Getting To Know Me

Well to my dread I woke up still clothed and still hugging my knees on my bed. With a moan I slowly climb out of bed and start to get undressed. I didn't plan on going anywhere but this way I could still go get a shower after breakfast. Now as I do every morning for some strange reason I give my balls a good short foundling almost as if to make sure they were still there.

Hay don't judge but you have enough nightmares of some weirdo cutting them off in your sleep and you'll get in the habit of checking for them every morning. Now I haven't had that dream lately but I've also stopped eating some foods right before bed time too. I don't know why curtain foods give me curtain dreams. Like if I eat spaghetti just before bed then I get a dream involving my balls being cut of and eaten. If I eat hotdogs before bed then I get some kind of dream about my penis being cut off and eaten. And you don't want to get me started on the kind of dreams I get after eating turkey.

Now that I'm completely naked I stretch one more time before grabbing my robe. Now it still had the tag on it seeing as my mom made me get one for college because she said, "None of those guys you'll be sharing a room with want to see you walking around naked all the time." Yah I hate clothes so I'd always walk around the house without any clothes on. Now it was only me, mom and my little brother so it wasn't a problem.

Just then as I opened the door of my room to enter the commons area I found almost everyone up and at the table again one in her bra and panties while the lovers were completely naked. They were eating breakfast already, and to my surprise Mia and Mya were not all over each other. I slowly approach the table hearing a odd humming noses and find a seat next to Ruby since the other side was claimed by Mia and Mya. I look over at Jills door wondering why she wasn't up yet only to get my answer from Ruby.

"Jill gets up before the sun and does her morning patrol before classes." explained Ruby with a mouth full of pancakes.

"I see." I reply before turning my gaze to Mia, and Mya and asking, "Does anyone else hear a weird humming in their ears?"

"Yes, one of Jill's rules is no making out or sex at the table especially during meals so to help the love birds coupe they both hold a vibrating dildo in each other's vagina even though both hands are supposed to be on the table at all times." explained Ruby giving the two a stern glare. She then looked to me and smiled when she added, "I see this is your first time wearing a robe."

"Is it that obvious?" I sighed looking a way and ready to just run back to my room.

"To me yes, but that's only because I see all the details or at least I try to." replied Ruby with a smile. "For instance the the robe still has its fold lines from the store as well as the tag is still hanging from the sleeve."

"That could just mean its a new robe." I defensively replied even more ready to leave the table.

"True, but the fact you didn't bother to thread the belt nor tie it shows you've not wore one before. On top of that your bare butt is on the seat with your lovely manhood out in the open for all the world to see." rebutdtaled Ruby with a smile and a glance at my groin but upon noticing my uncomfortableness she quickly looked away and added, "Sorry. I tended to over analyze things which only drives people away. The only reason the others tolerate me is because Mia, and Mya are to busy pleasing each other to care and Jill is alway out patrolling to keep all of the girls in the dorm safe."

"It's okay Ruby. With skills like yours you'll have no problem impressing your boss at the police station." I encouraged, "As for the robe yah it's my first time I'm sorry if it..."

"Oh don't get me wrong you're cutie Damien but one I know you'd never date me let alone sleep with me and that's okay you're a good friend. Not to mention like I said last night I have my eyes set on a certain red squirrel." quickly replied Ruby before having a lightbulb moment and grinning, "Hay maybe this weekend you can help me find a way to impress him when I go to work on Monday?"

"How?" I nervously ask as I slowly help myself to some of the pancakes in hope of changing the subject but it doesn't work.

"Well I could show you a picture of him and then you tell me what you'd do to get his attention." excitingly replied Ruby as she handed me the syrup I hadn't even asked for yet.

"Well my shyness got me into this mess so I really don't see how I'd be able to help you." I confess as I start to squeeze the syrup onto my pancakes.

"Well I have faith in you for one and secondly you're not actually going up to him. In fact it will all be hypothetical." replied Ruby with a smile.

"Nine out of ten times when someone says something is hypocritical it means they're trying to get advice on fixing a problem they've already made the other one is only just now considering to do said action and there is still hope to stop them." I reply with a raised eyebrow before asking, "Which are you?"

"He's got you there girl." moaned Mya as she came all over Mia's paw and the vibrator. "How, is it you even have a picture of him anyways didn't you say he doesn't start until Monday and you only saw him for a short time yesterday?"

"What is this lawyers against the CSI Tech day?" asked Ruby as Mia started licking the cum from her paw with a moan as she now came on Mya's paw and vibrator.

"Well I'm not sure if Damien is here to become a lawyer but if not he should consider it because he'd make a great one." replied Mya as she too started to lick the cum from her paw before adding, "Either way you should know the dangers of stalking a person let alone a boss. Plus its not recommended that you flirt with an officer you might end up working with in the field because if the case ever goes to court the defense attorney with drag it out and all throughout courtroom."

"So what do you recommend I do?" sassily replied Ruby.

"Well if he's as dreamy as you make him out to be, fuck the daylights out of him and then start looking for another job." snapped Mia with a smile before licking some come from Mya's cheek.

"Mia, she'd fail at any other job then this. So before I give you advice I must ask you this one question. Is he a beat cop or one of the team officers?" asked Mya.

"He's the team leader." sighed Ruby looking down at the table.

