Chapter 22

She stood up from the chair she was sitting on and came closer to me with a bright smile. As she was walking closer I could see she was a brunette, her light brown eyes letting nothing to be seen on the surface. She extended her hand to me and waited patiently for me to shake it.

-Marcus Miller.

I said while grabbing her hand, she retracted it quickly and sat carefully on my nightstand almost laughing.

-I know, Miss Collin told me a lot about you.

-What, to be precise?

-Personal information, your job and the cause of your coma.

-I hope I won't sound rude Miss Olsen, but what is your mission here?

-My mission is to help you recover as soon as possible.


-After the accident Miss Collin had some problems walking, she had to go through therapy in order to be able to use her legs normally again. We think that you might experience the same thing.

-She couldn't walk?

-Yes, but nothing serious don't worry. As you can see she is perfectly capable to walk now.

-And when will this therapy start?

She chuckled and got up from the nightstand grabbing her purse.

-I'd say you rest for now, we can start the therapy after your body recovers a little bit.

She exited the room leaving me totally alone. I placed my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. Thoughts of Vivien together with that guy filled my mind once again. As I remembered their kiss I could not help but wonder if there was something more besides that. I tried to vanish that thought away, Vivien was in recovery, there is no way something happened between them if she was here. I fell asleep with pictures of mainly hands going up and down Vivien's body, Oliver's hands.

It was 10 in the morning when Jennifer's little body appeared from the hallway into my room. I studied her slim, well-proportioned body get close to my bed. Her face was directed down, being careful where she was stepping in her black, elegant shoes. My glance went up her slim, long legs to her full hips, smashed up in a tight, short, black skirt. She was wearing a white, also tight shirt through which her small bust could easily be seen. My eyes didn't wander around too much on her breasts which were half-covered by her long, dark-honey brown hair falling gently down in wavy curls. I went up to her face, she wore only a little bit of make-up, her brown eyes looked up at me and her full lips cornered up in a smile.

-Are you studying me?

She laughed and put her bag down.

-That's okay, it's a human instinct to study closely the new people in our lives.

-I'm sorry I-

She placed her hand still in front of me to make me quiet while closing her eyes, then opened them fast, a smirk appearing on her face.

-That's fine you don't have to apologise, besides, you are not the only one who did it.

She winked, giving me a slight hint that she had studied me too, then pulled out a clipboard and proceeded to ask me questions.

-So, how have you been feeling?

-I've been better.

We both chuckled and I felt my body relax, it was really easy talking to her, she had something special that made you feel welcome and comfortable.

-Leaving jokes aside, do you have any pains?


-Can you move your arms properly?


-What about your legs?

She got up and took the blanket off my legs.

-Try to move your right leg.

I did so, both being satisfied by the success.

-Good, now the left one.

I moved my left leg as well and she noted it in her clipboard.

-Now I want you to try to move your toes.

I did what she said, first moving the ones from the right leg and then from the left leg.

-Great. It is very good that you can move both of your legs, we can cross off the possibility of you being paralysed.


She chuckled while covering back my legs with the blanket.

-It was a joke. But these are good news, we will do more different kind of exercises tomorrow. It is important to do these before trying walking.

I nodded and she sat close to me, adopting a flirty tone.

-Now, about the examining thing, did you like what you saw?

She was staring deep inside my eyes trying to fish out an answer before I could get the chance to give her one. A knock made her break the eye contact and look for an instant at the door. She parted away from me, directing her entire focus to the entrance.


Vivien's slim silhouette appeared inside the room. She looked surprised to see us together alone in my room. Jennifer smiled warmly at her sight.


She said shyly glancing from me to Jennifer and back to me.

-Hi, I was just finishing here if you and Marcus would like a moment alone.

-Yes, that would be great, thank you Jen.

She grabbed her things and went towards the door.

-I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Viv.


She smiled, pointing her gaze on me before leaving. Vivien came closer to the bed and sat down.

-Listen, I feel like we should talk about the other day.

She let her head lean in front a little before staring directly into my eyes, I could see the sadness she was going through but I couldn't help but feel betrayed by her.

-I don't think we have something to talk about.

-We do...

-Look I understand, I am your servant and nothing more, you just had a little bit of fun with me before finding someone good enough for you.

-No, Marcus that's not what-

-You don't have to say anything, if this was part of your plan to get rid of me, you succeeded.

Her expression became blank and her face paler than before.

-Are you going to quit?...

-Does it make a difference to you?



-Please let me explain.

Hot drops of tears began to fall down her cheeks.

-I didn't mean to do this...I don't want to marry him...

-Then why?

-My father made me get engaged with him, he said he meant to introduce us since a long time ago, that he comes from a good family...

-Why now?

-I don't know...

-Did you do something with him?

She stopped looking at me, she let her head down and covered half of her face with her palm.


She let it out like a whisper, meant only for her but I heard it.

-Looks like it had good parts too eh? This little arrangement.

-Marcus...I don't love him...

-I understand.

-I don't think you do.

-I do, but I need some time...away...


-Away from you.

She got up and took her purse, suddenly her cry had died.

-I understand.

She said sharply before going to the door and closing it after her, leaving me alone in the room with my mind still directed at her.

Shortly after Vivien left I heard footsteps behind my door and a soft knock before a feminine hand opened the door and an elegant, black shoe stepped inside stopping at the corner of the barely opened door. One pair of brown hazel-like eyes glanced at me from the little space, they didn't roam around the room but fixed directly on me, knowing exactly where I was.

-Am I disturbing you?

Jennifer asked opening the door more and letting her pleasant figure be shown.

-No, not at all. Please enter.

She let the door fall behind her as she walked confidently to me.

-I am sorry I didn't wait for an answer, I just came to check you.

-No problem, do you need to check my vitals?

-Yeah, sure...

I knew on spot that she was making that up, she just wanted to come see me. Normally, I wouldn't go along with this but something about her made me want to know how far she'll go.

She sat and pulled out a tensiometer from her purse, she then grabbed my hand and went on checking my tension. I put my other hand on hers making her look at me, she gazed deep into my eyes before closing hers and leaning towards me. I admired how beautiful she was, waiting for me to taste her full lips before placing my hand on her cheek and dragging her closer to me. I closed my eyes as well and touched her lips with mine, our mouths uniting together in a guilty kiss.