Over The Hill But Not Out of The Woods Yet

Once back in our room I smiled at Marcus in open of getting him to go another round at least with me before we got dressed only for him to walk past me right for the closet. There he got out a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top. As for Officer Snow he got back into his jeans and t-shirt that he'd worn over here. Me on the other paw didn't feel like wearing jeans or pants at all so I put on my slutty maid's outfit that had a short skirt and basically a apron like top.

We then walk out of the room one at a time to find Mia and Mya sitting in Marcus' high back chair with Mia sitting on Mya's lap and it one of Mya's paws ever so discreetly slipped into the top of Mia's pants more then likely playing with her vagina. As for Ray he'd returned to the house only to glare at me in my outfit ready to stand up and march right back out which made my heart sink and with a sigh I began to turn to leave only to feel a gentle paw take hold of my wrist.