Xiao Zhan's P.O.V...
"What do you mean?" I was confused by his words 'finaly reached'.
"Oh that...I mean I wanted to come here only but on the way I had an accident and I thought that im going to die but...." He turned to face me and said " see my fate brings me here." a beautiful smile appears on his face.
"Okay....But why you wanted to come over here? I thought no one comes here."
"Because this place is connected with my heart, me, my mom and my dad used to visit here in holidays, out of city life to feel the peace...But one day everything changed, that accident... Which I faced years ago...." He paused for a moment trying to control his tears "I lost my parents in that accident." After he finished we both stayed silent for some minutes.
And I was thinking that 'his story sounds similar to mine.'
"So I often comes here whenever I miss them"
He looks sad so I thought I should district his mind " oh,. So what's your name...Can you tell me?"
"Why did you ask me 'if I'll tell you my name or not?' surely I'll tell you, I've already told you the biggest turning part of my life why should I hide my name" we both started walking around the beach "my name is Wang Yibo, what's your?"
"I'm Xiao Zhan" I said with a smile, hearing my name he turned to me.
"Xiao Zhan...Nice name it suits you, by the way, what are you doing here? You are also looking for peace?"
"No!" My smile disappeared and I started walking again he a walks besides me " not looking for peace but for revenge"
"W--what do you mean?"
I laughed awkwardly seeing him scared "I was just kidding....don't mind it' bobo" i smiled brightly.
"Hey, what do you called me huh?" He hitted my arms playfully.
"D-don't you like that" i hitted him back but.....My hit was strong for a normal human (😀😀😀) so he fell down.
" That was really strong" he laughed and i helped him to get up. " By the why, where you live and what job you do??" I was confused hearing his questions but i have to answer otherwise he will suspect me.
"Umm...i don't have any place to live, my parents died so...i live here only."
"But i have never seen you here before!"
"Umm...Yeah i accidentally reached here, few days ago."
"Oh....And you know what I can help you"
"Wow! You can help me how?!!" I got excited I don't know why but.... Yeah!
"Hmm" he nodded " my company provide apartments to the employees who work their....I can give you work in my company as my secretary"
"But do you think I'm qualified??!" I pointed my index finger at my face
He just smiled and said " you don't worry about it"
"This is my visiting card come and meet me in my company ok" he handed me his visiting card.
'this is a great opportunity to enter in the human word and find that murderer of my family' my eyes were still fixed on the visiting card.
"Hey Zhanzhan ! What are you thinking??! You'll be coming or not??"
"Uh..haa,yes yes I'll definitely come don't worry." I smiled thinking that I'm one step closer to the murderer.
Wang Yibo's P.O.V....
"It's too late I think I should go now,"
"Ok then, I'll see you at your office, bye bye" zhan said bye, I nodded and started to take steps forward but I realized that he don't have any place to live, 'where will he spend his night?'
I turned to see him, he was in his same position waving his hand like a toy 'this is so cute' I smiled looking at him.
"Hey! What happened?" He asked while coming close to me.
" Ah, I was asking that where you'll be spending your night?"
"Here on this beach" Zhan said it without any particular reaction
" What! Here? Whole night? Alone!" I was lil worried about him
"Yes, so what it's not a big deal" he laughed a little seeing my worries
"If you don't mind so you can come to my home" I happily invited him
"No, I don't wanna bother you, you should go now I'm already coming tomorrow, so don't worry"
" Are you sure??" To be honest, I don't wanted to leave him (🙌)
"O-ok" finally I left the beach and walking towards my car suddenly I realized that my car is damaged so while walking on the way I pulled my phone out of my pocket and was about to call my brother but before I call him I saw my car, not much far from me and it looks brand new.
I was totally shocked when I saw the number plate of the car "this is my car!!!!" I can't agree myself to accept the truth that this car is mine which is completely fine now from every angle "how is this possible! my car was damaged."
I entered inside the car to make sure that if it's really my car or not but ITS REALLY MINE...After spending 15 minutes near my car checking everything of it, i started driving to go home