Accountability (1)

"So, that's how you look like…" there was an airy tone when he said it, almost glad to see her face. The girl looked at him dumbfounded, not quite getting what was amusing. Though, the way his lips curled up, head resting on his knees as he looked at her with something she couldn't quite describe. Interest?

"Do I have a booger? Or are my cheeks red from the helmet squishing them? Or is it the scar on my lower lip," Diana that must be it, however, Yoongi didn't let her ponder for long.

"I thought you were looking scarier. When I heard you were a girl I imagined at least an MMA wrestler BUT I got an average looking one." She didn't know whether to be offended or not. It was really the closest she ever got to a normal complement yet it wasn't as nice as she imagined it but, expected from someone as blunt as Yoongi.

"You must be talking about Mercedes The Rottweiler. 6 feet, 230 pounds of pure muscle. She once lifted me up the ground by the head with her bare hands. Closest I ever felt about being beheaded." Diana joked and Yoongi managed to chuckle with her.

"Sounds interesting… if you didn't come would she have been our bodyguard?" Yoongi asks and Diana ponders.

"Who knows. She is off in Kuwait doing raids and extractions. Besides I don't think she would like to be a babysitter quite like I do." Yoongi is the one offended now. His brows crease together and lip downturned to an impassive pout. "Oh come on. It is just a joke."

"You're not that much older than us and you think we need your protection and guidance?"

Diana gives him a dumb look, surprised he's even asking. "Uh, yes, you literally had a dude choking you and I had a gun on my head and you're talking about protection!"

"Is that it?" Yoongi just couldn't keep himself quiet, wanting to have the last word. Trying to get every information from Diana he can get, however, Yoongi was making her furious. "So you agreed because Sejin-nim is paying not because he asked you."

"Huh? Why are you even asking that?"

"So if someone were to pay you double— or even the amount you're receiving, you'll turn me in, you'll turn all of us in?" Yoongi questions as his face morph to disbelief.

"What— no. Yoongi I have principles, loyalty to my customer. I don't sell them— oh." Diana pauses, the distrust clear in his eyes. It was a test. She sighs and breaths as she explains herself. "I have a duty to protect and serve… Sejin told me about the threats." Diana stands up and pulls out her phone, showing him the pictures of the letters and insignia. "This is not your regular hater or whatever. This is an actual threat of someone with influence, power, and money."

Yoongi follows as she starts walking, the bike helmet once again on her head. "What do they want from us then? We are a music group, not a gang."

"That's what I want to figure out. I have speculations but no solid proof. Deongjeong might want to make business in the entertainment industry. It is a booming economy and since BigHit is still a pretty recent company and their bands being such a global sensation…. those investments will just multiply."

"That's risky on its own, if we were to find out we have involvement with the Yakuza, it's going to look bad on us," Yoongi affirms, and Diana nods. Exiting the store, they check for any threat and see the men are gone. She is still cautious as they make it to the car.

Diana dials Sejin to report the incident but Yoongi grabs her hand and stops him. "What are you doing?"

"Don't report it."

"I have to, we are lucky to have made it out. I'll tell him to raise surveillance—" Yoongi snatches her phone and Diana grabs his shoulder, putting pressure on the muscle until he gives in. "You are not going to win this. Why are you stopping me?" Yoongi pushes her away, the phone still in his hand.

"We know nothing�� BTS and the company are being threatened but everyone is acting like nothing is happening. We get fewer hours outside and can barely post on social media out of fear that they might be watching! I hate it!" Diana understands his reasoning and while she knows he feels trapped in her opinion is the best course of action. She doesn't reply, Yoongi sighs and turns on the car, driving back to the company.

Several days passed after the incident. The threats are consistent and information is scarce. It is like the perpetrators come an go without a trace. Diana didn't report what happened during the outing with Yoongi. Probably out of sympathy or that she wouldn't be nagged for getting Yoongi into trouble. The only good news in the entire week is that she identified the four men that attacked them, the one behind it all was, Ran Yohan.

"Ran Yohan… never heard of that name," Yoongi discusses over lunch, using the employee cafeteria since he's not allowed to go too far from the company even with Diana around.

"I don't think you would, he was likely just paid to kidnap you. It didn't work well, huh." Diana writes some notes down, keeping track of everything that comes to mind. "I'll check him out. In the meantime you have a dance rehearsal at seven-thirty… are you going to spend all night in your studio again?"

"What are you, a secretary? Why are you keeping track of our schedules?"

"Kind of have to, you know. So I know where you guys are at all times. It is hard to keep accountability when you are all spread out all over the building and I need to find each of you every hour to be accounted for."

"I thought you don't work while we are in the building?" Yoongi munches on his last bite before throwing away the trash.

Diana hums, "Not necessarily but while the other guards are securing the building I need to check everyone is where they are supposed to be. Speaking of, I need to find Jungkook and Jimin, I texted them half an hour ago to tell me where they are and they haven't replied." She checks her phone seeing the two messages she sent then individually were left on read.

"Hope you find them, they probably listened to Seokjin hyung and decided to escape."

Diana stands and takes a hold of Yoongi's arm, pulling him back. "Where are they?" She looked murderous. Simple orders and two out of the seven couldn't follow it. They were only seven, how hard was it to keep track of seven people. Yoongi shakes her off, has gotten used to her passive-aggressiveness. "Is break time… they are just eating."

"Outside, Sunbaenim! As far as I'm concerned those two have no sense of awareness." While Diana might be right, Yoongi wasn't going to side with her. In his opinion, she's taking her job a little too seriously. Ever since the little incident, Diana has been more alert than ever. Her suspect list kept getting longer but they haven't had much of a breakthrough. "Nevermind, I'm going after them."

"And how are you planning to find them exactly." Yoongi cocks her head, almost doubting she'll find her but is like he could see a shit-eating grin behind the motorcycle helmet.

"I'm a hound, I'll find them even if I have to dig a hole and find their bones."

"I don't know if you just called yourself a bitch," Yonngi muttered.

"At this point, I consider that a compliment. Now, of you go, I'll be back in an hour with the two." Diana retires first, yoongi watching her back as she so confidently and eagerly goes to do her job. Yoongi watches as she leaves, getting on her bike and driving off. He's not one to worry about strangers and Diana has already proven him she's just fine on her own but…

… why does it feel like he wants to get rid of all her burdens?