Yu Yan wakes up! Huang Xiao doesn't want to perform at the concert.

{ The best way to make your dream come true is to wake up}

Chynna sat beside Wàngzî mèili not saying a word,Yu Yan's condition was on her mind.

She wondered if she had woken up yet.

"Are you even listening?"She heard,she turned her head to the side,it was Wàngzî mèili talking to her.


"Am sorry I couldn't visit you last night,Shuîjīng visited my parents and dragged me along. We were all up all night playing pool"he said.

Chynna felt stupid for being left out,she barely knew them,but she felt a tad jealous.

"She asked if you're feeling better,she needs you to do her make up,she's attending the concert of Huang Xiao..."

"Why is that wretch attending his concert?"Chynna thought.

"He invited her"Wàngzî mèili said,as if he could read her thoughts.

"Fine,I'll come over to her house"Chynna said,"she said she wants you to spend the night at her house"Wàngzî mèili said.

"Spend the night with that brat. One of us might not make it till morning"Chynna thought.