No Slip ups

Huang Yue had invited the most prestigious women to her house to show off her new daughter in law.

She wanted to flaunt Ru Shi to the world, and increase her popularity among the upper class status women.

"You have such a beautiful home here,I love the decor.."one of the women said.

"Oh,thank you, it's an expensive design"Huang Yue said flaunting her diamond rings,catching the eyes and attention of her guests.

"Oh,here comes the lady of the day"a guest said as Ru Shi made her way to the door,ready for a shoot.

"My darling,come say hi to these nice women"Huang Yue said.

Ru Shi had a shoot to get to,but considering her husband owned the industry she obeyed.

"Hello aunties"She said smiling brightly,they were all shell shocked,to see her in person,she was absolutely stunning.

"I envy you really,having the perfect family"Another of the women.

"Yes, someone would kill for a family like yours,"Another guest chipped in,and it made Ru Shi nervous,she got up and took her leave.

"What is up with her?"

"It's nothing, she's a busy young lady after all, She is just career orientated"Huang Yue said,with a nervous chuckle.

Huang Xiao descended from the stairs,he walked past the guests without acknowledging their presence,and made his way to the kitchen to get his breakfast.

"Who is that?"

"I've seen him a few times in your family parties,who is he?"

The questions made Huang Yue angry,as to why they would take sudden interest In a nobody,and soon realised they were nothing but high class gossips.

"Frankly speaking I don't know..."Huang Yue said,and reclined into the chair.

,"what do you mean you don't know?"A lady asked,all their attention was gotten.

"What I mean husband does a lot of charity work,and let's some he fancies live in the house,so let's leave it as he's someone my husband took in,a nobody"Huang Yue said harshly.

Not looking in his direction.

Huang Xiao had learnt not to get affected by her words,but she was now lying about his identity as well.

He walked past the prying eyes to his motorcycle,and drove off,not ready to listen to insults about him.

"Another glass?"Huang Yue offered.


Liko woke up to see Chynna in his bedroom,he blinked multiple times but she was still in his room on his bed,he thought he was dreaming.

"Wow, she's still hot in your dreams!"Liko said to himself,and shifted closer to her.

"What are you doing?"she asked,he drowned her voice,and watched only her lip movement.

"Can I stay in here till our mission is room has a bug infection,and Lee's room is filled with tools that I don't like"Chynna said,but Liko said nothing to her.

"I don't trust that Zhi Ruo enough to share a room with her"Chynna added

Liko kept on smiling at her,not listening,he moved in closer to steal a kiss,but as usual got a whack and a slam on the face.

"I should have never had blind Faith in you!.

It would be better to sleep with the fish outside,or share a room with Dawei instead of share a bed with you"Chynna said.

"Again with Dawei?Why is he so special?"Liko asked,not realizing he said that out loud.

"He's a gentleman,and he's not a pervert like you"Chynna said,while getting up,but a strong pull landed her back on the bed.

Liko crawled on top of her,and used his fingers to gently caress her jaw.

"Don't lie you came all the way here just to leave? You can't fool me Chynna,I know you want me"Liko whispered into her ear,and procedded to kiss her neck,which she did not react to.

He decided to further things,he slid his hands, from her stomach to her thighs,about to fulfill his lustful desires,which Chynna seemed to be consenting to.

When all of a sudden the door slid open and Chynna walked in.

"What!"he yelled,and realised he had been talking to a pillow!

He was hallucinating,it was all just a day dream of his and nothing else.

"No...No... it's not fake,it was too real,it can't be"he said hoping inwardly that he wasn't wrong,and decided to try his luck,maybe all would work out great for him.

But Dawei emerged from behind her,so he decided to play nice,for now.

"Get up, there's a change of plan"Chynna said.

Liko kept his pretence,and ignored her.

"I'll go call Yu Yan,you guys might go on that mission early"Dawei said and left the room.

Leaving Liko and Chynna,who had noticed how he had not been his usual disgusting self towards her.

"Are you doing okay?"she asked as casually as possible,he ignored her,and started to take off his clothing.

Chynna looked away,covering her eyes.

"What are you doing? You pervert!"she shrieked.

"Excuse me,but you're the one in my bedroom, from the looks of it,you want to take advantage of me"Liko said,coming closer.