"Then you really are in a tight spot Ruby." I confess, "If I was as bold as Mia and Mya and he was as good looking as you say I'd walk right up to him and plant a kiss on his cheek and see how he responds. But as a lawyer in training I could never recommend such an actions."

    "Then what would you suggest?" asked Ruby.

    "Start with a gift. Not too expensive and since you really don't know what he likes make it something he can use for his desk." I suggest, "See how he responds then just try to be friends with him for now and leave it for him to make the first moves towards anything more."

    "Oh." replied Ruby before smiling and asking, "So we all have been roommates for at least one year now and pretty much know each other except you Damien. Why don't you tell us about yourself?"

    "Do I have to?" I ask not really wanting to talk about myself. Yah these girls have made me feel more open to sharing but this is already more I've talked to anyone in the last two days then I've ever done.

    "Well yah. How else are we going to know what kind guy to try and hook you up with if we don't know anything about you." teased Ruby with a smile.

    "Fine" I sigh as I finish eating my pancakes and stand only to pull me robe closed when I saw Ruby staring and my sheath and balls. "Just let me get a shower and then we can talk on the couch or something."

    I then turned and headed for the bathroom and quickly locked the door. I then realized I totally forgot to grab a towel I sighed as I slowly unlocked the door only to find Mya standing there holding a towel.

    "You left this at the table." said Mya handing it to me. "Don't worry Mia is distracting Ruby. Try to give her a chance she's at that age where sex is on her mind and between the stress of work, classes and now this internship she can't always control herself."

    "It's okay." I sigh as I take the towel and start to close the door only to add, "Thanks Mya."

    Then with the door once more locked I hung up my towel and robe on the back of the door. I then sigh as I open the shower curtain and turn on the water to let it run for a minute before climbing in. Now it didn't take me long to shower and dry off at which point I throw my robe back on.

    Opening the door I started back for my room with my towel in paw when I heard a whistle and saw Ruby and everyone else gathered on the couch and even Jill had joined the party. Ruby was motioning towards and open spot between Mia and Mya. So with a grown I alter my course and plop right down between the two lovers and glare at Ruby knowing this was all her doing.

    "So I take it you won't leave me alone until I tell you all about myself?" I moaned laying my head back on the couch and staring at the ceiling.

    "Wait Ruby made it sound like you where all for telling us your story." replied Jill. "If you don't want to tell us you don't have to."

    "Yes he does how else are we going to hook him up with a guy?" asked Mia with a smile as wide as her muzzle.

    "We don't." replied Mya, "It's not our place to find Damien a boyfriend."

    "Thanks Mya but I have a feeling Mia and Ruby won't stop until I tell them my story." I sigh as I sit forward and rub the back of my neck trying to think of the best place to start.

    "Well as you know I'm gay, and I'm proud of it. I'm also very shy and don't like talking to people let alone a potential mate. As for what I'd like in a boyfriend well he'd have to be a he for starters." I start to explain trying to think of what will satisfy them. "Other then that he'd have to be nice, and kind, I'd rather someone who was manly since I'm more of the timid famine one. I mean he doesn't have to be manly but I'd like it. Most importantly he'd have to love me for me."

    "And who are you?" asked Jill as she leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees with a smile.

    "Other then a short and timid famine gay wolf?" I replied with a raised eyebrow before looking at my feet and mumbling, "A virgin."

    "What was that last bit we didn't quite make it out too clearly." asked Ruby.

    "A virgin." I sighed without looking up from my feet. "I've never had sex with anyone not even myself."

    "Really a sexy thing like you has never had a boyfriend or girlfriend?" asked a confused Ruby.

    "We can help you change that!" exclaimed Mia jumping on me only to be quickly pulled off by Mya and holding her tightly in her arms.

    "Down horny little mouse!" teasingly scolded Mya before kissing Mia's neck which slowly calmed her down.

    "One I've never been attracted to girls and second I've never really had any friends before." I confess as I slid away from Mia and Mya.

    "But we're your friends right?" asked Ruby looking more hurt that I hadn't called her a friend then when I caught her staring at my sheath and balls.

    "I've really only known you girls for one and a half days and yet I've talked to you all more then I've ever talked to anyone else so I guess that would make us friends." I explain.

    "Yah!" exclaimed Ruby and unable to control herself she leaped across to me and hugged me so tight I could feel her vagina pressing against my sheath and I started to get really uncomfortable and she instantly noticed and let go before apologizing, "I'm so, so sorry I didn't meant to..."

    "It's okay but please don't hug me like that I don't know why it feels weird having your vagina touching my sheath but it just does and I know you have your panties on which separated us but it still felt weird and its nothing about you Ruby. You are a beautiful girl and I really hope things work out for you and this squirrel you're interested in, and anything I can do to help I'll try and do." I explained while holding her paw so she couldn't run off, not that it wouldn't be hard for her to overpower me but it really helped me feel better when she smiled.

    "Thanks Damien and I hope we can find someone special for you while you're here at college." replied Ruby as she smile.

    I could tell these girls were really going to make me break out of my lone wolf shell and part of me was fine with that but I'm not sure if I'm ready to give myself to anyone. I'd rather just focus on my studies and maybe once I'm done with college I can think about finding a mate.