Chapter 3

When I woke up I was in my bed, I stood up with the surprise of a killing headache. I looked around, I was in my room, in my pajamas and the clothes from last night were nicely folded on my chair. I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom, my make-up was gone. I had a complete clean face, how did this happen? I knew I got drunk last night so it was no way I did this, I didn't even remember going home.

After I took a shower, I chose my clothes for the day and went downstairs, I found my dad at the table reading a newspaper. The breakfast was already on the table. Blueberries pancakes with chocolate spread, just like every Sunday.


-Oh, good morning sweetie.

-What are you reading?

-Just the news. So how was the party last night?

-Um, it was good.

-You stayed with Marcus, didn't you?

-Yes, totally.

-The whole time?


-That's good sweetie, did you get drunk?

-Dad, how could I? I was with Marcus and he made sure that I don't drink, not even a bit of alcohol.

-You know, that's interesting because our maid said differently when she had to carry you to your room, remove your make-up and change you in something else.

-Um, well, what did Marcus say?

-Oh nothing, he was too tired after bringing you home in his arms because you couldn't even walk. Vivien what did I say about drinking?

-Well, there were a few boys and girls who played a game and I thought…

-You thought what? That you could simply get drunk like the rest and destroy my business? Vivien I talked with you about this and I thought it was pretty clear when I said absolutely no drinking. Do you even know what could have happened if this was on the news today?

-It was just a stupid game.

-My business is not a stupid game!

-What does even have to do with your business? I am not part of it!

-Yes you are! Vivien, you are my daughter and I am the boss there. As the daughter of the boss you have to act impeccable do you understand that or not?

-But why? Why do I have to give up on my teenage years for that?

-Because they don't only judge me but you too. What the daughter of the boss does is important to them.

-Why? And who's them?

-Enough with the questions, this is not the first time I explain how you should act but it will be the last if you don't listen to me. This better not happen again Vivien or you'll be in trouble, don't make me send you away. Do you understand?

-Yes dad.


I went back in my room after he left, the pancakes lost their taste. I kept thinking about last night. I got drunk in the past but my dad never screamed like he just did, why was this time different? I decided to call Caroline, maybe she could tell me what I did while I was drunk.

-Hey, how are you? I am glad you called me.

-Hey, I am good why are you asking?

-After last night, I was worried about you.

-Yea, about that. What happened?

-You don't remember?


-You got drunk, I mean very drunk, then a boy came to you and dragged you somewhere.

-A boy? Who?

-I don't know, never saw him, but he was cute. Did you make out with him?

-I have no idea, that's why I am asking you.

-Well, I don't know either, but I hope he left you his number, he was so handsome.

-Caroline, concentrate. Did you see me again after that?

-No, not really.


-Hey do you want to go to the mall later?

-Yes, sure.

-Okay, I'll call you later then. Bye.


If neither dad nor Caroline knew what happened last night then there was only one person who could possibly know, Marcus. But where was he anyway? I haven't seen him in a while which is strange because he is always behind me.

I've been looking for Marcus everywhere and nothing. He is not in the house. That doesn't add up, he is allowed to leave only in his free days and this is not one of them. My dad is very strict about the rules I doubt he let Marcus leave.

-Agnes do you know where Marcus is?

-I am right here.

I turned around and saw him entering the front door. He was caring a big brown bag.

-You know you are only allowed to leave on your free days, right?

-Your dad knew about this Miss. Why are you looking for me?

-You look confused, is it that weird that I am searching for you?

-Well, you usually just run away from me, Miss.

-Funny, I need you to tell me what happened last night.

-Why are you asking?

-You know, you are not supposed to ask questions back, just to give me the answers I need.

He went near the table and placed the big bag on it and gave me a triggered look.

-I am sorry Miss but this time the rule will have to have an exception. I can't answer your question.

-Of course you can do you want to get fired?

-No, and this is exactly why I can't give you the answer.

He left me with a bitter taste. My father doesn't want me to know what happened to me last night? Why is that?

I stood there thinking about it until I decided that I am not going to give up on this. He is the last person that was with me last night and he must know. I'm going to make him talk.

I followed him outside.

-Hey! Look, I don't care what my father told you but I need some answers so you better talk.

-I already told you I am sorry but I can't-

-Let's make a deal.


-You heard me. You answer my question and I'll be nicer to you.

He chuckled and stopped when he realized I was not joking.

-Oh, you're being serious?


-Sorry, but even though it is a really nice offer, I can't.

-What, you want a promotion as well?

-Leave it the way it is okay? It is not as bad as you think.

-Then why wouldn't you just tell me? Or my father?

-Because we want you safe.


-Yes, I'm your bodyguard, remember? That's my job.

Why wouldn't I be safe if I knew? I mean he said it himself it wasn't that bad of a deal.

I went back to my room. Maybe Marcus was right, maybe I should just drop the whole thing, I mean is not as bad if it's not on the news right? But I kept on thinking about all the things that wouldn't just add up. Why to keep it a secret if it wasn't so big? And why did my dad yell at me like that? My phone's ringing interrupted the course of my thoughts.


-You are unbelievable, I can't believe you did that!

-Who is this?

-Damn you! You don't even know me anymore huh?

-What? I don't understand.

-Sure you don't. You're just a spoiled rich bitch like the rest! I thought you were different.

-Look whoever you are if you could just explain me I am sure-

-I am sure I'll rip your head off if I ever see you again whore!

She hung up. Who was that? And why did she hate me so much? Was this about last night? I should've asked her but she was too occupied insulting me. I checked the call, it was coming from a blocked number. Maybe it was a mistake or a prank.

I sat myself on the bed, thinking about what just happened. I remembered the boy Caroline was telling me about in the morning. Could this girl and that boy be linked? I realized that I never asked Marcus about the boy.

I ran downstairs and saw him standing in front of the table, sorting some things out from that big brown bag.

-Was it a boy? I asked him and he turned with a surprised look on his face.


-The one you found me with, was it a boy?

-I never told you I found you with someone.

-So you lost me, you never told me that either.

-I thought you figured that out, if you'd be with me the whole night you wouldn't have drank like that.

-So? Was it a boy?


-Then with who was I when you found me? Was I with Caroline?

-You were alone.


-Yes, I found you alone on the couch drinking a bottle of wine.

-I don't remember that.

-Well, I'm not surprised, Miss.

He chuckled and left. He didn't have to make fun of me, but I'll get revenge for that tomorrow.

That night when I went to sleep I had visions of the party, visions of me and the mysterious boy kissing each other. I woke up when all got black and I suddenly saw a punch coming directly towards me. I was breathing heavily trying to figure out if it was just a dream or a memory. Something was telling me that Marcus lied about the boy.