
A beautiful girl wearing a blue gown was sitting on the chair in a room full of mics, cameras, and flashlights.

The room was silent except with the voice of flashlights blinking. In front of the pretty lady in a gown was another woman with some papers and a cup in her hands.

She was a beauty with blond hair and grey eyes and dressed simply and elegantly in a well-fitted suit.

A blonde man with a red cap on his head motioned the elegantly dressed lady, and they exchanged a nod before the woman's face switched to a smile.

The woman exchanged glances with the dark-haired and began, "welcome fellas, I am your host Elsa, and today I am having an interview of a very famous novelist who became well known after writing her first novel. Welcome, Lena," she grinned mysteriously, then turned towards Aleena and continued, "Lena, welcome to our show, and thank you for accepting our invitation."

"Thank you for inviting me, Elsa," Aleena replied, her voice bright with excitement.

"So Lena, I heard that it's your first appearance, any specific reason for not appearing," Elsa asked curiously.

"Yes, it's my first appearance," Aleena smiled, not at all taken aback by the question, "and as for why I wanted my readers to write something without worrying about creed cast and color."

"An excellent idea. Lena, I have a question from your fans," The reporter smiled as she flipped the page on her script, "so are you willing to answer them?"

"Please go ahead," Aleena encouraged.

"Someone asked that there was a part in the novel when the female lead can leave the male-lead then why could she not do that," The reporter asked blandly, changing a few words as she read the question of the script.

"Well, the answer to that is straightforward. Divorce is a straightforward choice, but you don't just end your relationship, you do what you can to make it better," Aleena answered, pouring her emotions in her statement.

"Explained so poetically, I loved it. So moving on to the next question," The reporter resisted grinning as her curiosity was peeking and questions started to build in her mind.

"Why did you write?" The reporter asked.

"Well, I would like to say that there are people in the world who cannot tell their worries and problems I just wanted to become and work as a voice for them," Aleena explained calmly as she spoke from her heart.

"Lena, your personal life is always a mystery, so can you please elaborate," The reporter pressed, her eyebrow rising further with curiosity.

"My life is the life of an ordinary person; nothing mysterious is there about it. I live, eat, and stay like a normal person," Aleena replied, quick to end the question and give no further explanations.

In the middle of the show, the blond guy motioned again and passed her the tablet while avoiding the cameras.

The reporter briefly read what was on the tablet and then nodded to show it was appropriate to ask, "Lena, someone just tweeted me to ask you why you gave the novel a tragic ending, any specific reason for that?" She sat up straighter in her chair, in anticipation of Aleena's answer. She was starting to get more fond of Aleena.

"Well when relationships start to become a responsibility rather than something shared happily mutually, the love between slowly disappears leaving them like a hollow tree," Aleena explained, "so instead of having a hollow tree with no fruit, it's better to end or cut that tree and plant a fresh one which benefits us and others."

"Nicely put," The reporter smiled, happy with Aleena's answer, "here we take a little break and will be back later."

The blond guy looked at the cameras for a second and then announced "CUT!" and the crew broke apart to do their separate jobs before the interview could begin again.

"Ahem," the interviewer cleared her throat, calling my attention.

"Yea?" Aleena asked, turning to her.

The interviewer hesitated for a second before continuing, "Mind if I ask you something?"

"Please go ahead," Aleena allowed, curious to find out the question.

"Lena, why a gown for the interview?" Elsa asked.

They locked eyes for a moment, and Aleena chuckled.

"Elsa, do you have a best friend?"

"Yes, I have three best friends," Elsa replied, confused at the sudden question.

"Did they support you during your first time?" Aleena asked, throwing Elsa into more confusion.

Elsa thought for a minute wondering where the conversation was going, but answered, "yes, "

"Then think of this as my best friend's work," Aleena laughed, "they designed it for me."

"Wow, your best friends must dote on you, huh?" Elsa laughed as she finally got the point.

"Yes, I am lucky to have them," Aleena chuckled, revealing a mom-like grin.

The blond guy as usual cut in and motioned Elsa which was I guess a signal to continue the interview, Elsa turned towards Lena. We gave an apologetic smile, "ok, Lena, sorry to cut their conversation short, but your fans are waiting."

"That's ok," Aleena smiled, "let's go."

They exchanged smiles and Elsa continued with the interview, "welcome back fellas, I hope you are enjoying our interview so far, and now we will continue our Q and A session with famous writer Lena!"

After a few questions, it was time for the show to end and Elsa began her last line, "thank you for joining us, Lena, thank you all for watching now we will take our leave. This was Q and A study with Ella from XYZ channel,"

And the interview ended, Aleena had Elsa parted ways with a 'will meet you again soon' that might never be fulfilled.

Mhm time to bug my favorite new reporter, aka the scary fairy Selena.

I dashed to her room. And looking out of the glass, she is busy, humph Selena time to get revenge for getting me in an interview.

'Selena, here comes me hehe.'