The Lesauvage Vampire ~ Leviathan

Here I was, the only tavern in Woodsage, having a nice evening talking to the bartender like I usually do when everything went downhill.

I asked the bartender for a glass of water,(ya know- to sober up) and then, as soon as he went the storage room to get a lemon for it, someone shouted.


I kept on staring into space, waiting on the bartender to return to continue our conversation.

"You there, sitting by the end of the counter!" The voice shouted, yet again.

This time, I turned around to see who was angrily shouting at me this time.

A guy, not much older than myself stood up. He was wearing armor, and on his chest was a symbol. The symbol of the Knights of Ice. 'Damn it', I thought. 'Just what I needed. The Euthorian knights.' I swear, those guys were the most annoying people I'd ever met, and I doubted that they'd changed much over the span of a thousand years. He walked over to me, stumbling. He was obviously very drunk. How do I know?

Well, let's just say that my former best friend was a raging alcoholic, and leave it at that.

Anyways, he came over, slammed his fist on the counter in front of me, and started talking to me.

"Do you know who I am?"

He said, in that terrible cliche I-am-a-knight-you-should-respect-me tone.

"I've probably never seen you before, and if I have, you can't have been important enough for me to remember you," I replied.

"Heh. I get it. You think you're funny, don't you?"

"No seriously, I haven't got the slightest clue of who you are."

"Well. To put it simply, I am the man that's going to kill you."

"Why? I don't recall doing anything to deserve a death sentence. Spectre, on the other hand....."

He unsheathed a short sword and took another step towards me. I stood up and backed a little, readying myself for a fight.

"I, Stradivarius, Leader of the Knights of Ice, will here and now, end your miserable life demon!"

Then he lunged at me.

I quickly dodged him and tripped him with my foot, sending him flying to the closest table. He collided with the guy closest to the window and sent the table flying all over the place.

The guy stood up, throwing Stradivarius off him in the way. The man attempted to hit Stradivarius for ruining his quite nice lunch, but missed, and hit someone else instead. That guy got mad, and so on, so on. Soon enough, everyone was fighting over something, and some didn't even know why they were fighting.

I felt someone poke my shoulder, so I turned around and saw a young man, probably only around 17-18 years old. He wore a shirt with the crest of the Euthorian Knights. He sat down and started talking to me.

"Hey uhm, if you wanna leave before Stradivarius realizes that he's fighting the wrong people and turns his attention on you, now's your chance."

" Yeah I could do that, but where's the fun in that? Besides, in this state, I doubt he can even see straight right now."

"Aha. Okay then, suit yourself. I need to know something though."

"What is it?"

"Are you really Leviathan Lesauvage of the Holy Trio?"

"I'm not sure how holy a demon can get, but yes. That's me I guess."

"Wow. I thought you guys were a legend."

"Technicalities don't matter. Anyways, I should probably continue my journey to Waterdale before it gets too late. What's your name boy?" I asked him.

"Sirius. Sirius Arden."

"Well, it was nice to talk to you, Sirius. I hope you become a great knight one day, hopefully, more honorable than that thing you call a captain."

And with that, I paid for my lunch and left the tavern.


As I was walking back to Waterdale, I saw someone in the distance. I stopped for a second, trying to figure out why I felt like I knew them, but I shrugged it off. It can't be anyone from a thousand years ago, their power would be so strong, I would've felt it from a mile away.

I kept walking, and as they approached, I could hear their voices. They were two females, one visibly younger than the other. The younger one said,

"Are you completely sure you can go on, I mean if you keep blacking out like this, we'll never reach Woodsage tavern in time for the night."

I quickly hid behind a large rock so I wouldn't get seen, and so I could hear them better.

"Yes Reyna, I'm sure." The other girl replied.

The older one took a deep breath and stopped in her tracks.

"No- it can't be. He wouldn't be all the way out here on his own, and I only sense one other person here." She muttered under her breath.

I stood up from my hiding spot and entered their line of sight, but they didn't notice me right away. It wasn't until the younger one pinched the other saying,

"Is that the guy you've been sensing?"

The older one looked up, and it was then, that I felt that familiar tug at the bottom of my soul. I didn't recognize either of them, but they both looked familiar to me.

After a while of standing a few meters away from them, I finally approached them.

"Who are you two, and what are you doing in Woodsage desert on your own?" I asked.

"We're looking-"

"That's none of your business stranger we just met." The older one finished the sentence.

"I can take responsibility for my actions you know." The younger one said. "We're looking for the remnants of the Holy Trio."

"Well, then you girls have some of the best luck I know," I said.

"And why is that?"

"I happen to be one of them, "I started.

"Before you tell me more about this journey, I want to know something."

"And what would that be?"

"Who are you, you look familiar to me, but I cannot remember why you are." I went over to the younger one.

"What's your name girl?"

"My name is Reyna Videns, and I am the organizer of this journey."

"Interesting. And you? What happened to your mother, child of the forest?"

"Alright here mister, I demand you to leave us alone!" The older one shouted at me.

"Hey, I was just trying to be nice. You remind me of someone I used to know, but you can't be her, so you must be her child, therefore a fairy, and therefore a child of the forest."

"Fine. My parents died protecting the original fairy forest in the War of Survival a thousand years ago." She said.

"Wait, what?"

At this point, Reyna was in the back, staring back and forth as we spoke to each other.

The older girl all of a sudden started glowing. It wasn't a bright glow, it was more of a warm one. It got brighter and brighter until I had to cover my eyes to keep them from burning.

I felt the spell that was hiding my true form start to fade, and I shifted to look like I did a thousand years ago.

Just right before I opened my eyes, I heard her voice speak to me.

"So it is you, Leviathan Lesauvage; son of Argotaurius, Leader of the demons of Mizeareigh."

I opened my eyes to see her there, but she was so much different now. She had lighter hair and fairy wings, and she was holding a staff in her right hand.

I stared at her in disbelief before speaking.

"Lykfilia, is that you?"