felt chilli running down my spine and in hurry to get away from him my hand slipped and my lips fall on his', my mind distracted because of the softness of his lips, meanwhile he was shocked...so am I and I wanted to taste more but he pushed my body away from his'.

"What the hell was that!!!!" The younger shouted.

"I..i--i" 'why I'm nervous, I haven't did that intensionally' I build courage to speak " why are you shouting!? I--i helped you and you are shouting on me!!??? " I slowly raised my voice trying not to make myself loose in front of him with an awkward reaction " and please calm down" I added with soft voice.

Wang Yibo.....

"Huh?! Help!? But why? I asked *confused*

" What type of boy you are!!?" The tall boy shouted out of shock " I guess you had an accident don't you? you were injured!! don't say that you didn't remember anything! is, is it because of your head injury?! Does it hurts? Huh..Why r u looking at me like a dumb why don't you say something, say!!" Finally the tall slim figure standing in front of me stopped to hear me.

" You are a human or what?!?" I was really stunned by his speed of speaking " how can u speak like a bullet train!"

"It's nothing I was just worried about you" thank god this time his tone was calmed.

" Worried about me but why? We don't even know each other"

"Is it compulsory for you humans to know each other before caring??" He gave me a confused look.

"Um..n--no...Hey! but what do u mean by you humans??"

"Ah--haha" he laughed awkwardly and continued " I..Mean we humans" he kinda hesitated a bit but let's just ignore it uff.

" Ok, and yeah... Thanks for helping me" I said while looking at my hands " but how come I have very less wounds now?"

"I cured it" he said with a big and bright smile, he really look charming his happy eyes have stars, and his lips....I think I haven't seen such pretty lips ever before and that mole under his bottom lip.... It's...It's just perfect!

" H-eyyy why are you looking at my lips you pervert!!" He said and crossed his hands across his chest.

"Hey I'm not a pervert okay...I was just....."

"Just what" he bent down to look in my eyes and raised a brow.

"L--leave it... Nothing....I mean thank you" I stood up avoiding the eye contact. " Wooh!! Im already here" during all these incident i didn't recognised that I already reached the place where I wanted to and a wide smile appeared on my face.

Xiao Zhan....

' finally reached??! What does he mean by that??'

To be continued...💖

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This was very late updated I know and ....I'm sorry for that 💖💖

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