Officer Andrew Stallion - Part Two

This is the continuation of Andrew's back story and yes I know it's a lot of work for a character that you never really get to meet in story except for maybe  the appearance of his ghost and that's why it was cut yet I really think you should get to know what really happened that made him so special to our friends.


Like I had said Andrew's academy days are pretty much recorded in the telling of Marcus Snow's academy days as well as those of Marcus "Squirrel" Brown's academy days. Thus we now open with his intro into the same gang who'd taken his to brother's from him, yet they had no clue of his connection to them.

"I here you're in need of some muscle?" chuckled Andrew with a half smile and a quick glance checking out the two wolf gang members.

"Yes, and seeing as you seem to think we'd ever mate with you tells me you'd do best guarding our hoes." chuckled one of the wolves with a half grin.