Now Hiring

Things have been going from bad to worse and their time is running out. Comeback, concerts, interviews, and shows, all while the threats increase. It was becoming harder to hide, to keep them safe, to keep them covered. The people that want to harm them are going after the staff. Scaring and assaulting the workers so they don't show up to work. They first found out when one of their stylists was mugged; her supplies stolen and ID cards cut to pieces. She couldn't even come to work, scared of leaving her home. The incidents repeated and in a month ten staff members quit their jobs in fear of being persecuted as well. Anyone that worked with BTS was cursed and that rumor spread like wildfire inside the building, daring to be leaked into the public for everyone to know the situation they are in.

Yet, the boys are still safe, more or less. The threats are becoming reality and their freedom is being taken away for their safety. It's a nightmare with no way to wake up from. Bodyguards come and go, some stay despite their own well being put in jeopardy, but that's their job anyways isn't?

"Why are they doing this? Why is BTS a target? Why do they have to go after our employees?" Bang has many questions and answers to none of them. The meeting was haphazardly made and only a few lawyers and a couple of other managers could make it on time. Everyone running with little to no food and being woken up at a ridiculous hour for a meeting.

"I'm looking into that, sir. Right now all the ones that have harassed have not shown up in days or are resigning," the assistant describes. Reading off of what he has gathered. "They have claimed their attackers wear dark clothes and a mask. All appearing different from the other. We cannot pinpoint a culprit and a case cannot be open unless we want the public to find out." Silence looms over then again. They can't risk this going to the public. The worst-case scenario is causing mass hysteria and letting their enemy know they are afraid just to give them more money. Bang PD is a man of pride, he will not let himself be fooled but he also has a company and people to protect.

"We can hire a private investigator, anyone that can help us without an ulterior motive. I'm desperate people, I'll pick anyone that meets my requirements," Bang announced, making one of BTS's managers, Sejin, to raise up.

"Sir... I believe I know someone that can be of help. I'm just going to need a little bit of trust."


"Here's the change. Have a good day," the shop clerk waved her off with a smile, the girl doing the same as she took her the bottles and a couple of snacks. There's a dog patiently waiting outside. Yellow vest and missing tail whipping as she pours the pup some water.

"She's been here often. Do you think she lives nearby?" Another shop clerk comments as he comes to take the shift. The girl hums, the foreign features of the girl along with her perfect pronunciation of Korean had been the hot gossip between employees for the past two weeks. They watch her for a couple more seconds, the manager catching them and immediately chastising the two for slacking on the job. The girl notices the commotion and turns, waving sheepishly before continuing with her walk.

For someone who wanted nothing more than to blend in the background, Diana sticks out like a sore thumb. Is not like she's the only foreigner living in Korea for everyone to be taking double glances. For example, her neighbor and his Latino husband, or the lovely muslin girl down the street that gives her dog, Freya, treats whenever they meet. Sure, they are a dime a dozen but still plenty.

She's trying not to think about it. A new face in an old neighborhood. Those who were around here longer would be curious to know, and Diana? She doesn't want anyone to know.

Is a 30-minute walk from the park to her house, 35 given they stopped and rest and after the time is up she's getting on the elevator. Freya is quite as ever until the door opens as she's growling. Turning the corner there's something waiting. Tall but a familiar gentle face that makes Diana pat the Doberman to calm down.

"Kim Sejin, a pleasure to see your face," she grins walking closer and giving the man a quick greeting. "I thought you wouldn't visit me."

"I've been busy. Won't you invite me in?" Diana moves to the door, unlocking the lock and lets him in. Freya follows behind but passes them to rest on her bed. "Is lovely," he mentions to the small one-bedroom room that lacks decoration. She hums in response, putting her key and leash away and taking a couple of drinks from the fridge.

"I got it a couple of months ago. Is comfortable and the neighborhood is pretty quiet." She passes him a soda, Sejin cocking his head to the side.

"Do you have beer?"

"Is one thirty?" Sejin says nothing in response and Diana gets him a can. He opens it and sits in the living room. Silence fills them for a few moments before she's sitting down in the recliner, legs up and holding her drink with both hands.

"You have grown a lot... I see you got that from your dad. You used to be a little kid when I met you, always clinging to his leg. How is he by the way?"

"He's fine, I think. He's probably off in Europe fighting a resistance or selling his men to fight in a war," she scoffs, taking a long sip of the coffee. Sejin doesn't reply but somehow understands why she's speaking like that. "But never mind about him. Tell me about you, I have a feeling you didn't come for gossip. No one ever does unless they want information."

"Well, partly. I do want to see you and see how you're holding up after getting out—"

"I'm never out. I'm on an indefinite vacation," she mentions, lips curling up as she remembers something. "I figure my break is ending soon though. What's your proposition?"

He knew she was smart, always knowing what the other will say before thinking it, but it is not like Sejin was hiding it anyway with a black folder in his lap. "I want you to work for me, well, for the people I'm managing." He hands over the folder, Diana perking up when she finally gets to see the contents inside. "Bodyguard job. Just following around wherever they go, trying to keep fans away from them and..." she was already on the last pages, one paper that looked like a threat letter with an insignia. "Find out who's the one behind the letters."

"BTS... BigHit's band. Quite a big company. I never worked with celebrities before. You sure they aren't snobby?" She questions with a grin, looking up and Sejin chuckles as well.

"Unlike those foreign politicians and leaders, you had to kiss their asses all day. They are awfully tamed. I'm serious, they are good people, they don't deserve this kind of thing happening to them. I want my boys safe and you're the only one in the country that can sniff out a thug," Sejin explains and he's right, as always.

