An Odd Dinner

It wasn't long after our conversation about Lilly's plan to get same sex marriage legalized that my panic attacks started to kick in and I was really starting to worry about Marcus and if he was safe. Finally after asking for the fifth time if anyone had heard from Marcus or knew how things were going that Mya banished me to the kitchen.

Now one can only wash the dishes so many time before that too isn't good enough of a distraction so with a paw on my growling stomach I came o the conclusion I'd start cooking what ever I could. Now this wasn't the best idea taste wise but it sure was a great distraction and time consumer.

I started with boiling noodles, and cooking up al kinds of meats which lead to opening up deferent spices and sauces. Now as that cooked in their many pans and pots I started to cut up fruits and vegetables and mixing them into an odd stew like dish. Which made me remember that not everyone eats meat so I started on a salad.