Officer Andrew Stallion - Part One

The following is a two part tale at was the background and history as well as the events leading up to the death of Andrew. These chapters are written from Marcus Squirrel's prospective and was originally meant as some filler between events but then things shifted as I wrote and thus they were cut. So please sit back and enjoy.


"Tell me more about Andrew please?" asked Damien one night after I had been working late at the office and after finding and dealing his case file.

"Well, we met in academy but learned a little more about him today seeing as I came across his case file and thus had to look into it." I sighed as I sat down next to Damien as he held little Rubiues in his arms, and Rubius was fast asleep with a smile on his face.

"I'm so sorry dear, was there no one else who could review the case?" asked Damien.