
"Here we are."

His voice makes her look up and she is met with what she can only call a heavenly paradise.

"Oh my God, this is so beautiful. " she exclaims.

They have stopped in front of a beautiful lake that has lilys of different colours in full bloom. There are many butterflies and bees flying over it giving it some kind of a busy feel as each insect moves about trying to get nectar. The grass surrounding the lake is all green and it has been beautifully taken care of. On either side of the open space it's covered with trees making it look like a hiding spot away from everything.

The sun is shining brightly giving them the much needed warmth too.

In the middle of the open space she spots what looks like a picnic blanket and has a basket sitting on it and she breaks out in a smile. Everything looks perfect. A perfect get away from her hospital room that she had been craving.

"This is perfect Caleb!" She says that a little too loudly.

"You like it?" He whispers above her ear and she turns towards his face almost brushing his cheek.

"Yes..." She finds herself whispering back.

They stay like that for a moment and she is unsure of what to do until he suddenly moves away.

"That makes me happy too Layla."

"Oh it's Layla now huh?"

"Told you I would call you Layla if you drop the Dr. didn't I?"

Just then she realises that she had called him by his first name too and she blushes a bit. She blushes even more when she thinks about how her own name is sounding beautiful from his mouth. She would love to hear him call her Layla all day long.

"May I?"

He is standing in front of her ready to pick her up but she frowns. She thinks she can just hop over to the blanket with no problems. Even though the path stops a distance away from where they will have the picnic it's not so far off that she can't get there by herself.

"Oh no...I know what you are thinking but am not going to let you. You might hurt yourself and all my work for the past three months will be for nothing."

He protests and she laughs at his complaining tone.


He bends down all to quickly like he is afraid she will change her mind the next minute. He scoops her up effortlessly and to keep herself steady she wraps her arms round his neck.

"I could get used to this." He whispers in her ears and she hits him on his chest.

"I told you to stop doing that!"

"Do what my lady?"

She doesn't miss his mischievous look. If she could move away from him at this moment she would because with the way her heart is hammering in her chest she is sure he feels it too and she's a little embarrassed.

He puts her down gently when they get to their spot and surprisingly she finds herself wishing she could have stayed in those arms longer.

"Pretty strong arms for a doctor."

"You ain't seen nothing yet." He retorts.

"And it's not like you weigh that much anyways." His smirks at her.

"Show off" she says quietly and looks away to the beautiful view before her. Everything looks magical. She thinks it's so nice of the hospital to have something like this on its grounds. It will definitely leave her in a good mood.

"Thank you for doing this."

"And I would do it all over again, if only I can get to see that peaceful face."

"It's so peaceful here." She smiles looking in the distance.

"That it is."

They both sit quietly for a moment just admiring the place. Layla loves the cool breeze blowing over them. This place feels like a sanctuary. If she had her way she would spend her days right here enjoying the beautiful scenery and the life that surrounds it.

She turns to look at Caleb and finds him unpacking whatever is in the basket. His coat discarded to his side and Layla can't help but appreciate what she sees. He has a casual look on that makes him look a lot less like a doctor and more of a very athletic sports icon. His shirt is rolled up neatly as he works. Her eyes fall on his manly arms with their biceps and veins that look like they might pop out any moment with each reflex. His hands however look so gentle with their perfect manicure and they work with so much precision as he cuts up the fruits. She wonders too if he is a chef or doctor when she looks at how he is choosing to present the food on their plates. Everything amazes her and she looks away before she is caught staring.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?"

"Nope. I mean I was going to but I decided to take care of what I needed to do this morning last night. Hence am free as bird right now."

"Oh..I see"

She smiles when she hears that he made time just so he could bring her here. And it kind of makes her feel like tearing up. It's not everyday that she had people do that for her.

She sits quietly and gets lost in her thoughts. For the first time she feels like she can finally see. Now she gets why Caleb is like a dream for her in the few days she has known him. Like a prince charming.

She can't remember Simon doing stuff like this for her. Sure he gets everything money can buy but he is never there just to be with her. He gets her everything she wants even if she just hints at wanting it. But that is all. She can't help but feel like she will end up a trophy wife, someone he will have just to show off to his business partners.

"Don't think so much about it, it's just a picnic."

Caleb is looking at her intensely obviously wondering what is going on in her head.

"It's not everyday that I get to enjoy such so I can't help not thinking so much about it." She chuckles

"Well..stick with me and this will seem like nothing. "

"Is that right?"


She laughs when she sees his puffed out chest showing his self pride.

He pushes a plate next to her when he is done and they get eating. Everything tastes amazing and divine and Layla can't help but moan when all the beautiful flavours in the sandwiches explode in her mouth.

"Woah! I wish I had known you would enjoy them so much, I could have made more."

"What! You made this?" She can't hide her surprise.

"Of course, I told you my patient was keeping me up." He grins.

She blushes instantly and looks back at her plate even if it's empty now just to avoid his eyes.

"Well the taste is amazing, the presentation is off the charts too. If you were not my doctor you would perfectly pass as a celebrity chef." She complements him honestly and he has a big smile on his face.

"Why thank you mam" he does a slight bow and she just chuckles.

"I wish I could whip up something that tastes that amazing too." She sighs loudly as she leans back on him for support.

"I could teach you."

"Nah am a very bad student."

"Well am a very good teacher." He winks at her.

She just laughs. That sounds like something she would love to do but it also makes her realise this may be the only time they can be together like this. Once she leaves this place all of this will be nothing but memories that she will definitely hold dear. Surprisingly it makes her sad.