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Chapter 5

The view in front of him was absolutely breathtaking. Nike's breasts were impossibly big for her slim figure. He reached out to fondle her fair breast. Her nipples hardened instantly under his touch as she gasped in pleasure, he took her right nipple into his mouth licking and teasing it with his tongue and teeth while using his hand to knead her other breast.

One thing led to the other and somehow they found themselves in their master's bedroom where Dieko made hot and passionate love with Nike


Dieko woke up feeling a warmth he had forgotten about for some time now on his face. He sat straight up in bed careful not to wake Nike up as he studied her body. It had not been his imagination yesterday, Nike was now very thin to the point where she looked skinny. Her light brown skin also looked pale to him. She looked like she had not been taking care of herself. Was she sick? Or was she not eating well? It was hard to tell.

Besides, even though he had stopped paying attention to her he had not stopped her allowance.

He pushed the thought aside as he stood up from bed to get ready for his day with Lewa. He had promised her that he would spend the entire day with her. Besides that, he wanted to make up for how he had treated her the last time and he was looking forward to her mouth around his cock. The thought alone gave him a hard-on.


Dieko stared at Lewa's naked body and found himself comparing her to his wife. Where Lewa's breasts were small Nike's were full. They were both slim though but Lewa had wider hips and large buttocks that could hold a small cup of water comfortably without spilling. Nike, on the other hand, had a much slimmer hip and was not well endowed behind although her breast more than made up for it.

When he had seen Lewa this morning he thought he should have felt guilty for what had transpired between him and Nike but he hadn't and it bothered him no end. Looking at Lewa's sleeping figure he thought to himself that he was definitely in love with her and yesterday was just purely sexual and had meant nothing. It will never happen again he concluded. He had Lewa and was not in need or want of Nike.


Dieko prostrated in front of his mother like the proper Yoruba boy that he was. Nike and Rotimi had gone to church leaving him alone in the house. He too had intended to leave the house but for a different reason. As he descended the stairs,  he noticed his mother seated on one of the sofas in the living room. Without questioning her sudden appearance he had prostrated flat on the floor before greeting her.

After the usual pleasantries, Dieko took a seat opposite his mother.

' Diekolayomi Abiodun Macualy. ' His mother said in her usual clipped voice. Dieko looked at his mother as his expression turned curious. Whenever his mother addressed him that way it was to scold him. He remembered as a child growing up he will shiver in fear when he heard her call his full name.

' We have to talk ' Dieko continued to look at his mother while wondering what crime he had committed this time. He wasn't exactly shivering in fear as he was no longer a child she could beat but it was hard not to be tensed under his mothers penetrating look and intimidating aura.

' I want you to stop seeing that slut you're parading with ' His heart did a somersault. How had she found out? It wasn't like he had exactly kept Lewa a secret but he hadn't made her public either. His mother never ceased to amaze him. She was not a gossip yet she never missed any gossip.

' She is not a slut ' Dieko replied after gaining his composure. If it was someone else that had called his Lewa that he would have punched them in the face.

' Really? ' Dieko did not reply to this, his mother continued nonetheless. ' so she does not know that you're happily married? ' his mother probed

'  She does but..'

' Yet she's happily sleeping with another man's wife and you say she's not a slut ' Mrs Macualy paused looking at her son's expression when he remained quiet she asked ' does Nike know that you're having an affair? '

' Mummy I and Nike are over '

' What do you mean by that? '

' We're getting divorced '

This was news to Mrs Macualy her informant had told her about her son's affair but had not mentioned him getting divorced.

' Why? ' She was clearly confused once upon a time Dieko had been lovestruck by Nike.

' Why? I'm an adult mom. I don't need to explain my actions and inactions to you ' Dieko said trying to keep his anger from building.

' You're leaving Nike for soiled goods? '

' Stop referring to Lewa like that, she is a decent girl mom ' this time it was hard for him not to raise his voice at his mother.

Mrs Macualy laughed at her son's statement. She couldn't believe he was defending a common prostitute.

' Me divorcing Nike has nothing to do with Lewa, and I love her ' he said the last part almost in a whisper as if he truly didn't believe it himself.

' Love? '

' You heard me well mama and just so you know I intend to marry her.'

' You will see my dead body first before that will happen. That slut will never have the ' Macualy ' name tied to hers. ' Mrs Macauly raised her voice as she stood up

' Mum '

' Listen very clearly son. If you marry that whore don't ever call me your mother ' she said pointing a finger at Dieko.

' I have said what I came to say. ' With that, she picked up her walking stick and stormed out of the house.