So that was weird I'm not sure why he jumped when I placed my paw on his belly other then he didn't want me to think he was a man, but then the fact he obviously was trying to hide that he was a guy. I just don't know why he's a cute little wolf though and it did feel good to have him in my arms.
Just then I was snapped back to attention when I heard an alarm going off on Ms. O'Hare's computer which I was standing right next to. I slowly turn to read the alert to see a flashing red bar over a DNA profile. The red bar read the words Partial Match. I then click on it to pull up the profile to one side of the screen along with the case to which it matches.
I froze as I read the case number because that's all I needed to know for this case file sat in the top draw of my desk. The case this sample matched was that of the cub molester that was still on the loose. The case that I've slowly been working on.
Just then as I look over the top of the screen to see Ms. O'Hare strolling back into the lab and once she saw me at her station she froze and almost all emotion left her. I think she assumed I may have found the photos of me that she had on there and that she'd tell me about later.
She slowly walked over to me at which point I'd stand and face her and seeing her shaking I placed a paw on her shoulder before addressing her.
"Ms. O'Hare you're not in trouble in fact you've made a great advancement in a case that has been on the back burner for some time now." I calmly explain to her, "I just need to know where you go this last sample you input into your computer."
"Oh Dani's" replied Ruby leaning to look around me at the computer, "Why what case does it match?"
"Well it's not a complete match so you don't have to worry about your roommate being a criminal, but I will like to talk to her again about this but first I'll need to look things over more." I explain with a smile before I turn to send the profile and all attached data to my computer.
"I can ask her but it might take some time to get her to agree to come back." sighed Ruby.
"Don't rush her. Let her come when she's ready and it doesn't have to be here. It can be somewhere public and she can have you there or someone that will make her feel as comfortable as possible." I explain before turning to head for my desk.
"Yes sir." sighed Ruby as I walked away and I could tell something was bothering her so I stopped.
"Ms. O'Hare is something bothering you?" I ask as I turn to face her.
"No sir. I just..." started Ruby as she opening one of her draws and pulling out a small box before adding, "I just felt bad about what my first gift to you welcoming you to the team could've implied and wanted to get you something else and well I'm not sure what you might think of this one."
"One, the nutcracker was fine and I didn't take any meaning from it other then what you told me, welcome to the team. So you don't need to give me any additional gift." I explain realizing the mistake this was as she sank her head and started to put the box back.
"Oh, I see." sighed Ruby as she started to place the box back until I placed my paw on hers and pulled the box towards me.
"Was there something I was supposed to get from the gift of the nutcracker?" I ask as I slowly lead Ruby over to my desk before I take the box from her and motions for her to take the seat across my desk.
"Well, my roommates said you might think I'm racist, or wanting to squeezes your balls either in pleasure or pain or that I thought you were gay." sighed Ruby as she sat in the seat across from me while I sat in my chair and set the box on my desk.
"Well, the first never crossed my mind. As for the next two they would both get your internship terminated yet one might get you a date while the other a restraining order. As for the last one would it be so bad if I was?" I replied watching her reactions with each word I said seeing if I could read her real attentions.
"There is nothing wrong if you're gay, I just..." started Ruby trying to dig herself out of a mess she seems she's dug herself into.
"You where hoping to eventually go out with me." I replied with a smile, "I can see it all over your face and I think we've discussed the fact that we can't even though you're a very beautiful young lady and I'd like to some day take you on a date but right now its unethical." I explained with a smile trying to encourage her, "But first I'd like to maybe get to know Dani a little better if you're okay that is."
"What? Why wouldn't I. Like you said we can never be. You might as well give me that back." huffed Ruby holding out her paw.
"Then I wont discuss anything more then the case with her." I replied placing the box in my desk draw before adding, "Thanks for the gift I'll open it later but for now can you please return to working on the case at hand and as soon as I'm ready to brief you on the case I'm working on I'll call you over and I want you to be caught up on all of your current cases."
"Yes sir," sighted Ruby as she pulled her paw back and stand up.
"Ms. O'Hare I said to call me Marcus or if you have a good enough nickname then that and I think we've already discussed the thought of Red." I replied giving her a glance that said I'm sorry.
"When you start calling us by our first names I'll call you by yours." replied Ruby turning to walk off back towards her workstation.
I then sigh as I turn to my computer feeling really bad she was a great girl but if I'm going to fight the misconduct of this precinct then I have to stick to the rules I wish to be enforced. Otherwise I'll be no better then those I'm trying to fight.
Meanwhile as I study the new case data Ruby had finished uploading her notes and took a break and headed up to the detective's bullpen. Once there she sought out the hare that hugged her when Damien left and once finding him she popped down in the chair across from his desk and the hare looked over the file he was reading before asking, "Can I help you sis?"
"Well I think I've screwed up. I asked one of my roommates to come in and meet Lt. Squirrel and see if he's gay or not only for him to want me to set him up on a date with her again." sighed Ruby almost on the brink of crying.
