

    He was lying on his desk, putting his legs on top of the counter in a crossed manner, putting his hands at the back of his head, and looking at the ceiling, relaxation, total relaxation. 

    While sun rays danced on his face, coming from the wall-sized window in front of him, plus a newly prepared cup of coffee resting on it, while white air was dancing upward. 

    The typical life of a CEO and he is not any CEO, smiling slightly, he thought, 'yeah life sure is easy, what in the world can distribute this tranquility,' Akhil surely is taking his relaxing moments to heart. But...


    This tranquility was interrupted by a call from his landline, he thought, 'who is it now that is trying to interrupt this tranquility,' frustration can be seen into his face. 

    'This secretary of mine, I will surely fire her,' throwing the blame into the secretary. He forgot that this is his direct landline that no one can call except really, really influential people. 

     He fought the urge to answer this call and shouting by massaging his glabella, and thinking, 'he will surely forget about it, and will let me alone.' 


    You can say that this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Quickly he repositioned himself, clutching his hand into the landline handle, then raising it slowly into his ears. 

"Who dares to call this number," he asked slowly and coldly with an imposing tone of authority. 

"Ohio, Akhil," only one in all the kingdom greeted like this, Akhil thought, 'gulp, it was his highness! I am dead'. Knowing this, the atmosphere in the office turned gloomy. 

"Hi, your highness, what's up?" asked Akhil gently, trying to loosen the atmosphere. 

"Oh nothing, I only did-----," his highness recited a situation that happened with him, he did not finish describing it, already Akhil was staring forward blankly while his mouth was opened to the air. It is good that he did not drop the phone.

"Hey, hey woke up," zain shouted through the phone to wake Akhil from his new state.

    "Huh! Seriously Zain?! Again? Fifteen people were badly injured, and 8 broke their bones, and the rest of them are in serious condition. When will you learn to control your anger?" shaking his head forcefully, Akhil's voice scolded from the earpiece.

"Look at my eyes, why do I feel it is not as easy as you made it? Why do I feel a war has happened?", mmm he asked zain to look into his eyes by phone, Maybe he lost his mind from shock. But his sixth sense is perfect… 

-------------------------{an hour before}-----------------

There was in a secretive room, a young man standing in front of a substantial brown desk, he was holding his hands at his back and looking down in respect of someone, with no emotions across his face.

Across him on the disc, a strong middle-aged man was playing with a pen while staring coldly at the young man. 

At the right of the middle-aged man was standing a tall huge bald man rising his chest and holding his hand in front of him. This man was leaking a very intense aura, simply he was not a simple man.

"Zain, simply if you did not return to your usual self, I will take your title of the crown prince away from you," oh so the young man was his highness!

 The middle-aged man looked at Zain, then stated this coldly and nonchalantly. Who is he to have the authority to dethrone the crown prince himself!! 

    "Yes, your majesty," oh, he is the King himself!! Staring with a slight galore, his majesty was outraged 

    "Now go away, don't show me your face." waving his hands at zain, he ordered imposingly. 

    Zain without emotions turned around and left simply, closing the door of the room behind him, but before he exited a slight frown imprinted on his face. 

    "Sigh, what should I do with this kid," oh, a sad, frustrated sigh left his majesty's mouth. Zain's actions surely hurt him too. 

    "Don't worry, your majesty, I will make sure he won't do something stupid this time," the bald man finally talked with a loud voice, unleashing some from his fighting spirit. 

    "Do whatever you want, general woe," the king seems not interested in what will happen. In contrast, the duo looks like they are interpreting this situation.

"Hey, hup," smiling brightly and clutching his hand into a fist, general woe shouted in excitement.  

In another place, following Zain, he was lost in his thoughts. Of course, anger appeared on his face by imprinting a frown across his eyebrows. 

Moving fastly while shouted, it is okay now one was there, "this father of mine he-he never understands me." 

"Uggg, it is like mixing water with oil, they will never mix" poor zain, what happened in your childhood to make you two develop this weird relationship. 

"Haha, my father, my dad, knows nothing about me, and I know nothing about him," this hurts, you are living in a whole different world from your father… sigh.

 He continued blaming something else now, "good, good life you sure can play tricks," his anger intensified soon, holding his two hands into fists, he needed to calm down. 

"Calm down, calm down, zain. There is no point of becoming angry," pooh, good he succeed in continuing his anger, if he wanted to find a solution, the first thing he needs is to reason, 

While he was angry, strolling throughout this colossal castle, he subconsciously moved towards the training camp of the guards. 


'Oh, finally, an opportunity to vent this negative energy I have,' he thought. With a devilish smile, he cracked all of his bones plus his neck. 


"One two three power is for me." 

"Four five six, the king is king."

"Seven eight nine, I will protect him." 

"Ten, then let's fight!!"