"Just stay right where you are,don't come any closer"Chynna roared at him,trying hard to look away.

Liko smirked,he was in a mood to taunt and trouble Chynna,but before he could carry out his plan,Chynna had ran out of the room like a young school girl.

"Oh love,you can run but you can't hide..."Liko thought to himself,feeling victorious.


"Sir,the project manager has requested a day off,he says his wife is sick"Huang Zi Tao's assistant said to him.

"Tell him to make it a permanent break,change him,I don't like lazy people"Zi Tao said.

His petrified assistant could only nod

"When is my next appointment?"Zi Tao asked.

"Nothing,but you were invited to the pool club to watch an opening act for a party over there"His assistant said.

"Cancel that"Zi Tao said not breaking his concetration from his documents,he picked up a pen but it wasn't writing,he got irritated.

"Who delivers the pen the company uses?"Zi Tao asked demanding an immediate response from his assistant.

"'s an elderly man,he's been doing that for twenty three years"His assistant said.

"Fire him at once and order from a company instead"Zi Tao said,his assistant was bewildered at how ruthless and heartless his boss turned out to be.

"I fear he may be worse than Mr Huang Wei"he thought.

"What time is my father's flight scheduled to land?"Zi Tao asked.

"Sir,he isn't coming home today,he said he has somethings to take care of abroad,he isn't returning yet"his assistant said.

"What could he be up to?"Zi Tao asked,voicing out thoughts.

"That will be all"Zi Tao said and his assistant filed out,relived.

He studied the files,not able to get his mind at ease,what important work did his father have abroad?

"Why don't I know about it?"he asked himself,not able to make any sense out of it,but decided not to push it any further.


Angela had on a peach fur coat,and white leather jeans.

"Good thing you're all up"she said,looking directly at Yu Yan.

"You are going to Pakistan tomorrow"Angela said,and was given a tablet.

"Afghanistan is landlocked,and taking a plane will draw so much attention,so this is our plan"Angela said.

"You three will be on a ship carrying goods to be shipped to Afghanistan.

Once you get off,a car will take you to Afghanistan,then we'll help get you to the desert,where your job is to locate the hostage,and rescue him. It's as simple as that"Angela said.

"Hmm..."Lee said,thinking.

"How are we going to go about the desert?"Lee asked.

"On foot"Angela said,alarming Yu Yan.

"I disagree"Yu Yan said,and all eyes were on her.

"What did you just say?"Angela asked turning 180 degrees.

"I said...that I don't agree with you"Yu Yan said,a little hesitant.

"And Why not?"Angela asked,the other agents and workers all stood around to watch the funeral.

"It doesn't sound right,walking in a desert,we might get lost in storms,and even end up dying"Yu Yan said.

Chynna had a hopeless expression.

"What is she doing?"Liko asked himself.

"Since when have you been scared of dying on a mission?"Angela asked.

"There has to be a smarter way to reduce the risk of death"Yu Yan said,not knowing the impact of her words.

"I have been at this game for years,and I think am aware of how to run rescue operations"Angela said,sternly with force in her voice.

" just trying to say that it's dangerous,and we might end up loosing the hostage we were sent to retrieve"Yu Yan said.

"I know what's best for the team"Angela said

"And I know what's right for my own team,am their leader,and I say we need a means of transportation"Yu Yan said,and both ladies had a stand off,both staring at each other,the tension rising fast.

Tension so thick knives could cut through it.

"We're through"Lee said under her breath.

"Hmm.."Angela said,and let out a small chuckle.

"You know I have other teams waiting for a mission and would kill for this one.." Angela said.

"But there's none like ours"Yu Yan said,and looked at her teammates,to her they meant everything,they were her world now.

"Maybe,but am feeling challenged,so I'll see what I can get you,you leave tomorrow morning,at eight am"Angela said,and Dawei followed her to exit the room.

"Am sorry..."Yu Yan said,feeling remorseful for putting them in any form of danger.

Yu Yan was saying but the expressions on her teammates was priceless.

"Thank you"Lee said,and they all nodded,words needed not to be spoken.

Yu Yan looked around,people were staring at her,she could not back out now she had to lead this life.

There was no room for any slip ups.

A/N:So proud of the people who read up till this point,keep reading,comment vote,send gifts and share to support this book.

Thanks for reading everyone.

See you all in the next chapter.