Facing Danger

The following week consisted of putting Diana to the test. Not many people trusted her, and they had their reasons, Diana couldn't argue. She was younger and smaller than the other bodyguards who were 6 feet and over in height and weighing more than 200 pounds of pure muscle. She didn't make the cut for protecting the alleged world superstars, but Sejin still was optimistic. He knows her, knows her dad, and her capabilities. It took a lot of convincing to let her join the squad, and even after Bang PD reluctantly agreed, she still had to prove herself. Not just them, BTS too. They were kind and hospitable, but the look on their faces was riddled with doubt, especially coming from the older members of the group. The younger members, however, were more than delighted to have another girl on the team but had to be repeatedly told she wasn't in the cosmetic or costume department and that she was to watch out for them the entire day. While they agreed rather quickly, it was quite noticeable they didn't get the just of it.

During the seven days, all Diana was able to do is shadow another bodyguard. She had an escort at all times and would take a quick 30 minutes class of the possible dangers of what the idols may come across while toggling with the likely suspects that have harassed BigHit's employees. During that short week, Diana was able only to learn the map of BigHit's building. Everything else she thought of just winging it or doing it how she knew best. Sejin assured her she could do as she likes as long it didn't endanger anyone.

How could she when they don't know her face. Per Sejin's request, Diana had decided to wear the helmet at all times. Though he said only when going out, she took it a step further and made it part of her uniform. Many show a mix of curiosity or disinterest, while a couple of staff members complimented her cosplay. Diana felt flattered; however, it was not the reaction she was looking for. In her report, it was speculated members of the Mangjol Mafia are employed under fake aliases. It was yet to be determined and so far found nothing.

Diana tries not to think about when Monday comes around. She doesn't see Sejin waiting for her or any of the guards waiting to supervise her, puzzling her. She goes to the front desk, checking in and asks about Sejin.

"He's at a meeting right now. As for Gun, he took the day off," the lady responds. Diana thanks her, takes her ID card, and follows her route to the upper floors. Digging her hand in her pocket, she fetches her phone, sending a quick text to Sejin to let him know she's in the building. Surprisingly he responds back.

[Go to Kim's studio. He should be inside, so knock to let him know is you]

Diana raises an eyebrow, amused they are letting her take duty on her own so soon. She doesn't question it much when she sends another message.

[Which, Kim?]

He doesn't reply as Diana gets off the elevator. Fingers tapping on the screen as she intentionally blows up his phone with messages. She isn't looking, only glancing to see what corridor she need to take and stare at her phone again. It was only a matter of time until she bumps into someone. The learned reaction to say sorry was muttered. She looks up, she sees one of the members, an 'oh' following her apology.

"Mister Min, hello." It is only polite to greet, he does it as well only for the conversation to quickly end. If Yoongi were in a rush, he'd leave, but he lingers in the hall, Diana smiling under the helmet with nothing else to say. "I should get going then-- "

"What's the helmet for?" She already had this discussion. Jungkook asked her two days ago, and she replied by telling that if she takes it off, she'll die. Diana didn't know if he believed her, but he didn't ask again since then.

"...Is protective gear. I was told by Manager Sejin to wear it, so I'm abiding orders— "

"You're indoors you don't need that." Diana's face drops, even if he couldn't see it. She doesn't really talk to the BTS members unless they engage first, and even then, she makes sure to keep the conversation at a minimum. Yoongi seemed to be pushing it so early in the day.

"Sorry. I was told not to due to safety issues. I'm just abiding by the rules. Now, if you excuse me." Diana steps to leave, going around Yoongi and continuing her trail.

"You aren't from around here, am I right?" Yoongi makes her tense. She shakes the feeling, thinking of something more important. Like figuring out which Kim was Sejin referring too. She only gets a new message from Sejin once Yoongi is out of sight.

[I meant to say Min. Yoongi said he needs to buy something, stay close to him and if you see something suspicious report it]

Diana wants to groan but sucks it up and turns on her heel, walking back through the hall to find Yoongi waiting for the elevator. "Mr. Min! Are you going somewhere?" Diana is lucky for the tinted glass in the helmet as she mocks him.

"Please, Yoongi is fine. I'm still not that old," he replies, a smug look on his face, feeling as if he had won. "Yeah, Sejing must have told you. Apparently, we need a sitter at all times now."

It is not the first time that Diana has stumbled upon someone that didn't want to be watched over 24/7, and if it was up to her, Diana would leave them to their own devices. Alas, she was getting paid to do so.

"He sent the wrong text earlier. I'm just now knowing about this. Very well then, where are we going, Yoongi?"

"Supplies. Office stuff and whatnot." The elevator dings as it opens, a couple of staff members crowded the elevator as we got in, and it dings again as it closed. Yoongi didn't talk again after that. Diana trailing behind him to the parking lot. She guessed they'll get someone to drive them around until Yoongi pulls out a pair of car keys. "Get in."

"Don't you want me to drive you around?"

"No one is driving my car."


Throughout the course of three hours, Diana has visited five supply stores and only bought three items. She offered to carry it but Yoongi refused to. In that period of time, she has gotten more looks by civilians than the staff member. It was safe to say pictures might be spreading right about now. Diana never was one to expose herself to the public, make herself known but in this case, it was the only option to fish out the threat.

