Stuck In-Between

He called it a detour, but whatever the place was Layla simply calls it sweet heaven. The building was in the middle of nowhere with no labels or name and yet what came out of it just blew her away. He had left her in the car while he went in to get the package and she remained looking around trying to see if there was anything familiar. But apart from the building that was looking a little run down with faded paint on its walls there was nothing to tell her where she was. After he came back she asked him where they were but he just said he couldn't tell her yet.

She pops one more of the green minty chocolates that have become her favourites of the bunch that he gave her. She just loves how it melts when it comes in contact with her tongue and leaves that minty feeling everywhere it's been. She sucks in some air and enjoys the cool feeling in her mouth.

He was right to say it was something to remember him by because that is the only thing she has been doing since she came back. And everytime she has one of them her mind goes to the feel of his fingers on her lips.

When he came out with the package he had insisted to have her close her eyes because it was a surprise. After a lot of protesting she finally closed them but then she reopened them when he asked her to open her mouth. It felt weird for her to do it but she was met with his intimidating look making her close them again. She'd stayed for just a few seconds wondering what he was up to when she felt something sweet on her tongue. The sweet taste had her closing her mouth too quickly and that caused him to brush his fingers on her lips. That may have been an accident but when she felt them again and this time taking their time brushing her lips lightly she couldn't keep her eyes closed any longer. When she opened them though she wished she had kept them closed because of the look on his face.

He was just right there inches from her face and staring at her lips. His breath was rugged and he seemed to be in a trance. She saw him lean in and she panicked not knowing whether to let him or not. In that split second she knew her decision would define their relationship. With her heart pounding she didn't know if she was ready to cross the line and on the other hand her own lips wondered what the taste of his would feel like. She hesitated for a bit but she felt his hand cup her cheek and hold her in place making her shiver. Her heart beat was going crazy with anticipation and excitement as he drew closer. She could feel his warm breath fan her face and her whole body heated up. She was so lost in all the feelings that were bubbling inside of her that when his phone rang and he went to answer it she was left wondering what just happened.

She takes a deep breath and falls back on her bed. Even now she is still basking in their heated moment that left her longing for more. She bites her lips trying to calm herself. She has never felt so taken before in her life not even with Simon.

A thought about her fiancèe brings back all the reality she has been evading and wipes the smile off her face.

She is back in his mansion but she doesn't know if she is back in his life. she is not even sure she left in the first place. It feels like it though, after being away for the time she had been hospitalised and meeting Caleb. She is stuck in between and doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want to hurt him but she also can't deny what is happening between her and her doctor.

She is supposed to make a decision, that is what she should have been doing all this time but she is too distracted. Mostly by the one man who's made her so unsure of herself lately.

She looks at the sparkling rock on her finger. She had slipped it back on the moment she came back home but she did it with a heavy heart.

She hates being at crossroads with a fiancèe that she already committed to and this new person who makes her feel like her life is worth living everyday.

She hears some noises down stairs and she wipes the invisible beads of sweat on her brow.

"One thing at a time Layla." She reaches for her crutches.

Simon is back and she is excited about surprising him despite all that is going on. She had asked Mavis not say anything or let him know she was back home. She limps through the hallway hoping to catch him by the stairs.

But before she can even reach the stairs she hears two voices arguing. One is her fiancèe's and the other a girl she doesn't recognize. The girl's high pitched tone makes her

frown but keeps going wanting to know what is going on.

"Babe, you know she means nothing to me but I need her."

Layla's frown grows when she hears those words. She recognises Simon's voice but she wonders what or who he is talking to and who their conversation is about. And why is he calling her babe? She feels a little tightness in her heart when she thinks of what this could mean. She finds her hands trembling too and she holds on tight to her crutches to keep them from falling. She moves a little closer but remains hidden from their view. It's so unladylike to eavesdrop on other people's conversations but something tells her she needs to hear this.

"This is taking too long." The girl's voice sounds like she's whining.

"I promise you won't have to wait very long."

"That is what you said three months ago."

"Three months ago?"

Layla is getting more confused. Wasn't it three months ago that she was in an accident? So what else happened? And who is this woman? Her curiosity gets the better of her and she decides to get closer. With a few steps she has a view of the two people. She however is shocked at what she sees. Her fiancèe has the girl seated on his laps as she faces him and her heart sinks when she sees them kiss so passionately like they want to devour each other. Her hand flies to her mouth when everything becomes clear. In a way she should be happy but she finds herself crying.

"It's always been you, she is just a means to an end okay? You know how much I need this. And besides you are more woman than Layla will ever be. Only you can drive me this crazy."

She sees him kiss her again and more tears roll down her face like a waterfall. Simon never kissed her like that before, never looked at her like that before. She always thought he was just uncomfortable with showing his emotions everytime he brushed her off. She'd blamed herself many times. Thinking maybe she wasn't attractive enough, but his words just made everything clear to her. She would be lying if she said all this doesn't hurt because right now her heart is shattered after knowing that she meant nothing to him. She turns around to go back to her room quietly but the sound from her crutches make the couple look her way. Her eyes meet his and she sees him panic but she doesn't care, she just wants to get to her room.

"Oh my God, Layla?"

His voice pushes her to limp faster to her room. She is putting too much pressure on her leg but the pain there doesn't compare to the pain in her heart. She gets to her room just before Simon does and she locks the door. His pleas for her to open it are falling on deaf ears. She refuses to listen to anything he has to say, she has heard enough.

She wipes her face and tries to compose herself but his words keep ringing in her head making her cry even more. She looks around and realises one thing, she can't stay here but then again she doesn't know where to go. After the engagement Simon had insisted she move in with him. Something about him worrying about her staying alone when he was away. She thought he loved her and gladly moved everything about her life here.

Her eyes fall on her phone and like it was an answer to her question she picks it up and dials the only contact in her phone book. She is glad Caleb insisted on her keeping it when he was dropping her off. She had wanted to give it back afraid that it would make Simon unhappy but Caleb wouldn't take it back even though he promised he would if she decided to hand it back.

He picks up on the first ring and the sound of his voice fills her with longing. After what she has just heard all she wants is his comfort, for him to tell her she is worth everything. With a shaky voice she reaches out to him.

"Caleb...please come and get me"