Feng Mian walked out of the prison,her head held high,"was I actually about to visit the him?"She thought to herself,and a little smile played on her lips.
"I won't make such reckless mistakes again"Feng Mian said,and sat in the car.
"Where to?"The driver asked,she had half a mind to pay a visit to one of the competitors of Huang Xiao,but her phone vibrated.
It was tracker,she had implanted a tracker inside of her boss's phone.
"It's a good thing I have this tracker"she said to herself,she wrinkled her brows when she pin pointed their location.
"Hospital?"She said under her breath,"I hope my boss doesn't plan on actually pushing through with the DNA test?"she thought to herself,then rolled her eyes.
"Did he take my kid with him? Hell no!"she thought,"driver quickly take me to hospital T"she said in haste and worry.
"Li Na is trypanophobic"Feng Mian recalled,and placed her fingers across her forehead.