Music Video to be released soon. Chynna is unfairly dealt with

Yu Yan with the help of her brother Liko had been playing the director, they had been giving the stunt double pills to give her dizzy spells.

Then Liko would lock her up in the dressing room of Yu Yan.

What hurt Yu Yan was the fact that everyone praised the stunt double so much she was angry that Huang Xiao thought she was good.

He even winked at her.

"You did good today"he said and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Doesn't he realise that Yu Yan has been absent! Is he that dumb?"she thought.

The stunt double was on leaving, but

he held her back.

She was still wearing her helmet though.

"Please take off your helmet"he said to her.

"W...Why?"she stuttered.

"I want to award you with a kiss"he said slowly only to her hearing.

Yu Yan felt disgusted at him.

"No thank you"she said, and turned to leave.

"You can come over to my apartment later I don't mind"he said.