New Resolutions

Dawei Lee and Liko were talking when they heard a loud thud, they grabbed their guns from under the couch and made their way to where the noise was coming from.

Chynna was on the kitchen floor, holding onto her back.

In her left hand was a magazine, Dawei helped her up, and Liko grew jealous.

"Are you okay?" Lee asked.

Liko looked away.

"Am okay,just hit my head"Chynna said.

"Just be careful"Dawei said sternly,Liko didn't say a word,he peaked to see if Chynna was fine,and seeing she was okay,he continued his pretence.

"Our helicopter will pick us up in six hours to the jet"Dawei said.

"Where is Yu Yan?"he asked and their eyes wandered around the room.

"What?"he asked,but they all kept on acting odd.

"Chynna what's wrong?"he asked in a tender voice.

"I...I..."Chynna was interrupted by Liko.

"My sister's out,but she'll be back soon"Liko said.

"Fine"Dawei said and left.

"We are going to have to tell him"Lee pointed out,Chynna folded her arms,and sighed.

"We can't"Liko said.

"And why not?"Chynna asked,but she was ignored by Liko.

"Lee,we know a lot about my sister,we can help make Zhi Ruo Yu Yan"Liko said,and Lee stared at him then at Chynna.

"Am going to check if I left anything behind,you should too"he said and left the kitchen.

"Why is he acting like that?"Chynna asked.

"Who?"Lee asked playing dumb.

"Liko"Chynna said.

"Am not sure what you're talking about,but I'd take his advice and go make sure am packed right. You should too"Lee said.

But Chynna knew he was being stranger than usual.

"Huang wedding today"Chynna said under her breath looking into the magazine.


Yu Yan grabbed a helmet and sat on Peng.

"Where to?"Peng asked.

"Huang wedding..."


Zi Tao got an unexpected guest in his room that morning,it was Qing Shan,the stepmother of Zhi Ruo.

He was startled at her arrival,but covered it up.

"I see you're moving on quickly"She said,and walked about the room.

"What are you doing here?"he asked,coldly,she grinned.

"Am moving to Hong Kong,and I just want to make sure I settle all scores"Qing Shan said confusing Zi Tao.

"You really are so much like your father,my child leans on you for support but you destroy her"Qing Shan said.

"Am not the reason Zhi Ruo died"Zi Tao said,he had convinced himself that it was never his fault,he tried to paint that as the truth.

"Really? Then explain the letter you sent her,you pushed her to kill herself" Qing Shan said trying not to yell.

"What are you saying? What letter?"He asked perplexed,Qing Shan dropped the letter on his table,he picked it up and read through it's content.

"That child loved so much,but you betrayed her"Qing Shan said.

"Feel guilty,and end this wedding,let the Huang Family be put to shame,that Huang Yue will learn not to mess with me"Qing Shan thought.

Zi Tao's eyes widened in shock,which sparked interest.

"I...this isn't my handwriting,I didn't send this"Zi Tao said.

"How can you say that! Zhi Ruo sent you a letter and you sent her a gift basket along with this letter"Qing Shan Said.

"Is it possible that Zi Tao had no clue on this letter,maybe it was all Huang Yue..."Qing Shan thought.

"Just admit it,you wanted her gone because she was carrying your child"Qing Shan said.

This was Zi Tao's breaking point,how was he supposed to react to this news.

"Tell me it's not Zhi Ruo was...she was carrying my child?"he asked about to let out a tear drop,but he supressed it.

"Yes, it's true,and you and your family disgraced and rejected her and her baby"Qing Shan spat at him,he held the letter and recognised it as his mother's writing.

"That poor thing cried her eyes out,she took that step knowing she truly was alone. I feel so bad for her,at least her and her baby are in a better place now"Qing Shan said.

She turned to take her leave her work had been done.

"Zi Tao...Congrats on your wedding"Qing Shan said and exited the room,leaving a despairing Zi Tao.

He broke down,and sobbed.

