The Captured

Annalie's POV

"Nikita! Oh thank goodness! I got Mentor, Maliki and two men. Hah!" Annalie spoke as Nikita froze, she glared. Annalie looked confused as Nikita walked passed her. "Nikita?" Annalie turned her body looking at Nikita, Mentor and the others were talking in the distance as they went back on the ship. Maliki grabbed Annalie. "Lady Annalie, hurry we need to leave." Annalie looked at Maliki, her eyes drew at the Askguri's ship as she heard Nikita yelling at two men. "Annalie!" Maliki yelled as Askguri ship dropped down ropes. Nikita attacked one of the men as they continue to yell. Tank and others grabbed Nikita and other men onto the ship.

      Maliki carried Annalie as she stayed silent. "You spaced out. And yet-" Maliki was slain from the sword, Annalie's eyes was widen as both of them fell down. She got up quickly, looking at her ship. "Mentor and Tank take Maliki!" They both dropped down as they grabbed Maliki, Mentor and Tank climbed up of the edge of the ship pulling Maliki on. Annalie cut their ropes as she smiled at them knowing what she had to do. "Wait! Annalie! What are you doing!?" Nikita yelled leaning against the edge of the ship.

     Annalie dropped her sword at the ocean, she sighed deeply facing to Askguri guards. As she heard from the distance from Nikita's voice. "Annalie! No! Let me go! Not again, Annalie!" "Nikita..."

Nikita's POV

Nikita cried after the captured, Mentor stayed silent not leading the group as Maliki was unconscious. She glared at Octavius remembering what happened.

Nikita's memory

"Why are you both here!? After all you sent me away!?" She drew her sword, her eyes stared at Octavius and Hector as they both were surprised. "Nikita?.. I-" "Shut up and tell me why are you here!?" She interrupted Hector as he looked at Octavius, she glared at them. "Nikita. As your broth-" "You're no brother of mine." She swung her sword as Octavius defended. "Nikita! Please! We're here to help you and your Princess!" "Someone help me get Nikita please!" She was pulled by Tank as he carried to the ship, Nikita stuggled as her angered emotions gotten to her. Mentor brought Hector and Octavius a board as Nikita's eyes drew at Annalie standing there being captured, she rushed to the edge yelling for Annalie. "Wait! Annalie! What are you doing!?" Nikita placed her foot on the edge as Octavius grabbed her tightly, Nikita yelled "Annalie! No! Let me go! Not again, Annalie!"

Nikita's present POV

"Dammit! I failed to protect her and yet.. Annalie...!" She cried out as the others felt guilt and sadness, Mentor clenched his fist tightly as he silently cried.