"Manager-nim said we are supposed to trust you. That you have a knick of things that involved organized crimes. Are you a Yakuza or something?" Yoongi isn't looking up as he looks at the different types of synth keyboards. Diana is behind him, pressing the keys, playing a tune she learned as a kid.

"I work for an independent organization… is a protective service, though. We also do other things like private investigations, extractions, operations, and such." Diana plays the Happy Birthday tune on the piano, slowly trying to remember how it goes. Yoongi looks at her, confused by the way his brown crease together.

Diana begins another tune, a lullaby until Yoongi stops her. "Mercenary? Is that in your job description too?" The helmet cocks to the side and she wonders if she even has to reply to him.

"I'm not a criminal, Mister Min. You can think of me as a John Wick of sorts." The response humored him, the way he raised his brows and chuckled. She sighs in relief, at least she got him to stop asking questions.

Yoongi only bought a couple of things from the music store and walked out. She figured that was the end of it as he gets a call telling him to come back. "You can do what you want after we go back. I'll stay in my office for the rest of the day." She nods in response though she couldn't leave the building premises as long there was at least one member in the building. After that, she had to escort them home.

"Very well, Mister Min."

"Yoongi," he replies with a huff.

"Right, Yoongi."

The two finished shopping and walked out to the car. Yoongi is taking the keys out when he stumbles with someone. The man doesn't bother looking as he bumps shoulders with Yoongi but the latter is clearly annoyed by his disrespect.

"Seriously, kids these days— " Yoongi doesn't finish the sentence when the car keys are gone from his hand. His eyes tracked the boy, seeing the sunlight glare at the silver key as he hurriedly walked away. "He stole my key!" Diana's head follows Yoongi and upon his statement, the kid picks up his pace. He looks back once before he starts to run, pushing the crowd away as she is sprinting behind him.

He kicks a man away as the boy makes it to another street, jumping the railing, crossing the road, and making it to an alley. Diana does the same, catching up to him quickly. Wanting to finish the task at hand quickly and turn back to Yoongi.

It wasn't that simple. By the time Diana is able to catch and apprehend him, a gun is already pointed behind her. She could have done something if it wasn't a pained groan that was also emitted from behind her. It was Yoongi's voice. This was planned.

"Let the boy go. He's not involved in this." The boy groans as she twists his arm behind his back. Her head twitches to the side, hearing the tap of the gun against her black helmet.

"Neither is my client." Dina retorts yet she earns a chuckle.

"That's where you're wrong pup." Diana stands. The boy crawls, standing up and runs away after a wag of money is thrown his way. She turns to see the weapon following her movement. The man is well dressed, not afraid to hide his face or tattoos that cover around his neck and hands. He has Yoongi with an arm wrapped around his throat. There are a couple more thugs behind him, watching the alley.

The man smirks but Diana appears nonchalant even with the helmet on. Yoongi could have been more terrified but it appeared these might as well must happen at some point in his life.

"Is best if you surrender—"

"Are part of the Deonjeong clan?" Diana interrupts, taken by surprise for a moment. He doesn't stop aiming at her but she barely reacts, stepping forward and even taking her phone to show him a picture of the clan seal. "Do you know anything about the red seal?"

Is hard to tell if he knew or not. The man looked puzzled but also didn't seem to give her answer easily. "So what if I am. What is something like you have against me?" His confidence far surpasses his intellect. Diana was more than eager to chatter his ego and the rest of his so-called self-confidence.

"Hey man, let's sort this out, okay? I'm sure you don't want to do this and neither do I. I mean, I was retired for three weeks and I really wanted this gig to be an easy one so if you don't know anything—" she could hear the scratch of the plastic as the bullet passed by it. The shot was loud, even with the helmet she could hear her ears ringing. "Dude! Not cool!"

"Hey! Diana, if you haven't noticed I'm still in a headlock!" Yoongi yells, struggling but the man tightens his grip and Yoongi begins to choke.

Truth be told, Diana wasn't a fighter. She always wanted violence to be her last resort but she had to jump through all the rules of engagement. "Okay, motherfucker, I'll show a pitbull fight." He shoots again but misses the moment she grabs his hand, pulling him forward and kicking him under the chin. Is enough to disorient him and for Yoongi to break free from his grip.

"Let's go!" Yoongi reaches for Diana only for the other two thugs to join the fight. She pushes him back as she's grabbed and held back but headbutts the one behind her and kicks the other in the abdomen.

"Now we run!!" Holding Yoongi's hand, she sprints out of the alleyway as the thugs chase her through the crowded street. Yoongi is right behind her, making it to a market on another street and eventually looking at them when they enter a store. They take a moment to rest, hiding in an empty room behind a ramen shop.

"So… does this happen often?" Yoongi heaves, breathing hard but looking like he was having fun. Diana lenses fogged a bit by the heat inside the helmet and decided to take it off to breathe a little better. Her ears were still ringing but she was able to hear the bustling of people and cars that are outside.

"More or less. There's usually more than three." She smiles, teeth showing and eyes closing a bit as her face stretches. "See? Told ya this was protecting gear. Headbutted the shit out of that guy!" Yoongi says nothing, listening as she breathlessly talks about the experience.

She doesn't notice when he's reaching for him until his hand is pushing her hair away. Wet with sweat and her face hot. "This is how you look like, huh…"