A Friendly Visit

    Over the next few weeks. Three to be exact. Ruby had checked with me to see if I was ready to go meet this squirrel crush of hers. Now don't get me wrong from the pictures she showed me, which was almost at stalker levels of, he really is hot and I wouldn't mind him as a mate if it wasn't for the whole factor he scares me because of how much he resembles my father.

    I know I'm a grown wolf and though me and my mom haven't seen him in ten years that doesn't mean I'm not still scared of him. You have someone do what he did to me and let me know if you're not still scared of them after ten years, especially if they are still free to do as they please. Yep my father is still free and that's all because me and my mother are too scared to say anything. I'm just glade he doesn't know where we are.

    Well so far college has been great. I have my roommates which all being girls don't tease me or make fun of me for being gay. Two of them don't even pay much attention to me other then to ask me which one has a bigger vagina or something stupid like that because they know it won't turn me on. As for the other two well I told you what Ruby has been bugging me about well Jill has had her own concerns.

    "Damien can we talk?" asked Jill after knocking on my door.

    "If its about me getting a gun then no." I sigh as I fondle my balls, one because I'd just gotten up and two because I just felt like fondling them

    "Come on I can't always be there to beat the guys off." replied Jill only for the other three in the common room to break out laughing at Jills poor choice of words to which she yelled, "Oh grow up girls that's not what I meant."

    "Yah but you know you'd like it." I teased as I open my door just a hair to poke my head out to see Mia and Mya naked on the couch studying while Ruby was working at the table on her laptop.

    "Well someone has boldened up a bit since he first arrived." replied Jill pushing my door the rest of the way open revealing that I wasn't even dressed yet which caught her off guard. I could also tell the sight of my balls and sheath as well as the little bit of the tip of my penis which had started to poke out from me fondling my balls had made her get very wet.

    "Hay, remember I told you I sleep naked so you can't be mad." I replied with a smile as I closed her mouth with my left paw.

    "You're right I can't be." replied Jill after shaking her head to clear her thoughts before adding, "I'll give you two options. One you get a gun so you can protect yourself from anyone who tries to hurt you or you confront your fears and go with Ruby to meet her hot boss and flirt with him."

    "What fears? I ask shooting Ruby a glare thinking she betrayed me to which she mouthed back 'I didn't tell her'.

    "I know your afraid to talk to the guys your like let alone anyone who's not one us four or your mother. I also know you're afraid of many of the guys on the football team even though I can vouch for at least three of them as being giant cuddly teddy bears." replied Jill to which I sighed so she didn't know the real reason.

    "Hay I got an idea when you come in I can see if he'd show you how to use a gun so you might feel more comfortable around both." replied Ruby thinking she was helping for which she of course wasn't.

    "That's a great idea." replied Jill before turning to face Ruby and ask, "Is Monday too soon."

    "No I think he's in the office today I can check on the paperwork and there shouldn't be a problem other then he'd have to borrow one of Mya's dresses." replied Ruby.

    "Good you do that Ruby." replied Jill before turning to face me and I knew I was in for it now, "As for you mister get some underwear on and go to Mya's room and start looking for a dress that's not too fancy but not too slutty."

    "Have you seen my closet Jill dear?" asked Mya with a raised eyebrow, "All I own is formals and sex wear."

    "Something you'd wear to class then." replied Jill as I throw my robe on. I hated the feel of underwear and I know Mya doesn't mind seeing me naked just like it doesn't bother me seeing her naked.

    "You're saying this to the girl who wore a strap on double dildo so her and Mia could have sex in class." called Ruby, "Which is still better then the fact that all of Mia's clothes are crotchless or full body pleasure suits."

    "What about you then?" asked Jill looking at Ruby this made me freeze. I didn't want to go naked into Ruby's room it would only make us both uncomfortable.

    "Well I might have a few outfits that might fit him but I'm not sure if they'd be his style." confessed Ruby which made me let out a sigh of relief until she continued talking which only made me moan inside, "But we could always mix and match a few things until we find something."

    "Aright into her room you go and get that outfit for your date with a squirrel." replied Jill as she pushed me towards Ruby's room to which I groaned.

    Once inside Ruby started looking through her closet then back at me for a second before returning to the closet. She did this multiple times before finally sighing, "Look, I can't find the perfect first date outfit for you if I can't see all of you. Or at least all of you that were going to show off. So loose the robe and don't worry I'll be fine seeing you in your undies."

