As time went by, little Roxanne wasn't so little anymore, she knew that she would have to grow up sooner or later but she never thought it would be so soon, especially without her father to teach her to fight, survive and most importantly, how to lock her heart away...


6:30 AM

at the house 

Birds chirped outside Roxanne's basement window, the sun seemed to have leaked inside uninvited, Roxanne growled before closing her curtains and slamming back down on her bed "ROXANNE!!!" her mother shouted, "WHAT IS IT!?" "TIME FOR SCHOOL, EAT YOUR FOOD" "FIIIIIINNNNNNEEE!!" she roared. Getting up to the most hated of sunlight, she stomped upstairs to see the face of her mother " go eat" "I can't I'm going to be late for school" Roxanne said as she rushed outside to the bus stop "hey Roxanne, who you gonna kill today" a boy with blond curly lock and deep orange eyes "it really depends on who pissed me off the most, notes" she snapped her fingers and the boy rushed to pull out a book "okay so Rachel Hopkins threw a huge glitter bomb in your locker, evidence her glossy girl lipstick" "next" " and last Tyler Hitchens who continues to spread rumors that you lost your virginity to one of the football boys" "check him" the boy then took a red pen and marked out his name "mason, you know I appreciate you right?" "of course I know, you haven't cussed me out yet so that's a good sign right" the two chuckled, Mason was your average 16-year-old teenage boy who got along with everyone when he moved to Spokeland, of course, Roxanne noticed and took advantage of his ability to know gossip around school, every fight, answers to test and with him she knew everyone inside out.

"so anything in history I need to know," she asked "um...there is a history assessment in two days but otherwise it's just more paperwork, I have the links if you want them" "that would be nice" Mason then handed Roxanne the notes, Roxanne was 15 now and was a lot more adaptable, at times she would compare herself to an American gangster for her knowledge of her community and for her way of making money.

the bus then pulled up with the shouting of teenagers, the two then walked on the bus, everyone looked at Roxanne with fear, trying to figure out her next move as she waltzed past everyone to the back of the bus where her seat was untouched, Mason sat across from her because she refused to sit next to anyone she despised "hey Roxanne, I need your help" a nerd, 3rd class in the popularity "what is it" Roxanne stared at her with cold dead eyes "so there is this guy, he's been stealing my lunch money and I have been starving, I was told that you could help me" Roxanne snapped her fingers and like a dog Mason came rushing over with a notebook and pen "name, race, age, and gender" Mason chirped as he took notes "okay I will take care of it, now all I want from you in return for my services is a chocolate chip cookie dough packet every day for two weeks" the girl looked at her for a second trying to figure out why she would want so much cookie dough but then shrugged it off after seeing her angry expression "okay deal" she blurted before shaking Roxanne's hand and rushing back to her seat "if I may ask, why so much cookie dough" Mason asked Roxanne "so we can bake them and sell them for a 'fundraiser'" Roxanne winked, Mason chuckled "of course, it's always about money" "what it makes the world go round" "but lying?" "people have lied to me, what's wrong with lying to them," she said while pulling out a sucker and popping it into her mouth "so when are we going to meet this kid" "today at lunch when they strike" "in front of people" "what's wrong with humiliation, it weakens your enemies so you can crush them" "exactly" "Mason, its for the great or good and right now, its for the better or failures" 

 the bus finally came to a halt at the hell hole its self, of course, Roxanne and Mason were the first ones to exit the bus and make their way inside the building 



Roxanne was getting her tray of mystery meat when she saw the girl from the bus being staked by a boy in her description, she rolled her eyes before walking over to him, the boy was getting closer to the girl, before he could do anything, Roxanne faked a trip dumped all her food on the boy, gravy slithered down his hair to his face, he gasped at disbelief "oh I'm So Sorry, I didn't mean to" Roxanne said sarcastically, everyone around the boy laughed and made fun of him, he was of course distressed and dashed out of the room but not before Roxanne grabbed the collar of his shirt "stay away from that girl or I will do worse than just make you look like a fool" she whispered in his ear, he dashed off to get clean, the girl then ran up to her "thank you so much, I will get your cookie dough tomorrow I promise" before she trotted to go eat in peace.

Mason then walked over to Roxanne with his tray "do you want to go back and get a new tray?" "sure, I'm starving" the two then walked back into the kitchen



the gym was separated by zodiac sign as it has always been, Mason thankfully was a Taurus like Roxanne which made her feel a little less lonely, Riley sat in the next row but she made sure to be as close as possible to her only friend Roxanne, of course, that's not how Roxanne saw it

"good evening students, thank you for coming to this assembly, now as we all know being separated by date of birth has really improved our school system and grades, we are the worlds 5 leading schools so this year lets try to make it a number one. now i think we all know that there will be a dance next week and the admission fee will be 3$ per person 5$ for the couple's, any way you are all young adults now so I know you will make a good decision" Roxanne rolled her eyes, she knew what most of these kids were planning on doing behind the school or in their cars, she could have said something but she also wanted to keep quiet and listen "now that cleared, there will be a new student arriving here in two days so I don't want any fighting, if I hear about anything about it, that student or students will be suspended for 2 weeks" 



Roxanne sat with her siblings to eat a plate of green bean casserole and meatloaf that their stepfather had made, the food was so cold "so how was a school" their mother asked, of course, Vivi was the first to talk, it was always her, next was her older brother who would mostly talk about sports and video games but Roxanne as always never talked, instead she stood up, pushed in her chair and said goodnight before locking herself in her room, as always her parents will try to tell her ass to come out but she would listen to her music and think about what to do next to...    

note: hey guys, thank you so much for reading moy stories, I really appreciate it, I'm new to webnovel and am trying to get the swing of things so thank you for your readings, also it would really make my day if you guys could give comments and share and again a huge THANK YOU to everyone one that reads, have and awesome day!!!