New Face in the class!

"What?"Wàngzî mèili asked Chynna, she had her arms crossed and she was staring, glaring rather.

"You just have to be the center of attention"she grumbled.

"Who? Me?"he asked in pretence.

"Don't toy with me, what was the reason behind you telling them all that I was your fiancee?"she asked.

"Was I just supposed to watch them disrespect you like that?"He asked not expecting an answer.

"I can't just relax and watch them insult any woman like that, especially you"he said sounding his point clearly, not giving her any room to argue.

"Besides, I wanted them to know that you had me behind you, we do make a good....power couple"he said, not looking at the road.

"Do you want to land the power couple in a hospital!"She shrieked.

He chuckled lightly.

"I wanted this to be just between us and your family, it is all just an act anyways"she casually said.

"Is it? Is that what all this is to you?"he asked her.