Her Weakness

"Mavis mam, may Miss Layla ride with me today? I promise to bring her home safe and sound."

"Of course Dr. Young." Mavis gives him a big smile and Caleb winks at her as she walks out. She had come back in to let them know the driver was ready to take her home.

Layla just looks From Caleb to Mavis and back to Caleb surprised. This exchange between the two of them is rather odd. Even more so because she has never seen Mavis and Simon like that. Their conversation only consists of a few short sentences which are largely instructions from employer to employee. But to see the two of them so care free has Layla wondering what kind of relationship they have. And why is he asking for her permission? She feels like an outsider for a moment before Caleb turns to her fully and she can't help but smile nervously when all his attention is on her.

"So are you ready?"

"I guess." Layla answers timidly.

But Caleb gives her a pointed look first but then smiles at her. He moves closer while looking at her as if studying her. He reaches out and Layla's heart speeds up not knowing what he intends to do. When his hand comes closer to her face she can't take it anymore and closes her eyes. But all he does is push back a stray lock of hair that is on her face.

"Don't guess mamacita, it's either yes or no hmmmm?"

She opens her eyes at his words and she blushes terribly. Did he just call her mamacita? And his accent..god..so smooth. She is sure he could pass as a native Spanish speaker. She can't hide how her own body just had a wave of excitement pass through her leaving her all hot and bothered. she finds him looking intently at her. She feels like his piercing gaze is going all the way through to her very soul. She can only nod at him afraid to open her mouth and say the wrong thing.

His hand brushes part of her face as he takes it back and her cheeks flush scarlet.

"Such beauty." He whispers before he retreats.

Layla is undone. She can't even bring herself to look back up at him when he is at a safe distance. She is at loss for words too and at his mercy and she knows it. She licks her lips trying to put back a bit of moisture on them. This is not how she thought her last day in this place would go. She wouldn't be surprised if she got a heart attack any moment and it would be her own doctor's fault.

"God you are beautiful!" He exclaims.

This time she looks up and finds him looking her over. There is nothing but appreciation in his eyes making her blush and smile at the same time.

"Am ready." She answers him finally while clearing her throat. This room is suddenly too hot for her despite there being an aircon with a temperature low enough for her to be cool. She needs to get out of here before she loses her mind. Everything about him is her weakness and she doesn't trust herself with him.

"What? You..You are ready, for what?"

Layla is surprised by the confusion on his face. Did he just forget what he was asking?

"Ready to go?" She gestures towards the door.

"Oh that, yeah right. I guess we should uh...get going"

Layla just chuckles. Whatever just happened is beyond her. She thought she was the only one struggling to keep it together but from what she can see, he looks totally distracted too. She is about to get off her bed but he is quick to hold her back.

"Let me."

He scoops her up before she has any chance to protest and holds on to her a second longer before he places her on the wheel chair. For a moment she was afraid he might decide to carry her out like that. While it is a good feeling to be in his arms with his heat warming her up, she thinks she would be too embarrassed to be seen being carried all the way out.

He comes in front of her and makes sure she is comfortable before he wheels her out.

Once they are outside Layla notices that Mavis is nowhere to be seen and she concludes that she is probably long gone by now.

She takes a moment to look around her, taking in her surroundings for the last time. Finally she is leaving and she finds herself feeling grateful that she gets to do this when some people who come here never get to see the outside world again.

"Hey hold on a sec."

His voice distracts her from her train of thought and before she gets a chance to reply he is off. She sees him walk over to a group of doctors standing a distance from where she is. She can finally look at him freely without his own eyes looking back at her. There is some sort of conversation going on and from everyone's laughter it's something good. She smiles at that. She sees one of the men point in her direction and all of them turn to her with smiles on their faces except her doctor who is just scratching his head. She gives them a wave to keep herself from looking awkward. In a distance she can see some nurses giggling looking their way too and she laughs to herself.

"Typical." She mumbles to herself unaware of the hint of bitterness in her word. She shifts her attention back to the group and finds Caleb walking back her way and she looks the other way to keep from staring.

"So what was that about?" She asks the moment he is back and they are on their way.


She can pick some amusement in his voice and she laughs.

"Yeah right." She retorts.

They move quietly after and when they get outside she can't help but smile. She is finally free and the air in her face makes her sigh with relief. If it wasn't for her leg she would have been jumping for joy right about now.

"Here we are."

They have just stopped in front of a very stylish black sports car. It's so beautiful it makes Layla want to touch it and get a feel of it.

She looks from the car to Caleb. She didn't think he was a sports car kind of guy even though he looks like a sports icon. And him standing next to it makes her feel like she just turned a page in one of those fancy sports magazines. He is standing next to an open passengers door looking in her direction. He is perfect and suddenly she feels so under dressed in one of her comfortable dresses when the man looks like he is so ready for the red carpet. It's not a date or anything but she feels she would have done better.

"Anything wrong?"

"N...Nothing." She stammers.

Caleb just chuckles as he bends down to pick her up. She instantly looks around to see if anyone is looking at them. When she finds a few eyes obviously admiring them she burys her face in his chest to hide her embarrassment. Caleb laughs at her action and the sound of his laughter is like music to her ears.

He places her in the seat and goes round to the drivers seat and all the while her eyes are on him. She is wondering how he can be this care free in front of the world, something that she never was. If it were up to her she would have chosen to be invisible. Some days she would even wonder how she was going to manage being Simon's wife.

A flash of light brings her back to her senses when she realizes that she is outside and that out here she is not just Layla but Simon Dawson's fiancèe. She was so taken with Caleb she forgot that she is back to her normal life. Someone just took a photo of them and she looks around trying to see who. She panics knowing how messy everything can get but Caleb holds her hand making her relax.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

"What, how?"

"I have my ways."

His smile makes her relax a little. He seems so calm and assured and that gives her hope. She sinks back in her seat. Simon may be her fiancèe but he would never forgive her for messing up his image. It's something he works hard on maintaining day and night . And his fiancèe appearing in the papers carried by her handsome doctor would have everyone's tongue wagging.

"Maybe these can help?"

She turns to him and finds him handing her a pair of sun glasses that she takes with a smile. When she puts them on she turns to him and does a playful pose trying to keep the negative vibes away.

"How do I look?"

He says nothing but just looks at her and she becomes nervous after a few seconds. She regrets having done it and is about to turn away from him when he leans over causing her heart to skip a beat with him coming too close. She stops breathing when he stretches out his hands yet again. They go beyond her face and next she feels a soft tugging on her hair. It falls framing her face once it's let loose. He then moves back and looks at her with his breath taking smile.


Her stomach doesn't hold back with all the flip flops she is feeling right now. She quickly turns away from him before he sees how colourful her face is about to become.

"Get a hold of yourself Layla." She quietly mumbles to herself.

At this rate she will soon be like putty melting in his hands everytime he is close. It takes her a couple more seconds to get her breathing under control which is a struggle with him so close. She can't seem to get used to being around him.

"I have never seen a doctor own one of these" She finally speaks as she lightly touches the beautiful leather interior of his car

"There is so much you are yet to know about me Miss Jones."

And with that he turns on the ignition of the car and they are off leaving her looking at him speechless.

"Yet to know?" She wonders what he means by that, and as if he can hear her thoughts he turns to her with a smile.

"I really do hope this friendship can go on beyond today."

That simple sentence has Layla thinking about the future, their future and she smiles.

"Me too." She whispers, more to herself than him.