Diana stands, folder discarded, and pacing around the small room in thought. "You're making me sound like I'm a dog." Freya perks up at the wording.

"You are a Hound, Diana," Sejin replies. "Twenty years in the making."

"Well, it is not like I had a choice, anyway. That's what I get for being a Daddy's girl," she replies bitterly. Biting the word as something she hates to admit.

"Well, it was never planned for you to have one, but now you do." She turns to look at him, brows furrowed in question. "Is up to you. There's no one with a better skill I know than you but I can't force you to work for me."

"What will I get out of it?"

"Monthly pay. Not too shabby, it can cover most of your expenses with some to spare."


"Depends. The boys work all day, but you can work in shifts since it is mostly a cover job of what you will be doing."

Diana hums, smiling to herself. "You thought of everything, I'm impressed."

"I have to hire you, I made sure to cover any questions you may have," he responds casually. She rolls her eyes and paces around the room once more before making her way to Sejin. He stands, ready to shake her hand and seal the deal but she's quick to grab him and pin his arm against his back as she walks him to the door.

"Hmm, clever. I'll let you know my thoughts. I have an online class to do. I'll call you back," Diana happily smiles at him, opening the door and shooing him away.

"Wait, is that a yes—" The door closes and he's left without a clue whether she agreed or not but remains hopeful. She owes him this at least.

Diana sighs once the door is closed, feeling able to breathe again and letting herself briefly panic before composing herself. She walks back to the living room. The place void of any inside noise and Diana can almost hear her own beating heart. It doesn't help her emotionally but that's why she had Freya to keep her calm. She settles on the recliner once more, looking at the papers. Several of them were basic information of her employer; name, age, a brief summary of who they are. Diana didn't need to know everything. The less the better, she thought. She looks at the letters, candid photographs of several suspects, and graffiti threatening the company. It takes her 30 minutes to revise everything and make a guess of the situation


It takes Diana three days to finally reach a conclusion. Three days of research, three days of hunting. Diana finally made her decision. Marching down to the company building and be greeted by the receptionist who eyes her carefully before giving her a form to complete and a visitor sticker with priority access written on it. Once done, the lady and Diana exchange smiles and cautious glances to each other before Diana goes back to her seat.

Moments later Sejin comes.

He's not alone, another man; smaller in height and older is beside him. He's casually dressed and Sejin informs her he's the CEO of the company and Diana nods.

"When Sejin told me he had someone in mind to take care of our problem. I never thought it is—"

"Someone like me? Rest assured sir, I have more experience than what a man could get in two years of service." Diana grins and the man is flabbergasted, surprised by her bold choices of words but he laughs, humored by her unfiltered choice of words.

"You'll fit in just fine, I had my doubts when I heard it was a girl taking care of my boys, especially how you looked. So frail." the comment ticked her off but Diana was in her best interest not to respond. She knew enough he didn't mean it negatively, moreover, he might be used to bodyguards looking big and threatening… not her.

He, who desired to be called Bang PD, asked her to follow her as he talked a bit about the boys and the current issue happening in the office. Sejin had already briefed her of the occurrences. They pass several offices and rooms where there are several photo shoots happening. In one, she sees a group of boys getting their makeup ready, younger-looking, and fewer than the ones she's supposed to take care of. They grin when they see her and wave and she does the same before being pulled to another section of the building.

"Those are our newer boy group. All we have gotten is positive feedback from their fans. They are safe." Bang mentions.

"Thankfully. We hope it stays like that for them longer. I wish it was the same for Bangtan," Sejin adds and the look of both men is sorrowful.

"But… aren't they super famous? They have everything they could ever want and everyone loves them. They made this company flourish and are successful in their own hard work. That's something to be happy about, no?" Diana mutters, trying to get their hopes up, even just slightly.

Band PD doesn't respond but he does but gives her a smile as he opens the door to a room at the end of the hall. It looks like a lounge room, the lights dimmed and automatically turn on when they enter. Diana turns to the two men, Sejin approaches her and Bang leaves for a moment.

"We are happy about that, really happy, but these people are tormenting their lives and it is worrisome."

"Well, that's why you contacted me, to sniff out the thugs. I can do this. I owe you this much." Sejin looks relieved with her words and nods.

"I know you will and that's why I'm giving this to you." Bang comes back with a black cardboard box. She doesn't think much of it at first until Sejin talks again. "I got it redesigned. Thought it'll fit you since you are back on the job." Diana opens the box to reveal a black biker helmet. Is slick and lightweight, with pointed ears atop. It was like her old biker helmet. The small insignias on the back indicated it was the helmet of her old team, all who have died wearing the helmet.

"You do know this helmet is cursed. I'm certain to die the moment I put this on— actually how did you even find this thing. I thought it was burned after Jason got shot in the head?"

"Just put it on. This is the only way they'll know there is a hound here. Is better if you wear it whenever you're out with the guys." Diana blinks. She's not superstitious but it is hard to wear the Dead Dog's helmet when people have died in it, still, she humors him, putting it on.

"At least it doesn't smell death and vomit in here— "

"Hey, Sejin, do you know when it is— " a man stops talking as he walks into the room, the three people turning their heads to see six other men walk in.

"Great timing. Boys, this is Diana, she's your new bodyguard." Bang introduces them to her while she still has the helmet on and oddly enough, she doesn't want to take it off in front of them. "Please don't be fooled by her appearance. She has the skill to take down any opponent. Now, please treat her well, okay," Bang PD chimes and gestures Sejin to follow him out. Diana enters into a mind moment of panic as the two men leave, the other seven, BTS, stay with her to get to know.

She really didn't expect to meet her idols in such fashion.