You Little Liar!

Yu Yan was busy taking care of Li Na,when her teammates barged into her bedroom.

Startlingher a bit,so much so that she almost dropped the bottle in her hand.

"Why did Angela ask you to accompany her?"Lee asked panicked,making Yu Yan a little more anxious.

"How is she supposed to know?"Liko asked, trying to make his sister less stressed.

"You'll have to act like the Yu Yan we all know and not the cheap knock off we've all been seeing"Chynna added.

Crushing Yu Yan.

"That's uncalled for"Liko said, and an argument started between them.

Making even Li Na start crying as well contributing to the noise.

The bickering,head smacking and crying all choked her.

"Someone is trying to kill Angela!"Yu Yan squealed.

Breaking up their pretty Squabble, their gaze was fixed on her now, even Li Na had stopped crying.

"What did you just say?"Chynna asked, uncertain, and in disbelief.

"Tell us"Lee urged her.

"I was tired out yesterday from taking care of Li Na,because she wouldn't stop crying.

So I had to get her a new bottle.

I landed somewhere else and overheard two guys plotting on how to kill Angela...

I was almost caught,but I managed to escape"Yu Yan said.

"Are you sure?"Liko asked for clarity,they weren't talking about just anybody.

"Yes,am sure"Yu Yan said.

"I don't believe you"Chynna said,folding her arms.

"Am not lying"Yu Yan stresed.

"Don't listen to her,what proof does she have?"Chynna asked,everyone looked at her to provide proof.

"I don't have any"she said.

"You didn't try and record them or take their picture?"Lee asked.

"No...I didn't"Yu Yan said.

"See,she's just a little liar"Chynna said.

"Am not lying,I did hear of a conspiracy"Yu Yan tried to defend her claim.

"Chynna,maybe she's right"Lee chipped in.

"Besides,she has no reason to lie to us about that"Lee furthermore said.

"Let me enlighten you all,am sure she's just mad about Angela shouting at her.

or maybeshe just wants to get extra attention.

Better yet,this might just be a ploy to get out of playing the role of Yu Yan,which she obviously is doing a terrible job!",Chynna blurted out.

"The walls have ears"Liko said

"Those are all just maybes,we can never be too careful,and of course we have to always be a step ahead.

It wouldn't hurt to be on our toes about this"Liko said.

"He always supports me..."Chynna thought to herself,and shrugged.

"Fine,but I've got my eyes on you"Chynna said,and left the room to the rest of them.

"What do you think we should do about Chynna?"Lee asked.

"She'll be alright,she's just concerned"Liko said.

"But I'll keep my eyes on Angela"Liko added.

"And I can help you try and recognise the voice"Lee said.

"We must act fast,you are leaving tomorrow"Liko pointed out.


Ru Shi didn't have a shoot to worry about.

The party was all that was on her mind,so many people will be expecting her and Zi Tao.

But she knew that wouldn't happen anytime soon.

Her mother in law was out,she was getting really lonely,she was thinking of going out with her brother but someone decided to keep her company.

"Am here! What are your other two wishes"Huang Xiao slyly said.

"What do you want?"She asked dryly not looking at him,he sat opposite her.

"To keep you company"he said.

"No,I don't need it,I have better things to do"Ru Shi said,lying to herself.

"Like?"he asked.

"Good question,Ru Shi make up a reply"Ru Shi thought to herself.

"With stuff,"Ru Shi said.

"Since when?"he asked raising up a brow.

"For some time now to win over my sweet sweet sugar cookie"Ru Shi said.

"Oh really?"Huang Xiao asked,having a sense she was lying to him.

"Yeesss!"she snapped at him.

"Fine,but I'll have to taste it"Huang Xiao said.

"Why?"she asked.

" his elder brother,all his likes and dislikes are a living memory in my mind"Huang Xiao said,smirking.

"You can't let him know you're lying"Ru Shi thought to herself.

She pouted,then walked in closer,maybe a little too close.

"Fine!"she said and walked towards the kitchen, swaying her hips from side to side.

Three helps were in the kitchen,and Ru Shi thought of asking them for help.

But when she attempted to, Huang Xiao walked in on their conversation.

She had to tell them to beat it.

"There goes my chance,now there is no escape"Ru Shi thought.

She wore an apron,and brought out a pan,thinking on what to do.

"Come on,you can work through a bad hair day,and unfiltered photos in the morning,think!"She psyched herself.

"Got it!"She thought.

"The internet"She was about to pick up her phone,but the Huang Xiao's sharp gaze fell on her.

She took a huge gulp,then faced him.

"What are you standing around here for?"Ru Shi asked,a little smile spread across his face.

"Stop that!"she cautioned.

He blew her a kiss which confused her.

"Am here to watch you"Huang Xiao said.

"No..he cannot stay here!"Ru Shi panicked in her head.

"No,I need my space to work"Ru Shi complained,but he was as stubborn as they come.

"Why should I leave?"he asked.

"I need the kitchen to myself"she said.

"I think this kitchen is big enough for us both"he said and winked. Making her speechless for a brief moment.

"Have you ever seen a judge watch a contestant cook before? No! So you need to leave"she said trying to push him away.

"Am sure that judges are allowed to watch their contestant cook"Huang Xiao said.

"No,their not"Ru Shi said, hoping to get him out of the kitchen.

"They are,you must watch bad TV shows"Huang Xiao said.

"Why would they watch? They job is just to taste the food"Ru Shi said.

Then he said;

"So they can see what the contestants are putting in their food".

Then she said;

"And why is that?"

Then he said;

"Incase they put something bad in the food"he said,her eyes almost bulged out.

"So you're saying I'd try and poison you!"Ru Shi said almost yelling,he said nothing.

"So that's what you think!"Ru Shi yelled.

"Just make the food"he said, adamant about staying in the kitchen,he wasn't going anywhere.

"Or are you trying to hide something?"he asked,and inspected her.

"Nope"Ru Shi said, trying not to fidget.

"Watch if you want"she said and set out to work.


Chynna was practicing by herself,it was getting late,she threw in the towel,it was a day.

She decided to go talk to Dawei,but stopped to go get her phone which she left.

She was about to push the door open,but saw shadows,she stopped herself from doing anything else,and eavesdropped on the conversation.

"Angela is going tomorrow,so we have to strike,once she's done..."a voice said.

Chynna was about to record their conversation,but remembered that her phone was inside,and decided to just listen.

"The airplane that will pick her up will have the bomb..."another said.

"What!"she said under her breath softly,she wanted to go closer,or confront them,but she knew that was pointless.

Everyone would ask her what she asked Yu Yan.

They would all want proof.

She had heard enough!


Yu Yan had put Li Na to sleep,she was packing,her door slid open.

She looked over her shoulder and saw Dawei.

She took an uneasy breath and stepped away from him.

"What do you want?"Yu Yan sternly asked,still walking away.

"The truth"he said,not moving an inch,but immobilizing her.


Ru Shi had been running around for hours,not having an idea of what she was even doing.

She was a total and complete mess,her face had some sauce on it,and her apron was stained.

The meat she was trying to cook was burning,she threw water into the pot panicked.

 The steam almost hurt her,but a strong hand pulled her away,and pushed her against a wall.

They were too close,their noses touching,he used his eyes to scan her body for any scar or burn.

He noticed the sauce,and used his finger to rub it off,which felt like a soft caress,making her squirm.

"You little liar..."he said under his breath.

A/N:Thanks for reading.

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