Shuîjīng’s Invite Denied


Feng Mian sat engrossed in her files, not wanting to think about her phone.


She cussed under her breath and reluctantly answered the call.

"Why are you calling me?"she asked sternly.

"Calm your tits, the boss is hurt"he said over the phone.

"Hello? Hello?"

No response.

"Are you still there?"he asked, oblivious to the fact that she left her phone on the table and ran out to meet him.

"He can't be hurt! He won't be....I can't fail again...I won't fail this mission"she thought while she ran to her company car.

Her staff watched the Feng heiress run in heels, worry vividly seen all over her face.

She left the company, and took a cab.

"Where to..."

"Just drive!"


Long impatiently stared anxiously, awaiting the arrival of the young Miss.

Their plan was dependent on her now, she sipped from her coffee.