The Attack

Nikita's POV

Nikita and her guards stood still as they saw the other guards and Tank holding the slaves. She sees them injured as Tank looked at her slightly. "Tank? What the hell happened?" She asked as she stepped forward to help the others, the slaves stayed silent as the young lady spoke to the other guards. "Nikita... They took Annalie, Mentor, Maliki and.. two other men we don't even know. We were useless until-" "Wait! You're telling me that they just took them!?" She panicked as other guards calmed her down, she glared. "Nikita, there's time we can catch them up." Tank says as he looked down, Nikita quiver slightly as she raised her head. "Everyone, let's move out and head to the-" "Lady Nikita!" She was interrupted by JJ as the ship pulled by at the edge of the sand, Nikita was surprised. "Get all the slaves on board, we're getting Annalie and the others back. Now let's move!"

Few minutes

"Nikita! There's a boat, and appear to see Annalie on it." A guard handed her the telescope, Nikita used it, she glared turning her head towards the guards. "Now, we're are going to attack and bring back Annalie and the others. Let's go!" Nikita drew her sword, her angred emotion gotten to her as she sees her childhood friend looking down. Askguri guards drew their sword towards them.

    Nikita jumped down as she slain two Askguri guards, she grabbed Annalie as she smiled happily. "Nikita, haha always here to save me as always." Annalie spoke happily, her eyes drew behind, Nikita cut the ropes as Tank and JJ ties the small boat towards the ship. Annalie smiled at her guards as they cheered, Nikita looked around as she sees door way that leads to the others. "Annalie, your plan?" She asked as other guards jumped down with them, Annalie nodded turning around holding her sword tightly. "We need a distraction, there are 10 of them. Nikita you take the others to the door as you barge in, I'll take these guards to break a hole on our way in." She smiled at Annalie, she nodded as they walked towards the door ready to break in.

Mentor's POV

"You wanted to join us? For what? Your family is the one who wanted slaves." Maliki spoke with angered as he looked at Askguri guards, as he heard a door slammed and yelling, he got up and see what's going within minutes. He saw Annalie broke a hole above us as she stand on her feet. "Aha! Annalie!" Maliki smiled as he got up, Annalie cut his rope as Mentor smiled at her. "Sir Mentor." She spoke to him as he nodded, Annalie cut his rope as she sighed relieved, Tank interrupted as he yelled. "Lady Annalie! There's a ship heading towards us. It's Askguri!" Mentor glared, Annalie cut the others rope as they stayed silent. "Lady Annalie we need to get out of here before more come." Mentor spoke as others jumped up, Annalie looked at him as she smiled. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She jumped up as Mentor helped her by pushing her, he was pulled by Maliki and Tank as they laughed of joy.