Chapter 2 The Devils Busy

Stop yelling with yo big ol head says Mary Jane Williams my oldest sister as we headed in the house from playing. Me and my sister always do our toe nails and finger nails when we get together at my daddy house on the weekend.

My oldest brother Travis Deon Williams came in the room talking trash. Hey big head girl I jump up on his back. He always puts me on his back when I came out there cause I always been the baby girl until I gained a little weight Lol. Dam girl what have you been eating? Some of everything! that's why your big head butt done gained some weight you getting to heavy to carry round now Lol. I said I eat good that's why in started laughing.

We all got ready to watch tv my sister went to her room and got on the phone. I started getting sleepy so I got up an started heading to the room, I tried to open the door in couldn't get in the room. I yelled open the door so she gets up in moves the bed from behind the door in tells me I better come in or stay out. I never thought about why my sister slept with the bed behind the door until one night I was half way sleep.

You can see the feet shadow under the door so as I was laying there I heard somebody trying to come in while we was sleep. I rolled over like I was sleep because they couldn't get in. That morning my father told us don't be having that bed behind the door like that. My sister face expression showed that she was terrified. I never thought about asking my sister what's going I just thought she was crazy until this following night.

Night time came my father woke my sister up out of her sleep an made her go bath and then he beat her. He beat her so bad till the point you can hear my sister falling in the tub and hitting the wall. My oldest brother Travis jump on our daddy protecting my sister from my father. Me and Jr sat there in watched it happen he threw our brother out of his house on to the streets and my sister got shipped to that nasty bitch our grandmother in Detroit Michigan.

I cried because my sister is gone now I have nobody to protect me from whatever happened. Now it left me and Jr until our father meet his new wife girl or whatever she was too him. She was pregnant with our little brother. She had him the next time we came out in his name was little Ronnie Own Williams.

We got to meet her and our little brother, we was excited about having another sibling but that still wasn't enough for my father in his needs. One night I never in my dreams would ever imagine the harm he would do to me this early.

As night time approach me, little Ronnie and Jr was sleeping in the room I felt somebody wake me up Erica Erica Erica get up now said my father. I got up in followed him to the room. Why wasn't the kitchen clean? It was clean before I went to sleep. Mind I'm only ten years old round the time. Why I found a crumb on the counter? Idk I cleaned before I laid down. Well drop all your clothes in get under the cover. I do as he said so I heard him say why you can't listen I pleaded that night while he started touching me with his dick he crest it cross my private area so I'm crying cause I'm scared. He went to jacking off behind me while running his fingers across my private and every touch I jump cause I'm scared.

After he finish he mad me go lay back down and I cried until I fell a sleep. He did the same thing the next night but this time he threaten my life and my mothers life if I said some anything. The following night we was getting ready to go home he reminded me of the threat. Then gone tell us he love us. I went in my mama house saying I don't want to go out there no more. My mother ask me what's wrong? I can't say I just don't want to go out there no more I wanna spend the summer with my cousin Kim.

My mother let's me leave to go to Valdosta for the summer time I was so happy I wasn't going to the devil house. One night me an my favorite cousin Kim was having a late night talk about something. I told her to make a promise not to say nothing. Kim said of course. I told her what my father did to me the week before I came up there, she was in disbelief in was pissed off. I woke up to her mama Porsha going off on the phone saying you better do something before I do.

She woke me up come talk to Auntie. I sat in told her everything I told my cousin she was like Ooh fuck nawl I'm bout to make my way to Tallahassee today cause that fuck nigga got to go. Scared now cause they had done called the police but they didn't do nothing they just swept it under the rug in kept it moving he was a free man. Now by the time the summer came to a end. I'm scared out of my mind because he knows I told but that didn't stop nothing. My birthday coming up in a three weeks an I was turning 11 but I thought 10 was hell. hahahahahaha that's not even close that's just the beginning. I thought it couldn't get any worse but I guess I was wrong.