It's you...

Yu Yan watched Li Na sleep so soundly,and her heart went out to her,she needed to spend much more time with her.

She was glad that she had brushed her teeth and had a bath,at least she was becoming more and more responsible.

She heard the door open,and turned her head to see her boss,standing at the door.

"Sir,today was very hectic for me,I had to stop and talk to a lot of people concerning your music video production,had so many paper work to go through..."she stopped and watched her boss.

He stood there,unaffected,that's when she remembered,she was so inconsiderate,his father had payed him a visit earlier today.

"Yu Yan..."he said under his breath,she had caged him in a tight hug.

She cuddled him,and he hugged her back,he patted her head,she held him,making sure he understood that she felt his hurt.

Both didn't say anything for a while,till she disengaged,Huang Xiao had no problem with them staying in that position for a while longer.

"Am sorry"she said.