The Lie

    The next day I enter the police station except this time I'm wearing a simple black dress suit minus the jacket. I have no problem entering since my keycard fully works now. I start to head to the basement but then with a smile I shake my head and press the button for the twenty fifth floor. The elevator then jerks upward I thought about last night's prank or at least it had to be a prank. Right?

    With a ding the elevator doors slide open and there was no lab. There actually wasn't anything of crime fighting uses all. In fact as I look around I see a fully stocked bar, multiple different game tables and machines as well as a few billiards tables. This wasn't a lab it was a recreation area and a waste of money.

    Frustrated I turned back to the elevator and pressed the button for floor 27, thus the captian's office. I tapped my foot as I waited for the elevator to go up two floors which seemed longer then the trip up twenty five floors. Then as the doors slide open with another ding I walked out and right to the captain's office. I pull the door open to find him with his secretary, a lovely golden retriever, laying on her back across his desk performing actions that were not appropriate for the office.

    "Lt. Squirrel what the hell are you doing here!" snapped the captain, a tall broad black anthro stallion as he paused in his actions with his huge tan horse penis deep within her tight wet vagina.

    "Why is there a party area on the floor where my lab is supposed to be?" I snap even more frustrated by his actions.

    "Lt. Squirrel to be honest not the best time." replied the the captain glancing down at the naked secretary laying on his desk of whom his penis is in. "Can't we discuss this on Monday?"

    "Captain Lupus, we can and while were at it I can have the chief meet us here so we can discuss well this as well." I reply gesturing towards them.

    "Lt. I think we need to have ourselves a special talk about how we run things here." sighed the captain as he pulled out of the secretary his wet penis still hard and up throbbing which made me shutter a bit. He was so big and part of me wanted that juicy penis in me, whether in my mouth or ass I didn't care. I then shook my head to clear my thoughts as he neared me and he added, "You see we don't need your lab which is just a waste of money and instead I made a better break room that would benefit everyone. As for this here we also over look whatever sexual activities you wish to do with your fellow officers or staff members as long as both parties are concerting that is."

    "Well I think you're wrong about the importance of the lab and am half tempted to report you to the chief for misuse of police founds but something tells me that you've already fooled him enough times that it wouldn't work, and seeing as the HR Rep is useless reporting this would also be pointless." I confess frustrated, "But with that said if you don't want your wife to know about her or any of your other lovers  then I'd say whatever founds are left you give me to upgrade the closet you gave me to be a lab."

    "Sadly she knows and is currently sleeping with five of the officers here. As for founds well there are none. You see I used them for presents for my lovers, ammo and protection for the officers and well keeping the break room stocked. So good luck solving any cases with that group of interns and your closet office." teased Captain Lupus before rubbing some of the pre cum off his penis and whipping it on my face which part of me like but not as much as I would prefer since I currently was mad at him.

    Frustrated I turned and left the office to head first to try the chief only to decide to just prove the captain wrong by converting this broom closet into a proper lab and solving these open cases. Then I will start to clean this department up starting with those under me.

    Once I made it to the sub basement I tried getting into the lab only for the door to be stuck. This only added to my anger and I grabbed a near by fire axe and swung it at the doorknob. That still didn't loosen the door so I gave it two more wacks except this time at where the hinges should be. Still no luck so with all my might and very frustrated I swung right for the middle.

    This time the axe dug in deep and jarred the door enough that it fell out of its frame and crashed on the floor. I stepped over it leaving the axe barred in the wood before bending over and dragging it back upright and leaned it against the wall just left of the door way.

    I then look around at the mess and sigh before loosening my tie and removing my dress shirt and vest revealing the tank top I was wearing underneath. I hung them on the half broken coat rack before starting to clear a path to the back of the room to the desk I'm assuming is supposed to be mine since it's outside of a little doorless closet full of boxes.

    Once seated at the desk I found a piece of paper and a pen and focused on drawing up a game plan to best utilize the work space. Now I'd gotten so focused that I'd lost track of time and missed taking a break for lunch or dinner. That is until my stomach growled and I pushed the weird scribbled papers aside.

    After a quick trip to the lobby vending machines for a snack I was back to work except this time I was straightening up the boxes of papers and stacking them to one side of the room. As I was doing so I got thinking that the first thing I would need to do is find a better way to sort these files.

    Looking around I don't see any filing cabinets and noticed most of the boxes came out of what is to be my office so I start to move some of the boxes back into my office until it was full, which left a small pile along the right side of the room. I then had to go raid the maintenance office to find a broom and cleaning supplies.

    By the time I got the floor cleaned I was beat and took a look at my phone and no wonder it was one am on Sunday. I debated on going home when I finally decided to grab a file and start reading it only to end up frustrated at the look of it. How can they get anything done with this disorder. No point trying to fix it until I have a place to put them.

    I yawn and look around the room for a possible place to nap only to see nothing. I stand up and stretch a bit before clearing off my desk and setting an alarm for one hour one my phone and try to catch a short cat nap. Well after laying down on my desk on my back letting my legs hang of the edge I close my eyes and try to sleep only to dream of that bunny from the other day as she walked into the lab and slowly took off her lab coat revealing she had nothing on underneath it and then just as she got to her groin revealing both a set of balls as well as a vagina my alarm went off startling me awake.

    So with a yawn I climb off my desk and stretch once more before reaching down and pulling my laptop out of my bag. It wasn't nothing too fancy nor new, but it still worked so I figured why bother getting a new one. I returned to my desk and power on the computer, which takes some time seeing as its really old. So in the mean time I rush up to the lobby and purchase a few cans of soda pop before returning just as it reached the home screen.

    Using my phone as a wireless router I connect to the internet and log into one of the local stores and searched for wooden file cabinets, because if I'm going to buy my own lab equipment I'm going to get the best. Then looking at the price I realized I needed a better option. That's when I noticed their file racks were on sale and they were running a special at one of the hardware stores on cabinets, so I did a quick calculation before placing the order and selecting delivery for later today. Now not having the funds with just starting to work I had to put it on my credit card which left me only able to window shop for counter tops and other work station options.

    Then after about two hours of browsing I quickly typed up a purchase order for those cabinets and file racks before closing my laptop and standing up to stretch. I then cracked open one of the soda pops having forgot all about them until now. I slowly sipped on it as I looked around picturing the final look. I figured I'd start with cabinets and drawers along the left wall which we can start filing paperwork as we work on the cases. For now we'd use my desk and the other tables for work stations until I could place counters on the cabinets after I assemble them that is.

    For now I best just get some shut eye so using my shirt as a pillow and a rug as a bed I found a clean spot along the left wall to sleep for a few more hours as I waited for the supplies to arrive. This time I didn't dream as I think my brain had finally gotten tired enough to want sleep because the moment I laid down I was out.

    When I did finally wake I found myself with my pants and belt undone and one paw down them. This was a bit odd seeing as I was laying on the floor which wasn't very comfortable and second because I hadn't been dreaming. With a sigh I slowly pulled my paw out of my pants before rolling onto my back and refastening my pants and belt. I then sighed and remembered that if I was going to install any of the things I ordered when they get here I'd have to go get some tools.