Yu Yan walked towards the door,and turned the door knob,she pulled the door gently,but a voice called out to her,she looked over her shoulder to see Li Na.
She pushed the door,and took her kid,"Go to bed"Yu Yan said.
"Song mommy"
Yu Yan took her in her hands,"am sure the guest can wait a while"she thought and took the child,on her way upstairs,she saw Huang Xiao on her's and her daughter's bed.
"Sir?"she asked,he immediately got up,"me and Li Na were in the middle of a story"Huang Xiao said.
"Where you two saying a story?"Yu Yan asked Li Na,and dropped her on the bed.
"I told her to call you"
"Why?"Yu Yan asked.
"In this part,the beautiful fairy sings for the princess to sleep"Huang Xiao said.
Yu Yan's cheeks flushed,but she composed herself immediately,"am sorry but my voice is hoarse,Sir, there's someone here to see you"Yu Yan said.
Huang Xiao disappointedly left the room to attend to his guest.
"Li Na..."
"Yes, mommy?"