Chapter 5

(Marcus) -It was my grandpa's car. He gave it to me before he died, three years ago.

-Oh, I am sorry.

I looked at her, her sad expression and clear regret of asking me about the old Volvo. She was so cute.

-It's okay.

-So were you close to your grandpa?

-Yes, he was all I had. My grandmother died before I could meet her, so did my mother. They died in a car accident together, so I was left with my father and grandpa. No one really knew my mother's parents, she was a runaway.

-You must miss her.

-Every day.

-My mother died when I was 14 too, I was devastated.

-There really aren't too many words to express how that feels, huh?

-No, no there aren't.

I remembered that day, the day I confessed to Vivien why I still kept that old Volvo. I had so much in my mind that day, I recalled my childhood and my grandpa, how much I missed him. I got lost in my memories.

9 years earlier

-Grandpa! Grandpa! Look what I've found!

-Very good Marcus, I really needed that piece.

-Are you going to be able to finish the car now?

-Not yet, but soon this car will be roaming around the streets.

-Will I be there with you grandpa?

-Well of course, you are my little assistant after all.

-Grandpa, I am not that little anymore.

-No, you are growing so fast Marcus, but it will still take you time to be like me. Now, come here help me with this.

We used to work on that car every summer, it was a lot of work to do and my grandpa didn't want me to work during school. He always said that education is more important than the car, even though I had plenty of time, we didn't do much in school. He wanted me to go have fun as well, every two weeks he sent me to play with the other boys, so I wouldn't waste my childhood, but I just liked spending time with him while working on the car.

-How can I help you more, grandpa?

-I think that's enough for today. Why don't you go and play?

-I don't want to; I want to stay with you.

-I am old Marcus; you'll get bored if you stay with me, it's better if you go find children your age.

-I could never get bored of you grandpa.


He pointed my eyes with his specific look on his face. Whenever he did that I knew that there was nothing more to say, I had to agree with him.

-Okay. Do I need to ask dad?

-No, it's okay, I'll tell him that I let you. Have fun.

-Thanks grandpa, bye!

My father wasn't around too often, he always said that he worked too much and needed to relax away from us. He couldn't bear to see me; he considered me mom's little clone. Even though, there were quite a lot of features that made me resemble more with him than with mom. He was always at the bar drinking his sorrow since mom died, my grandpa was the only one who was really there for me.

That day, I remember passing by the bar my dad used to go to. I stopped and entered wanting to see if he was there. There were a lot of drunk people swinging around the tables. At one point I felt a hand on my shoulder and a deep voice behind me.

-So you are the son of Jonah?

The strong arm basically turned me forcing me to face him. There were three other guys along with this one, all big and muscular. I swallowed almost nothing as my throat became dry and tried to look unafraid.


-You know, your father owes us some money; don't you happen to know where he is?


-Don't you lie to me kid, you won't like me when I'm angry.

-I-I'm not lying…um…sir.

He took me by my shirt and dragged me closer to his face, raising my feet above the ground. He smiled as he was asking:

-Do you know what we do with bad kids?

I closed my eyes as I was ready to be punched by this enormous guy when I suddenly fell on the floor. I opened my eyes and saw the guy knocked down on the ground, I raised my sight and saw my father who immediately dragged me out of the bar.

-What the hell were you doing there?

-I was searching for you. Who were those guys?

-Not your business.

-They said you owe them money.

He stopped and turned to face me. He was clearly annoyed by my presence there.

-Marcus go home and forget about this.


-I said go home!

-But who were those guys and how do they know you?

-If you are not going to go home I'm going to finish what those guys started. Shut up and leave!

I took my bike and rode home. When I arrived I went directly to my grandpa and told him everything that happened.

-You shouldn't have gotten there Marcus, it's dangerous.

-Then why is my father always going there?

-Your father is an adult and can take care of himself.

-Grandpa, is my father hiding something from us?

-Don't worry about that, I am sure he has nothing to hide.

-But what about those men?

-Maybe they confused him with someone else.

-They knew his name.

-Marcus, do you know how many Jonah are out there? A lot, now go and relax, I am making you your favorite food.

That night I heard screaming, I went to the kitchen and saw my father and grandpa arguing.

-I just arrived home dad can't it be another time?

-No, no it can't. How could you be so irresponsible, letting the kid go in there.

-I didn't let Marcus go there; I didn't even know he was there!

-He could've been beaten by Henry! Are you falling with your payments again? You know how dangerous he can be!

-Yes dad I know, of course I know.

-Then why aren't you doing what you're supposed to do?!

-Ah, you know what let's talk about this another time.

-Jonah don't shut me down. Jonah! But my father was already gone.

My grandpa leaned on the table; he looked so tired and sad. I stood there watching him when he suddenly raised his eyes and saw me. I froze but ran immediately towards my room when I saw him coming.


I sat myself in the bed and faked sleeping when he entered.

-I know you are not sleeping Marcus, my grandpa said when he slowly sat on the side of the bed, but I was too scared to answer. Your father is not a bad man Marcus; he just had a complicated life. I don't expect you to understand him, but to leave him alone when he needs to be.

-What was with that man? I got up and asked him, I couldn't keep myself from asking anymore.

My grandpa let a heavy sigh and looked at me.

-He is one of your dad's moments.

-What do you mean?

-One day Marcus, your father will explain everything to you.

That day never came. My grandpa didn't tell me anything that night or the next years until he died. After his death I went to my father and told him what grandpa told me that night.

-That is none of your business.

-Grandpa said you'll tell me everything one day.

-I don't have anything to tell you Marcus.

-I think you do.

-Your grandpa was wrong.

I never got an answer, the next day he was gone and I never heard of him after that. I searched for him in the whole town but I couldn't find him. Some said he ran away because grandpa was the only one who was keeping him there, others said he died.

When I went to the bar searching for him I found Henry sitting at a table, I went and confronted him but he only laughed in my face.

-First time when your father's missing kiddo? You should get used to, the man appears and disappears whenever he wants. Don't miss him too much.

That was the last time when I saw my father. One of his closest friends offered to take care of me until I could manage myself. I moved from that town the next week and never came back. From time to time he said that my father tried to contact me, but I never called back.

I felt a hand on my cheek. Vivien.

-Are you okay?


-You've been so quiet for the last half an hour, you seemed lost, I hope it was not because of my question.

-No, I am sorry, I remembered something, but I'm okay don't worry.

-I don't want to upset you.

-You didn't, you couldn't.

It's almost crazy how caring she was compared to the first time I met her. How in only one year she became from the spoiled brat she was, to the only woman I could ever imagine in my life. I still recall the first day, the first time I brought her in my place, the first time I knew I loved her…