"I couldn't save her, couldn't save our child!"He said punching the floor multiple times.

Next he dashed into his mother's room,she was outside in the patio attending to all the guests,he walked in and began his relentless search.

He searched every nook n cranny till a little piece of paper fell from one of her fur coats,he recognised the initial on it,and it was Zhi Ruo's handwriting as well.

Reading it was what destroyed his soul that day,it broke what little compassion and respect he had left for anyone.

"They are all liars,they lied to me"He thought now enraged,he made a quick call.

"Get me fake marital documents"Zi Tao said over the phone.


"Yu Yan you're tensed"Peng said,as it arrived at the wedding.

She packed her hair up and wore dark shades,not wanting to be recognised by anyone.

"How do I go inside now?"she thought seeing the bouncers.

A young bachelor just pulled over,she assessed him and deduced that he was going to the wedding and had no date.

She tugged on his arm,alarming the young man,but once he glanced at her he consented to it,and both went in hand in hand.

"Who are you?"he asked,admiring her.

Yu Yan winked at him while walking away, he would have followed her but some people circled him, colleagues probably.

Yu Yan sat at the back,her legs crossed,she did not want too much attention drawn to herself.

Feng Mian was supposed to be either dead or in a hospital at this time.

Shi Ling attended the wedding too,she adjusted her shades,she had to blend in,Shi Ling would follow her flawless skin to the ends of the Earth if she needed to.

The wedding started!

Ru Shi was dressed in white,she looked stunning,Yu Yan watched as she graciously walked about.

"Zhi Ruo,this was expected"she said,trying to calm herself down.

The Huang Family were all there,except Huang Xiao of course,and the flower in the tower.

Huang Xiao stayed in the shadows,away from the cameras.

"All isn't sunny in paradise"She thought to herself,and at long last the awaited groom arrived, late.

She was breathless,she watched him and tried to keep it all together,her heart sunk when he held Ru Shi's hand.

"You must not cry, you will not cry"she psyched herself.

But her resolve was broken when he placed a ring on her finger,she clenched her jaw.

At the end she kissed him,and he kissed her back fiercely,and a tear escaped Yu Yan's eye,she wiped it away,but more kept on coming.

People applauded them,and she joined in as well clapping for the couple.

She wanted to stand up and clap loudly as well and slap him senselessly as well.

She had had enough.

"Stop hurting yourself"she said under her breath,and made her escape,but crashed into Shi Ling on her way out,her shades falling down.

"Sorry,am really sorry"Shi Ling said,Yu Yan bent down to pick them up,but recognized the voice to belong to Shi Ling,and stayed down.

"Do you need help?"Shi Ling asked,concerned.

"No"Yu Yan said trying to disguise her voice,Shi Ling squatted and picked up the shades herself, but was blown away to discover it was Yu Yan.

"Feng Mian! I.. everyone thinks you're dead"Shi Ling said.

And Yu Yan led her away from where they were visible.

"What happened to you?"Shi Ling asked,bewildered.

"How did you survive?"She asked furthermore.

"Shhhh"Yu Yan said,calming Shi Ling.

"I need you not to tell anyone you've seen me"Yu Yan said, puzzling Shi Ling.

"But why?"Shi Ling inquired.

"I just want to get away from the industry but my contract isn't over yet,so am pretending to..."Shi Ling cut her off.

"Ooh! I understand,and I'll keep your secret Feng Mian"Shi Ling said and Yu Yan sighed in relief.


"Where is she?"Dawei asked looking at his watch,five minutes left.

"Am sure she's on her way"Lee said.

"Do you guys know something?"he asked.

"No"Chynna said,and he kept watch on them for signs of nervousness.

They heard her bike pull up.

"Finally"Dawei said

Their luggage had already been sent,the helicopter was waiting for them.

"Let's go"Liko said.

Yu Yan was held back by Dawei,who stared at her, immensely.

"Where did you go?"he asked.