    I sigh as I slowly drop the robe while she was looking in the closet and when she even looked at me the first two times she didn't even notice my lack of underwear but on her third look at me she froze as it started to sink in. She then gulped before pantingly asking, "Can I touch them? That's all nothing more I promise. Just one touch and then I'll be back to finding you an outfit."

    I was scared, I've never really had anyone else touch me down there other then my father and it was never good but I noticed she wasn't moving towards me and had even looked away. She must've taken my silence as a no. In truth I wasn't sure what it'd even feel like so as I watched her dig through her closet not even looking back at me I decided she's done so much for me that I could at least give her this one thing, well two if you count the whole pretending to be a girl and going to flirt with her crush to see if he's gay.

    So I close my eyes and slowly walk towards her and when I was standing behind her I went to say something only for her to turn and her muzzle brushed against my balls causing me to stumble backwards and fall on the ground. She had only froze before a smile formed on her muzzle and she said, "Thanks."

    Ruby then through out a jean skirt that went to my knees as well as black t-shirt with two fox like characters on it. One was red with like three or four tails while the other was light brown with white paws and the tip of its tail. I tried them on and they fit well except for around the chest area but I couldn't help I don't have breath like her.

    So Monday came and I nervously follow Ruby into the police station while wearing the outfit she let me barrow along with my visitor pass which I look at and read Danielle. I look at Ruby in the elevator and ask, "Why couldn't you use my real name?"

    "Too manly" replied Ruby as she lead the way down the poorly lit hallway since Marcus had shut off the broken blinking lights and was just using lamps for now.

    We then enter the lab to which point Ruby insists on actually giving me a tour even though she knows the only purpose I was here dressed as a girl surrounded by big powerful and strong men was because I was trying to help her. She was in the middle of showing me how the DNA database works when I felt a prick on my finger. I look down to see Ruby taking a blood sample.

    "Was that necessary?" I ask while sucking on my finger.

    "Yes, I'm already in the system and thus you wouldn't get the whole experience." replied Ruby with a smile.

    She then started to input the data for my name and date of birth. As I watch I get distracted by her squirrel crush heading our way. She wave once she noticed him before shouting, "Sir this is Dani why don't you show her ballistic and the proper way to hold a gun."

    He smiles while holding out a paw to which I nervously take but still let him lead me to a small area to the right side of the lab. He then starts to explain the parts of a gun and how to switch off the safety. None of which I caught as I was too memorized by his voice and the sparkle in his eye was this what love was.

    Just then I had a gun pushed into my paws and I felt him kicking my feet apart before I felt his paws adjust my shoulders before one slide to my paws as I took aim at the target. I could also feel his sheath against my ass and I almost started to go erect so when I felt his other paw sliding along my stomach gently towards my groin I panicked. Now at the time I didn't know he was only placing his paw there to monitor my breathing but as I panicked I accidentally released the pistol's clip which when it hit the counter just right it discharged a bullet which graze his ear.

    To this I slipped out of his grasp trying to apologize as I make my way back to Ruby who'd just finished adding my data to the system and hit save. Marcus tried to follow me while holding his ear but I hid behind Ruby. He then stopped and sighed, "Miss you're okay it's my fault for not warning you I'd be placing a paw on you belly and that it might feel like I was trying to be extra friendly but trust me I'm more professional then that. I actually was hoping to talk with you about something."

    "Sir Dani has a slight issue with strong men and well I should've warned you but I think we best be going." replied Ruby as she turned to show me the way out.

    Once in the elevator I looked down at the skirt and blush before saying, "Ruby I'm sorry about that and I think I got some pre cum on your skirt, but I couldn't help it I could feel his sheath against my as and I started to go erect as he was placing his paw on my belly and I thought if he went farther down he'd feel it and that would only cause problems for you."

    "Why? Is he gay?" asked Ruby worried.

    "Not sure but you told him I was your roommate. What if he looked into it and then I was forced out of your dorm back into the guys dorm." I sigh, "What about your skirt?"

    "Oh just wash it in cold water and then keep it for next time." replied Ruby with a smile as the doors opened with a ding, "Sorry I have to get back to work I'll see you later at the dorm so stay out of trouble."

    "Me trouble I didn't even want to be here let alone do this so if anyone gets in trouble its you." I tease as I leave the police station waving only to bump into a hare much like Ruby except male and in a detectives outfit.

    I could feel his muscle and once more shivered with fear before bolting leaving the hare puzzled. He then shrugged his shoulders and approached Ruby and gave her a hug.