Marking His Territory

"I dare you to try it then see just how much you yourself like it." Layla pouts while she folds her arms.

They have been arguing about the tastes of different types of dishes and she was just from narrating how she doesn't like chilli after a famous dish with chilli made her cry. Caleb keeps on insisting though that she is just a sissy and should eat more of it.

He decided to start giving her basics in cooking, something he is calling cooking 101 his basic lesson guide for Layla.

The picnic was like a dream. She loved it so much she wondered where the time went when Caleb told her it was time to pack up and leave. She hasn't had so much fun in like forever which also added to her enjoying it so much.

And the highlight of it all was the gentle guy that made sure she laughed so much her ribs hurt. There was no dull moment, and if she kept quiet for too long he would be right there making sure she doesn't get lost in any sad or unhappy thoughts. He was the perfect gentleman too when he kept on worrying if she was comfortable enough with the cast on her leg.

Everything was perfect. Even their trip back to her room is something she is enjoying with them bickering all the way down the corridors. They don't even mind all the shocked faces that are turning their way as Caleb wheels her around.

Before long they are in front of her room and her heart sinks a little. She is not ready to part from him just yet.

"Am your doctor and you should trust me, and when I say chilli is good for you it really is good." His beautiful smile makes her heart skip a beat and she takes a deep breath to maintain her composure.

He is squatting in front of her wheel chair after opening the door to her room and for the first time she is looking straight into his eyes which are threatening to swallow her whole.

"Thank you for today."

"You are welcome."

He says that without blinking or taking his eyes off of her. They are holding her captive until a figure comes into view behind him.

"Simon?" She squeaks out his name in surprise and her fiancèe gives her a wide smile while Caleb gets up to push her wheel chair into her room.

"Am so sorry I couldn't be here sooner."

And before she can recover from the shock of seeing him there, he leans in and gives her a very long passionate kiss that leaves her dazed once it's over.

When he moves back he looks at her with a smirk and she is too shocked to say anything. This is the first time ever that Simon has kissed her this passionately and that in the open. And as passionate as it was she finds herself embarrassed when she remembers that Caleb is just behind her. She can feel him but dares not look back afraid of what she might see but that is short lived when he comes into her view to help her out of the wheel chair. When she braves looking up at him she finds a face that is devoid of any emotion.

"Let me help you up." He stretches out his hand towards her.

"No let me."

Simon is quick to come to Layla's aid almost pushing Caleb to the side making Layla frown. In just the few seconds they have been here it's clear there is too much testosterone already flying about and she is about to be caught in the middle of it.

"So when did you get back?" She asks quickly hoping this can dissolve some of the tension that is getting thicker in this small room.

"Just now."

"Oh...You didn't even have a chance to rest?"

"I couldn't, I have missed my fiancèe and besides I can't wait to make you my wife."

Simon pecks her on the lips and Layla is surprised again. This is not the Simon she knows and she can't help but feel all this PDA is just him marking his territory.

A shattering of glass behind them startles them and they both turn to the source of the noise.

"You ok Young?" Simon is the first one to speak.

"Yeah...don't worry so much about me Dawson, the damn glass just slipped and fell."

She sees him bend down and pick up the broken glass and when he is done he turns to her with a smile.

"Am just going to go and check on my other patients. I will see you later Layla."

"Oh it's Layla now?"

She finds Simon giving her a pointed look.

"Oh my bad, see you later Miss Jones." He gives her a salute and wide smile which makes her smile back.

"Actually, if you don't mind Young, I would like to take my fiance home now. Three months has been too long and I bet she would love the feel of her own bed again." He looks at her lovingly and she can't help but look at Caleb's reaction.

She finds him standing stone faced with fists clenched and his nostrils flairing. This is the first time Layla is seeing this different side to her doctor and she is a bit surprised that he is the same happy person that always makes her smile.

"Actually she can't just yet. As her doctor I will decide when she leaves and when that time comes I will be sure to give you a call so that you can pick your fiancèe."

The hate with which he says fiancèe surprises even Layla but what surprises her even more is the tension going on between the two. Something is going on and Layla is sure she is clueless.

"Don't make me go above your head Young."

"I would like to see you try."

Caleb is now fully facing Simon and it makes Layla curious.

"Did I miss something?" She asks looking from one face to the other but non is willing to answer her, they don't even turn in her direction but just keep on sizing each other with their eyes.

"I will see you later."

Caleb walks out without even a glance towards her and she is left wondering as to what just happened. The man that just walked out is not the same man that she just spent her day with.