One Sweet Couple

"What are we doing here?" 

Layla stops and frowns at the beautiful entrance to an exquisite bridal shop. The place is crawling with girls wearing wide smiles and walking about excited as they stop to look at the many gowns on display. 

"Brides" she assumes.

Once upon a time she had wanted to be one of those girls but that seems like so long ago.

Her eyes drop to her ring finger. The exquisite piece of jewellery sparkles, but instead of excitement she looks at it with a heavy heart. She never imagined it would be right back on her finger, not after she decided to move on.

"What are we doing here?"

"Dress shopping of course." Simon snakes his arm around her waist happily and she freezes. 

"W...what are you doing?" With him so close her legs refuse to work and she just stays rooted on the spot. 

"I feel like showing off my fiancèe." He grins before leaning in and she panics.

"And unless you want me to carry you bridal style inside, I suggest you get your pretty little feet moving." He ends up whispering to her and she doesn't need to be told twice. 

She gets moving all too quickly as more feelings of panic set in after almost being kissed by him. She's been praying for him not to rekindle that part of their relationship. But at this rate it won't be long before he decides he does. 

"Aaah...That's my girl." Simon coos.

"But not so fast baby." He holds her back forcing her to match his steps.

When he told her they'd be going out she felt a wave of relief and panic at the same time. She thought maybe, just maybe she might get a chance to make a run for it but with him deciding to stick to her like glue that plan just went down the drain.

Not to mention the dark figures following them in the shadows that Layla knows would grab her in a heart beat if she ever decided to run.

That and Gen, the maid who she can clearly tell is more than a maid or is not a maid at all. 

She looks back and finds her there, quietly walking behind them.

"Why didn't you just get a wedding planner like last time." Her voice is shaky as it dawns on her that there is nothing she can do to escape him. Atleast not by herself. 

"Besides don't I have a dress already?" She tries to pull herself free or to have some space between them, but he's holding on tighter than she expected. Even though, she bets it appears like a loving embrace judging by the many faces that are smiling and looking dreamily at them.

"I thought you preferred shopping for yourself, so I wanted to give you that this time." His smile irks her more than he knows.

"And besides that months old dress is obviously out of fashion and figured you needed something totally new."

"To new beginnings baby." He is carrying on like everything is fine and that they are one sweet couple. 

"I probably don't need to say this, but I'll say it anyway." Simon stops and turns to her. His earlier charming face just got replaced with the scary one that she has come to know over the past weeks.

"Don't even think about getting away from me baby." He cups her cheeks a bit roughly with one hand and the other he grabs hold of her hand.

"Because if you do, our reunion which I assure you will definitely happen won't be pretty."

"You are hurting me." She whimpers. His grip on her hand is beginning to burn and the pain is getting too intense for her to bear.

"Simon please…" She pleads with him only then does he let go, surprising her too.

"I guess that's clear then." He moves back but still keeps her close.

"Now what do you say we get shopping?" He chirps like nothing happened and she just walks alongside him like a zombie.

"Smile baby, after all you are getting married." He says excitedly as they walk through the doors of the bridal shop but all she wants is her freedom. She may be outside but she's as good as being locked up high in a tower. 

Tears sting her eyes as she hesitantly puts one foot in front of the other. 

"Where are you Caleb?" She misses him like crazy and she needs him like yesterday. A lump forms in her throat.  Her only flicker of hope is starting to grow dim with each day that she doesn't see him. If only she could see him even for a fleeting moment, to feel his embrace and that calm voice telling her everything will be fine.

After she was taken she always pictured him barging in at Simon's and taking her away, but it's already been weeks and she is beginning to think that may never happen. 

"Mr. Dawson, it's so good to have you back with…" 

"This is my fiancèe." Simon introduces her proudly but Layla couldn't care less. 

"How may we serve you this time?"

"This time?" Layla looks up at the girl and wonders what she means by that. 

"Give me everything you have. It's our wedding." Simon turns to Layla, a wide grin plastered on his face. 

"Okay." The sales lady answers happily. 


"Yes sir?" The girl stops and turns to hear what Simon has to say.


"I beg your pardon?" The woman looks at him confused.

"I want your sexy range for her dress."

"What?!" Layla pales. "That's not what--"

"Shhh." Simon places his finger on her lips and that touch is enough to keep her lips pursed. 

"Okay, you can come through please. We have just what you need." The lady leads them to what she assumes is a changing room.

"If I may sir." Another sales girl clears her throat.

"What?" Simon smiles through gritted teeth. 

"You know what they say about seeing your bride in her wedding gown." She smiles nervously. 

"Do I look like I care to you?" He growls at the girl but the woman just smiles.

"Maybe not, but I'm sure Miss Layla might."

"I don't really care." Layla looks at the lady unwilling to say anything but her wide smile makes her nod a yes. After all, a few minutes without Simon is always bliss.

Simon looks at the sales girl irritated before letting go of Layla's hand. 

"Gen you go in there with her. She doesn't remain alone not even for a second understand?"

"Yes sir." The maid replies.

"Come here ma'am. Let's find you that dress." The girl chirps as she pulls Layla inside. On any normal day she would have enjoyed shopping with such a bright person. But there is nothing normal about today.

"Gen, here is your seat." The girl pats on a leather sofa gesturing to Simon's maid to take a seat, while she leads her further into the room.

"We'll just be over here, no need to worry." The girl looks back at Gen who has opted to remain standing right next to the seat she was offered.

"Now let's see what we have here." The girl pulls up a rack of dresses.

"If he wants sexy this is it."

Layla scans the dresses and grimaces. 

"More like slutty if you ask me." She drops down on a seat close to her and takes a deep breath. She already hates this.

"You can just pack whatever, I don't really care."

"Oh miss Layla, don't be like that. I promise it will be fun. Come, let me help you out of these." She pulls her up to her feet and helps her out of her clothes and into the first dress.

"Absolutely beautiful!" The girl chirps.

"You have to see this." She pushes her towards a mirror that's still further into the room.

"I really don't need to se…" Her words die down in her throat when she sees herself in the mirror.

"I told you so." The girl stands over her shoulder grinning. "I say take this one, it's perfect." She rubs her shoulder before taking a step back.

The girl is right. She does look absolutely beautiful, sexy. She does make the most beautiful bride. But with it comes a stream of tears. She shakes her head as a tightness invades her chest. 

She doesn't want to look this beautiful. Not for Simon. Not for this wretched wedding.

She turns around wanting to take off the dress but she bumps into someone. A whiff of their cologne makes more tears to run down her face. 

"It can't be…" She turns back to the mirror and looks into it while that damn lump in her throat makes her gasp for air. 

"Absolutely beautiful." His voice is barely a whisper as he draws closer.

The arms she had been longing for all this long embrace her from behind and she collapses right into them while sobs escape her.