Dreams and Decisions

"Tomorrow is the event"Chungpu (Liko)said,holding a glass of red wine in his hand.

"Does the boss know you took that?"Yu Yan asked,"since when did that bother you?"Liko asked.

"Am aware that tomorrow is only five hours away"Yu Yan said,"you'll see them all again"


"What are you going to do?"

Yu Yan took the bottle from him,and took a sip,"You'll just have to wait and see"Yu Yan said,with a wicked grin.


Huang Yue jerked out of bed,she vigorously awoke from her nasty nightmare,she got up panting and holding unto her neck.

She looked beside her,Huang Wei was a deep sleeper,she scoffed,and shook her head from side to side. She ascended from her position,and got a glass of water,she took some gulps,and wiped her forehead with part of the blanket.

"I saw four mirrors,and my reflection was on them. But they just suddenly started to break,what could this mean?"She said in a low tone.

Huang Wei stirred.