The heist is embarked on

Su Jun had been trying to get them all in shape,the sisters three were slowing them down,picking out outfits.

"Just put the damn dress on!"Su Jun said,standing outside the tent.

"You must be patient,our dress sense does not work like magic. Am sure you look the way you look because you tend to rush"Sister Jiao said.

"You are aware of the fact that we are only going to steal right?"Su Jun sarcastically asked.

"Clothes for stealing must be occasional!"Sister Jie said.

Su Jun face palmed.


Mengyao and Geming were equally both getting dressed,and wasting a lot of precious time.

"You are going to be thieves not models"Jiàn Yi said.

"We have to make sure we aren't recognized by anyone"Geming said.

"Su Jun was specific she said to look different"Geming added.

Su Jun,the journalist.

"Do you guys really have so much blind Faith In her?"He asked,from outside the tent.