Shedding Tears

With a sigh I slowly pull out of the station's parking lot heading for the first house. Now I'd purposefully saved Officer's Foxtail and Hedgehog for last sine I was closest to them and really didn't want to have trouble getting to the others. Also part of me really struggled with if I should be honest with the corrupt cop's families or not but the final decision was made as I slowly approached his house and saw the kids playing in the yard all come to attention and solute me for I was still in my uniform. With a sigh I knelt before the twin boys and placed a paw on each of their shoulders just as the mother was starting to come out and see what was going on.

She then froze as she saw my messed up uniform that showed I'd been in a fire fight and she'd defiantly heard all the sirens for the last hour or so. She'd also seen my rank bar on my collar. I then sigh before leading the two boys to their mother and removing my hat to which she started to cry.