Do I know you?

"Maybe this...this.....body's not true...."Yu Yan was confused,on what was actually going on in her life,was she really reincarnated?

"If you need help understanding your role then we're here for you"Lee said.

"Okay"Yu Yan said, Liko sat down on the bed, fighting Lee for the space beside "Yu Yan".

"And if becoming a model is too difficult,then I'll happily take care of it,you could do lessons with me"He said,grinning from ear to ear.

"As if?Mr Yu,don't think you can escape making breakfast! Let's leave Yu Yan for the meanwhile"Lee said.

Yu Yan felt someone staring at her immensely,and felt self-conscious.

She looked above to notice Chynna glaring at her,"does she know am not their friend Yu Yan?"Yu Yan asked herself,trying not to look at Chynna.

"Chynna!Chynna!Chy....."Lee called out to her.

"I heard you the first time!"Chynna glared at Lee.

"Let's go then"Lee said, Chynna left,but said something under her breath.

Once they all vacated the room,Yu Yan locked the door,and slumped down.

"Zi Tao,you caused all this, if only you didn't betray me by killing me....killing your own child..."Yu Yan wept.

"Wait!"She thought.

"What if am not dead? I don't really know that yet,I cannot be too certain,there is only one way to know,I have to visit my own dead body"Yu Yan thought.

She irked at that idea.

She decided it's best to shower,she still hadn't done that yet.

She dredded having to wear those clothes Chynna selected for her,she felt wearing a bathroom robe would be more decent.She wrinkled her brows knowing she had no choice,than to temporarily put on those clothes.

She had never worn explosive,modern clothes before.


"Chynna! Breakfast"Liko said, Chynna stood at the wall,her hands folded,she seemed distant,her eyes wandering around the room.


Liko didn't finish his sentence, Chynna sat at the table,and placed her foot on it.

"What's up?"Lee asked,now noticing Chynna.

"Nothing"she said,in a somewhat growl.

"Come on, Chynna,you would have at least punched me this morning,but you didn't,and Lee is right, you seem off the edge,any problem?"he asked.

"I said am fine"Chynna insisted,and they decided not to push any further.

"Oh,look who's looking like herself again"Lee said referring to Yu Yan,who just arrived for breakfast.

Nervousness radiating all over her face,as she took gentle and cautious steps.

Their breakfast seemed more European than Asian,and Yu Yan couldn't hide that she majorly had continental dishes,and gulped at the meal on the table.

"No table spoon,no soup spoon,not even a salad fork?"Yu Yan asked while seating down beside Lee.

"Eat,you're gonna need the energy"Liko said.

"I need information on who this Yu Yan girl is"Yu Yan thought,while looking at her breakfast,she had to take a bite,and seem natural.

She ate the first,then the second,and was pretty much chowing down her breakfast.

"This is actually better than i imagined,I've not eaten in days,am so hungry"Yu Yan thought,after finishing her breakfast,she wanted seconds,but everyone's comical stares made her expression that of an oaf,a daft daft oaf.

"What?"she managed to ask.

"Lee,you should be getting praises,your cooking has improved,you even made Yu Yan eat her worst dish"Liko said.

Chynna simply minded her breakfast but had an eye on Yu Yan.

"The first shoot will be in two days,so you need to get well rested and I'll arrange for the hair and makeup artist"Lee said.

"Can I go out today?"Yu Yan asked, Chynna dropped her spoon and looked at her, suspiciously.

"That fall makes you seem like you and someone else swapped bodies"Liko joked,making Yu Yan jitty.

"He's right, since when do you ever want to leave the house?"Lee asked.

"Where are you going?"Chynna asked.

"Why? Why don't I get it right,where do I tell them am going to now?"Yu Yan thought.

"Am going to a park,just to clear my mind,am feeling cramped up in here, because of the head injury"Yu Yan nervously said.

Lee and Liko exchanged glances.

"What time will you be back?"Chynna asked,and Yu Yan bit her lip.

"Before three"she said,and Chynna smirked and played with her spoon.

"I'll get going"Yu Yan said.

How are you going to get there?"Lee asked.

"I looked outside the window,I saw a bicycle,so I'll ride that or I'll commute"Yu Yan Said.

"Alright,but here take this and buy something for yourself"Liko said handing her some Yuans.

"Thanks brother"she said,trying to act like any normal girl.

She tied the jacket around her waist,the skirt was way too short,she couldn't risk any rough breeze,she had dignity.

Yu Yan went outside,took the bicycle,and rode off."To my grave"she thought.

Chynna stood up to keep her dishes in the sink,but stopped Midway.

"You both saw why I was acting up,and I trust you both are smart enough to know that we are compromised, we've been infiltrated"Chynna said, and went in to do her dishes.


"I hope am wrong about this"She told herself.

The Zhi family kept their ashes in their house but kept a gravestone,of everyone in their lineage.

Yu Yan felt a knot tied in her stomach,she would know for certain now.

She parked the bike nonchalantly,letting it fall down.

She was practically running to the grave.

"Please let it be false,let all this be a dream"She thought,but her hopes were kiled.

"Zhi Wu,Zhi Lee,Zhi Tang and...and...Zhi Ruo!"she starmmered.

"No!,that means my child is dead..."she turned around to cry,but beheld those eyes.

She took in a deep breath, shaking, without thinking Yu Yan slapped him, before he could say anything,she slapped him again.

"This bastard!He killed me...and dared to come here!"Were her thoughts.

She raised her hand to slap him but he held her hand, she felt something course throughout her entire body.

He had never held her so tight before,she stood face to face with him,not knowing what to do.

His cold glare could kill her,she wanted the earth to open up and swallow her,she didn't like feeling like this.

Zi Tao's grip on her hand was tighter,and if he Did stop,he would hurt more than her heart.

Here they were, standing face to face,both harbouring emotions they hated,both filled with rage.

"Do I know you?"he asked,but it sounded like a scary threat,instead of a question.

She felt it,his question made her loose her cool,she felt inferior and squirmed.

"Do I know you?"She asked herself, she realized she did not know the man she jumped into bed with and called her lover.

He tightened his grip,and focused on her,"Do I know you?"He asked again demanding a reply that instant.

A/N:Thank for reading.

Feel free to tell me your opinion on the story so far.