"If you're referring to the hot wolf that bumped into me as I was coming back from lunch I don't blame him she's hot. Now with that said why don't you come with me to the lounge after work and get a few drinks and we can talk more." replied the hare setting his file down.
"I can't we're not allowed to go to the in house lounge. Besides I told my roommate I'd tell her how things went after she left." sighed Ruby. "Plus it still won't change the fact he said we wouldn't be able to date with me being on his team."
"One how long have you not been allowed to come to the lounge because Johnson was there last night." confusingly replied the hare, "As for you two not dating over half of this precinct is sleeping with each other so I don't see why you couldn't that is unless he's the one the captain mentioned was trying to ruffle the feathers of our wonderful system."
"We've not been allowed there since the first day Lt. Squirrel started over a three weeks ago." replied Ruby confused. "And what do you mean about someone ruffling feathers?"
"The captain says some rookie cop disapproves of the way he runs the precinct and is trying to get things changed. If this Lt. Squirrel is that person I don't want you around him." replied the hare looking sternly at Ruby.
"Maybe if he is it's because what he's trying to change needs changed you ever wander about that? I'm not being paid other then the gift we all get from Lt. Squirrel for solving cases while we work out of a modified broom closet that he's paid for all the renovations and upgrades himself." replied Ruby, "And before you judge these comments have nothing to do with me liking him. Not to mention I have a new problem."
"And what's that?" teasingly asked the hare while sticking his tongue out at her.
"Well you said Johnson's still going to the in house lounge here and I should report it but I don't want to be looked at as the tattle tale while not to mention it might look like I'm trying to suck up to him." sighed Ruby looking down at her feet completely complexed.
"You do nothing if what you say is true then maybe I need to have a chat with this Lt. Squirrel." encouraged the hare lifting his sisters chin so she could see his smile before adding, "Sis go back down there and just do your job if he likes you he'll say so and if he's the one ruffling feathers and if I can guess which feathers he's ruffling he's hurting more then you that you can't date."
"So you think I should set him up with my roommate instead?" asked Ruby as she whipped some tears out of her eyes. "He said he wouldn't ask her out if I wasn't okay with it."
"Then he cares about your feelings and I'd just give the whole thing some time." replied the hare with a smile.
As for me I'd final studied things as best as I could and seeing that Ruby was still gone on her break. Most likely to talk with her brother which is fine it could be deemed case related and thus not a full break thus I'll give her all the time she needs. Which brings me to the gift. I thought over the many meanings she said her roommates said the nutcracker could mean and I kind of hoped she was going for the pleasureful holding of my balls.
So with a sigh I open my desk draw to see what new gift she'd gotten me and as I open the box a smile formed on my face as I saw what was inside. She'd gotten me a small lavender Alicorn figure with a dark purple with a single streak of pink mane and tail as well as a star with five smaller stars circling it tattooed on its flank. I slowly pull the figure out trying not to break it seeing as it was made out of glass before setting in on my desk right below my computer monitor.
Just the then I happened to look up and notice Ruby returning and I also noticed that some of the others had noticed she'd been gone longer then the allowed break time. So I stood and called out, "O'Hare! Did your brother have any clues on the case?"
This caught her off guard first that I knew she had a brother on the force and because she knew that I knew I hadn't sent her to speak with her brother. Nervously she walked over to my desk at took a seat as I did before leaning over my desk to speak to me.
"Whatever the real reason you took a longer break doesn't mater as long as you don't make a habit of it." I whispered to her before laying a file before her and leaning back before adding, "Ruby your roommate is a familiar match to the perpetrator of which means someone in their family is the person we are after."
"Now with that said, our window of locking this person up is slowly closing. I don't want to scare her anymore more then I already have but unless we act soon he'll be free unless we can dig up a more recent offense." I explain, "So my mission for you is first talk to Dani about coming in and talking with me about this and second to work hard on uploading all of the DNA samples we have and hopeful find all os the cases this scum bag is linked to and through the biggest book we have at him."
"Sir as you know DNA is my specialty and I can tell you that this perpetrator is one of her parents and from what she's told me I'd guess her father and since she's not seen nor heard from him in ten years." replied Ruby hoping this might keep me from insisting on having Damien come back in.
"That helps but I still wish to speak with her when she's ready since the odds are she was a victim as well." I replied with a smile before leaning in and adding, "Also thanks fo the figurine how'd you know she was my favorite pony?"
"Oh well I caught a glimpse of your tattoo on your first day when we came in and you were in a tank top ripping up the carpet." confessed Ruby as she started to blush.
"Oh you saw that?" I replied a bit nervous before asking, "How much of it did you see other then her?"
"Oh you mean the anthro fox in a green shirt and grey vest with a computer visor over one eye who had his penis deep in her vagina while he sucked off a yellow two tailed fox that was sitting on the alicorn's back. I'm just glade I chose the right one of the trio." replied Ruby with a smile.
"Well to be honest all three of them are my favorites but I'm glade you choose her too because other wise I might think you thought I was gay." I replied with a wink to let her know the last part was a joke.