King M

"And now time for your favourite segment in business news. What's hot, new and totally trending." 

"This is your very informal and favourite host Chris."

"Today, as usual the business organism is alive and well with the biggest news hitting us just a few minutes ago."

"He is back! And we are all shocked at his unexpected return of course, but definitely happy because things are about to get very exciting! Well, except if you are his competitor or he has his eye on your business. But whatever the case, it still remains a very exciting day as we witness the return of one of my very favourite businessmen. He's as cunning as a serpent, gentle as a dove but most importantly he has the touch. That golden touch that makes everything he touches turn into pure solid gold. A real live king Midas of the business world ladies and gentlemen. King M for short."

"It doesn't matter what your business is about or how far under you are, all it takes is just one seemingly simple touch to get you flying high again." 

"It's been a few years and we have no idea why he left...yeah, he's private like that in case you are wondering. And we probably won't know why he is back but one thing I do know for sure  is...the business boat is about to be rocked and the only question you should be asking yourself is, will you remain standing or will you be swept away by the tide that is Caleb Young or is it Dr. Caleb Young now?" 

"This has been your informal host Chris, see you on the other side!"


"You were only another patient in the E.R. I only wanted to save your life. It was my duty, my passion. But then…then I took your hand and everything changed, now I want it. All of it. I want you Layla."

"I want it all." Caleb stares out in the distance quietly. Feeling like he is back right where he started even though it's been so long since he has been on this spot. 

The view of Young towers seems to have not changed one bit over the past years. The skies are still populated with tall greying buildings whose walls seem not to have seen a new coat of paint for too long. The early morning air is still foggy as always and the population down below is still carrying on like tiny ants belonging to a single colony. 

Everything feels just like yesterday, with all that is going on in his life.

He sighs. Hands in both pockets, his suit jacket discarded on his seat, he is standing by his office's large window staring out into nothingness.

"I miss you so damn much baby."

Photos and memories are not enough for him. Not even replaying their many conversations seems to be helping. He wants her right here. To gaze on her beautiful face and behold that beautiful smile of hers. He wants to hold her and tell her everything is ok.

"I can imagine the surprise the office must have had the moment you walked in." Darren comes and stands next to him, a smile tugging on his lips.

"I still don't get why you never moved in." He turns to look at Darren. A welcome distraction from his tormenting thoughts of Layla.

"You are the president after all." Caleb quirks an eyebrow at his friend. 

"Was president." Darren lets out a sigh. 

"I'm glad to hand back those reigns and save myself some sanity. And I never did move in because I always hoped to see you standing right here." Darren turns fully to him.

"It's great to have you back man." Darren pats him on his back and he manages a grin.

"Yeah... Did it work?" Caleb asks, not wasting any more time. His eyes land on a familiar building in the distance. 

He would have loved his return to be a quiet affair but he couldn't resist rattling one particular nest and getting his plan in motion.

"Like a charm." Darren smirks.

Caleb turns to Darren and smirks too.

"So predictable."

"Turns out the speed in his lane just got increased."

Darren says as the huge screen T.V hanging on the wall comes on. 

His enemy's face is the first one Caleb sees. It's a press conference from what he can see and Simon's smile makes him want to smash that Dawson face in. 

The headline at the bottom of the screen says it all. 

"The long awaited wedding of the year is finally on."

There is a splash of a number of her pictures with Simon before her face comes on and his chest tightens instantly. 

He hasn't seen her in over two weeks. Two miserable weeks that have left him feeling like he was losing his mind. And seeing her on screen makes that feeling worse.

She is as beautiful as ever, if not more. 

Dressed in a white smart shirt paired with a black knee length pencil skirt that's hugging her figure perfectly and some high heeled black pumps. She looks more of an office executive than a bride. 

"She's beautiful." He can't take his eyes off of her. Her hair is pinned up revealing her slender neck that if she were right in front of him, he would have buried his face in the crook of her neck and just take in her intoxicating scent. 

"Layla…" The longing in his heart grows intense just as his desire to make Simon pay for taking her away from him intensifies.

There is something in her eyes though. Something sad, that strikes so many chords in him. She has a smile on but he can tell it's only for the cameras.

"I've had it!" His fist connects with the table startling Darren and the two men who walked in with him earlier.

"I can't let her stay with him any longer." His eyes are blazing with anger as he thinks of the many possible reasons why there is sadness in her eyes.

"What? Don't do anything stupid." Darren quickly stands in front of him.

"Whatever you are thinking stop. You know he's not going to hurt her."

"Not yet!" He growls, refusing to listen.

"And that's enough time to do this right." Darren replies quickly.

"Look at her, just look at her!" 

"Use your head and not your heart this time man." Darren gives him a knowing look.

"Don't give that sly fox an opportunity to slip away again."

"Damn it!" Caleb huffs.

He's right. His best friend is right but that doesn't change how he is feeling. He feels like he is already failing her by leaving her in that monster's clutches. 

If it were up to him he would have preferred going in with guns blazing and all. But he can't risk that. Not if he wants her alive and safe.

"What about the other subject." He turns to the other two gentlemen after turning the T.V off. He would have loved to see her one more time, but seeing her like that will most likely make him think irrationally. He needs to stick to the plan.

"Located" The men answer in a chorus. 

Titus, his head of security at the tower and the only employee in his inner circle gets up and hands him a small bunch of folders.

"And?" He quirks an eyebrow at them when no more data flows out of their mouths.

"They are sort of heavily guarded and…" Titus says as he shifts nervously in his seat.

"Is that supposed to be a problem?" Caleb hisses. 

This is not what he wants to hear. Positives, nothing negative. Because negatives take him further away from having Layla in his arms.

"Well…" Titus begins to say.

"Make it happen!" Caleb throws the bunch of files on the table and they land with a loud thud, making the men flinch.

"You come here with solutions, not more problems!" He says with gritted teeth.  

"Let them speak." Darren comes to his side and pats him on the back, indirectly asking him to keep it together and calm.

He sighs in frustration before looking over at the men and gesturing for them to continue.

"For the sake of the plan, we uh...thought it best to wait until they reach out to us. That way it keeps the suspicion away from you and your intentions.

"Wait…" One word he has heard enough of. He almost wants to scream that he is done waiting, but instead he looks up at the men.

"Are you certain they will reach out?" He asks.

"They are desperate too." A deep hoarse voice replies and Caleb looks at the scary face staring back at him.

His perfect resource when he needs to do something in the shadows. This guy is no one as far as anyone is concerned.

"They have been for a long time and they know you are their best bet too. They are probably being cautious given their situation."

That seems to calm his desperate nerves. But after thinking for a moment he changes his mind.


"What?!" Darren looks at him confused.

"I'm not waiting. I'm done playing nice."

"But this is her…"

"I don't care!" He cuts Darren off.

"Even if she hates you for it? It makes you no different from him." Darren is almost shouting. It's unlike him to do so when other people are around. Goes to show how unreasonable Darren thinks he is being right now.

"She'll understand." Caleb says with gritted teeth but deep down he hopes he's right.

"And what about Dawson?" Darren huffs, defeated.

"This whole thing may just go south you know."

"It's probably time I walked to his front door too." Caleb says as he struts back to the huge glass office wall that's overlooking the city.

"Like I said, I'm done playing nice."