"Yu Yan wouldn't answer that"she thought, remembering when she was first asked that question by her housemates,she was learning.

"We have a flight to catch"she said,and he smirked and placed his arm around her shoulders.

"You're right,you guys next mission is going to take time, you'd better get started soonest"he said and led her outside.

"Do you think she will be able to pull this off?"Lee asked Chynna and Liko.

"She better,for our sakes"Chynna said under her breath,and they all exchanged glances.


After the reception,Ru Shi made her way to her new bedroom,she slumped on it smiling,and throwing up Rose pedals.

She immediately went into the bathroom and took off her clothes and tied only a bathroom robe,wanting to make her first night count.

She sat seductively on the bed,waiting for her hubby to arrive,she waited for an hour but he didn't arrive she stood up and walked to the mirror,admiring herself.

The door flung open and Zi Tao walked in changing the atmosphere, sending chills down Ru Shi's spine.

She loosened the robe,and let it fall to the ground,and bit her lower lip, seductively looking at her husband,seeing he did nothing,she walked to him,and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"I love you...sugar cookie"she whispered in his ear,and he burst into laughter,confusing Ru Shi.

"What's wrong?"she asked,but he kept on laughing uncontrollably.

"What did you just call me?"He asked rather serious.

"Su...Sugar cookie"She said,he pulled her nude body to himself,squeezing her hands,hurting her.

"It's funny how you always call me that,but.."he took in her scent weakening her.

He pulled her,and pushed her against the door,"I'll be everything..."he whispered into her ear,his hands wandering,"but sweet to you"he said.

And before Ru Shi could register what he said,he had opened the door and pushed her outside,and locked the bedroom door.

"Open the door please Zi Tao"She begged,but all her pleadings fell on deaf ears,she cupped her breasts in her arms,and rushed to try and find somewhere to hide,drenched in tears.

She looked down and guests just arrived,she gulped,but felt a strong hand pull her into a room and shut the door.

Petrified,she clenched her eyes,but felt something soft,she opened her eyes,a blanket,she then realised she was in the bedroom of Huang Xiao,and he handed her a blanket.

"You pervert!"she yelled at him,wrapping herself and punching him,but her anger turned into tears.

Huang Xiao held her fists and pulled her to a tight hug,stroking her head,soothing her nerves.

She sobbed,hard on his chest,not minding her circumstances.

"What's wrong?"He asked,but she looked away,he brought her face back,and his eyes wandered about her face.

"I was accidentally locked out of my bedroom"Ru Shi said,and disengaged from the hug.

"ooh! Without putting on clothes I see"he said.

"Yes, I'll be going"she sharply said.

"Am not sure Huang Wei would like his new daughter in law wandering about his house with a blanket in front of his guests"Huang Xiao said.

It dawned on her also,and she sat on his bed,and sobbed, Huang Xiao knelt in front of her and held her fragile hands.

"Tell me"he tenderly said to her,and she told him everything that happened,and Huang Xiao's expression changed,he was angry.

"Don't cry anylonger"he said,but Ru Shi was inconsolable.

"What do I need to do to get you to stop crying?"he asked her,and her eyes lit up.

"You are his brother,I want you to help me win his heart"Ru Shi said.

Huang Xiao looked at her,uncertain,but he didn't want her to cry any longer.

"Done"he said,Ru Shi unexpectedly hugged him from behind.

"Thanks so much brother in law"She said happy.

"With your help I'll win over my sugar cookie"She said feeling on cloud nine.

Later on she fell asleep,Huang Xiao tucked her in his bed,and slept on the couch,watching her till he fell asleep.


While on the plane,Yu Yan kept on seeing the kiss between Zi Tao and Ru Shi,it killed her inside,she had had it,that was the limit.

"Zhi Ruo,you will never fall again,and you will no longer be weak again,you must lead this new life successfully,you must focus on your new mission...Revenge"

A/N:Huge thanks to my readers,love you all.

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