Out of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire!

The next morning I wake up in my bed with Marcus on one side of me and Damien on the other side both with an arm across my chest. Last night was really amazing but there was still a whole in my heart where Ruby once was, and yes Rubius has helped fill that void a little bit but not completely. It was at that point that it clicked, I haven't heard the baby cry recently or all night for that fact.

Panic began to fill my body as I couldn't loose what little part of Ruby I had left. So with all my might I sat up right thus causing both Marcus and Damien to roll away from me and fall crashing to the floor with a set of load thuds. I was worried for them but the baby's wellbeing was far more important at this moment as I leaped from the bed and made a dash for the living room were I assumed the baby's crib was.


"Owe, hay were's the fire and who uncuffed you?" came a grumpy hiss as I collided with someone and we both came crashing to the ground.