Whose the fairest in the land?

"Tell him I don't want any visitors"Feng Mian said,"madam I've tried,he's causing a scene downstairs"

"Just call security!"The assistant said,"He brought twenty bodyguards along! He's demanding to see you now Madam"Her secretary said panicked.

Seeing that she was in a tight corner had a worried expression,"it's not yet time to let him see me"Feng Mian thought to herself.

But her thoughts were disrupted by loud stumping,"Madam he's here..."

Feng Mian quickly stood up,the door handle wriggled,She pushed the door,but Zi Tao was pushing harder on the other side.

She locked the door,but knew that wouldn't help matters,as he started breaking down the door with his foot.

"Madam,what do we..."the action of their boss caught them both off guard,as she jumped out the window,her assistant and secretary both looked out the window,both afraid for the safety of the heiress.

The door burst open,Huang Zi Tao walked in,anger written all over his face.